Sunday, March 26, 2023

A Couple of ‘Lasts’ for Now, Lovely Spring Day

Park Place RV Park

Sunday, Mar. 26th was starting the last day of the week or the first day of the week, depending on how you look at it. For me, after a working career, it was the last day as Monday started our work week.  It was a tad cool to start but we were all up by 7:30 and Gibbs and I got out for our walk at 8. I didn’t need much for a jacket under those sunny skies.

Last night, while i finished my blog
my chair was being saved for me - I think

This Prickly Pear cactus is one
I've been watching each day on our walk

After our walk, I headed over to the clubhouse. Nancy and I had a puzzle to get working on. She’s leaving in the morning and wants to take it with her. We had a bit of help from 2 young boys who came in to the clubhouse. Cute kids on March break, here with their dad. 😊 They put some of the dog faces together and then left us to work on it alone.

This morning's walk

It was fun to do together!
Darn the overhead lights!
Nancy's pix might be better
on her blog here

You know we had to finish it before we left so by 11:30 we took pictures and walked away. It was fun and one of the ‘lasts’ for this season. Nancy and I working on a puzzle together is one of those special moments I treasure. Bill had done a couple of jobs around the Suite, inside and outside, and I had packed my paints back under the bed. I’ve already painted the ‘last’ rock this trip.

Lori and I had 
blended margaritas - Yum

After some lunch, a toasted keto cheese and lettuce sandwich, Gibbs and I went for another short walk. I took some painted ‘creations’ over to place in the clubhouse and since Adele and Dora were there, I also gave them the two I made for them. The girls were playing poker pool and invited me to play. Of course, I joined in. My last game is just around the corner so I am enjoying the extra games.

Yum, the Al's combo house favourite

Five of us played until 3:30 and I returned to walk Gibbs once more. Bill was all ready to go for supper so I changed into clean clothes as well. After picking Nancy up, we met Roland and Lori at Silly Al’s for our ‘last’ pizza this season. We treated ourselves and had margaritas, rum and beer. Why the heck not? My Al’s combo pizza was delicious and I brought half of it home, as usual.

Good friends sharing conversation
over good food

This place is always busy busy

We said our goodbyes and that was it for this year. The last time we’ll see those two until the fall. It’s amazing how many friends we’ve made in this lifestyle. We all understand each other and realize how important it is to nurture these friendships. I’m so glad we were able to have one more visit. We dropped Nancy off and came home to watch tv together. Gibbs was happy to see us, as usual.

Two Reflections just down the row from us
Hey! One is Nancy's 😃
Good night

Another great day on the record. Thank you for the visit.


  1. Sounds like you are really enjoying your last days at the park. Great to have Nancy visit for sure. Always nice to get together with friends at Silly Al's. Really like the picture of the Prickly Pear.

  2. Mmm Silly Al’s, my stomach is watering 😊. It’s always nice to meet up with friends.

    1. It was great to see these 3 friends again before we all head out.

  3. Such fun catching up with everyone. I'm happy to hear their fridge is working! LOL. I'm going to miss you three ... until next year!!

  4. I suppose that's why I think of Monday as the start of the week too. All those years of working drummed it into me.
    Glad you were able to get together with friends fbefore the end of the season. It does seem to be a small world - at least amongst the bloggers I read.

    1. Thank you. It's funny, I mentioned George and Suzie aroung the pizza table and then realized that everyone, although from different areas, knew them well. ♥

  5. I'm ready to just take a drive and head for Silly Al's LOL. Sure missed that this year! Glad you got to see Lori and Roland one more time! Nancy too!

    1. thank you Shirley. Silly Al's seems to bring everyone together.

  6. Saying good-bye for some reason always seems to be a poignant end to spending time together.

    Cute puzzle and those pizza's at Silly Al's look very good.

    God bless.

    1. Bittersweet moments, leaving friends. We always pray that we'll see them in the fall and that is still our plan.
