Saturday, September 23, 2023

Another Awesome Trip Around the Sun

The Ridge

Saturday, Sept. 23rd. Alas, another birthday, another year older. 😊 All is well in my little piece of heaven. Bill was up and off to the flying field just after 8 and the Ram looks nice pulling the cargo trailer but still not near as nice as Black Beauty. I’m a tad prejudiced, I guess.

The fall colours are showing as Bill pulls
out to go flying.

It's a nice morning to fly.

Today, is my day and before 8 I’d received Facebook messages, one lovely card-wish from my sister in Montreal, and a couple of texts. They didn’t stop all day, the wishes and each and everyone makes me smile. Some are from long-ago, long-time friends and I know if it wasn’t for FB, these wishes would not be as easily sent and received and maybe not at all. So, I’m grateful for that even though much is said about the social media.

Today, the sun kept tabs on me, no matter where I roamed.
See how it looks like a ♥ peeking through the tree top?

So what filled my day? I first finished my blog from yesterday with Gibbs at my side (behind me) and my cup of tea. I then played my online games and then Gibbs took me for my walk to the church. 

Are you coming, Mom?

There it is again, same walk,
different tree.

Back home, I changed into work shorts and an old shirt. Before I could relax, I wanted to finish the clean up at the front field. There were vines to pick up, too much to fit into my wagon so I gathered it all together in one big pile, dragging it across the field.

All the piles of vine on both sides of the fence
and all the little spindly trees that Bill hates
are cut and cleaned up 😁

A pile of brush for another day
and a 
wagon full

Small stuff went into the wagon and by the time I finished, I was feeling the heat of the day. It was 12:30 already! I’d left Gibbs in the Suite so I could work faster down there. I figured by this time that Bill wasn’t coming home to eat with me so made a quesadilla with tomatoes, bacon, onion, celery and cheese. I do love this ‘creation’ of mine. 😊

There's my sun, again. ♥

A delicious lunch for one. 

I was done with the chores and after conversations with both children, Bridgette and Patrick, I thought a bike ride would be nice treat for this afternoon so I raised the door to the shelter where Jazz was. Then I sat with Gibbs in my chair outside and waited for Bill. 

Who's that sleeping under my chair?

Oh, it's someone looking for attention.
I get it now!

The ride didn't work out as by 2:15 Bill wasn't home from the field yet. I knew I wanted to nip into town for a bottle of wine for tomorrow so once more, I changed into some ‘today is my birthday' clothes (haha) and drove to Durham. I got cleaned up, in other words.

Before going to town, the 
sun was peeking again. ♥

I know he didn’t see me but I met Bill in the red truck on the highway towards home. Two ships passing in the night/day! 😊 While in town I also returned the collection of alcohol cans and bottles to the Beer Store and got my $2.50. Pittance but at the same time, something for my pocket. Bill was unhooked and ready to go get water from the Acreage by the time I returned home so a quick kiss and I came inside to pour myself a drink.

3/4 of the way through, I had to dump it.
I wasn't going to be able to prepare supper!
I won't be buying this again, plus it didn't
taste all that great. Glad I only bought one can!

A ‘new to me’ trial of Cutwater Lime Tequila Margarita has been in the fridge for a few weeks so I poured it into a glass. This is a strong drink, 12.5%, so what better time to have it than on my special day? LOL, I’m sure it would do me in but with lots of ice and extra lime, it was worth a shot! I’m a cheap date, if that’s what you call it, and ½ a drink is usually enough for me.

It was a wonderful day!

I had pulled steak out of the freezer this morning and as think as they are, they were thawed by 2 so sat in the fridge until we’re ready for supper. They’ll be a quick grill for sure. Today is beautiful, 21C/70F and mostly sunny skies. Winds are minimal and we’re enjoying it to the fullest. Supper was good with potatoes and a veggie. 

I'm glad we finished this last meal
of the steak we had in the freezer.
Thankfully, we'll be tasting some real steak
tomorrow. Wait and see!

For my cake, we had an ice cream cone, mine had a candle. What a great day!

Happy Birthday to me!
Good night!

Thank you for the visit.


  1. Happy Birthday Patsy!!

  2. Definitely a beautiful day to celebrate your Birthday. Glad it was a Happy One.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. Looks like the perfect ending to a nice day!! Happy Birthday again!!

  4. The picture of you and Gibbs is adorable. Glad you had a nice day! Your lunch looks so yummy!

  5. Cutwater makes a nice Long Island Ice Tea too. At 25 proof, not all that strong.

  6. I love that rental and the pictures of Gibbs. Happy belated birthday 🎂 🥳 .

  7. Happy Birthday my dear. Sounds as if the day was just perfect even if you didn't get a bike ride in.

    God bless.
