Monday, December 12, 2022

A Cool Start to the Week, Making Room for Christmas, Family Birthday

Park Place RV Park

On Monday, Dec. 12th, our 3rd oldest grandson, Braeden, was turning 21. I’m sure he is enjoying himself on this special birthday back home and we wish this handsome young man Happy Birthday!

Happy 21st Birthday, Braeden!

We were up by 7:30 and following our normal routine.  Gibbs and I got our walks out of the way, it was 43F/6C but I felt cool so dressed warm. The high today was only going to reach 57F/14C and a low of 37F/3C tonight so we’ll just roll with the punches until it returns to warmer days. 😊

The mountains to the west saw the sun before
we did

Waiting for the 'pop!'


We were expecting deliveries today, a few of them, by FedEx and UPS so one of us needed to stick around home. My mornings aren’t necessarily important to be at the puzzle so I was quite happy to stay home while Bill went flying. After he returned home, and no drop off yet, we had lunch and then I went to the clubhouse at 12:30.

Most of my pictures are from my walk this morning
The Community Centre where the parade ended

Love the camels!

Patty teased me yesterday about finishing the puzzle so she could remove the orange tablecloth (Thanksgiving/Hallowe’en) and put on the Christmas one. I knew I wouldn’t be done anytime soon so I took advantage of being over there alone (the office is closed between 12 – 1) and moved the puzzle onto a sheet of Bristol board and the pieces into the box lids. Making room for Christmas. 💕

Each time I walk, I see something new
The area is marked out clearly in white paint

When she came in, she was so tickled that I did that and we decorated the table appropriately for the season. The funny thing is that on the black background and with the pieces separated out into colours in the lids, it made it much easier for me to work at it. I accomplished a lot, including finding that last border piece! 😊

We had enough rain overnight to
leave the gravel and sand wet
and obviously a puddle in this picture

I zoomed in here to take this but
I was this close to Bill's flying field today
I'll get there yet 😃
Only 150 steps shy of 8,000 today

At home, I had a cup of tea, it was cloudy, windy and felt quite cool without a jacket. We watched a movie, some Highway to Hell episodes and then had supper. Tonight, instead of the planned steak dinner, we had mac & cheese with wieners. It was filling and we both enjoyed the simplicity of the whole thing. We were finished and ready to watch The Voice – Finale – Part 1 at 6 pm.

You should notice the black background
the Christmas table cloth
and of course,
more pieces in place! Yay!

This has been a good day here in Quartzsite. Bill didn’t have a good morning flying but once more is rising to the challenges presented to him. One day he’ll have a story to tell!

Good night!

Thank you for popping around.


  1. Happy Birthday to your handsome grandson. You have lots of patience to do that puzzle Patsy. Hope Bill's flying days get better.

    1. Thank you Loree. Braeden has grown into a handsome and kind young man.

  2. That puzzle makes my eyes hurt!!! LOL

  3. Happy Birthday to grandson Braedon.
    I can see how a plain backing would make the easier to see.
    Hope there are better flying days ahead Bill.


  4. Happy Birthday to your grandson Braedon!
    The puzzle is looking great - I've one on my kitchen table that is moving at glacial speed. Perhaps I need to change out the table cloth. :)
    I do hope the weather warms up soon for you, and Bill is able to fly as he likes.

    1. Thank you Maebeme. We've got a few more days of cool weather but Bill's luck is changing. :)

  5. Wow. You are progressing quickly on the puzzle.

  6. You got a metal detector club in your area? Well, that would be a neat hobby if there are things to be found in the ground and I don't mean nails.

  7. Happy Birthday to your grandson. Wow, have you ever made headway on that puzzle.

    God bless.
