Monday, September 18, 2023

Good Start to the Week, Fall Temps Again

The Ridge

On Monday, Sept. 18th we woke to a foggy morning. Bill was up for work and left at 6:30. I was up and left at 7, hoping it would have cleared off by then. It hadn’t so I was a bit nervous and watchful. It really wasn’t as bad as I expected, which was good.😊

It was foggy enough
and got thicker (like pea soup per Daddy)
as I got closer to Durham

I was alone for most of my hour at the Mat until my friend, a regular guy (I don’t know his name), came in. We caught up and then I was out of there, on my way home by 8:15.

Approaching cars and the Shell station
signs are just blurs
It's the first time I recall using wipers to keep
the fog water drops off the windhsield

I spent some time with my little guy and was happy that he’d eaten his breakfast this morning. It’s hit or miss with him. At 9:45, I made my thermos of coffee and changed into my ‘it’s okay to get dirty’ work clothes and drove Black Beauty over to M’s. We made a quick trip into town and I set to work on the Datsun for an hour. M asked if I’d put on my secretary hat and help him with a couple of phone things, the videos for his security camera for one.

Lunch quesadilla
Still no sour cream so I used mayo

With that done, now he can at least see who comes in the laneway. You’d have to understand/see his home set up to get this but he has no windows from his apartment to the driveway but he gets a text message that ‘someone’ or ‘animal’ is in the lane. Lastly, we checked his Kijiji ad for new business and made sure it had some time left. I finished up with power sanding on the car’s door panels and left for home at 1.

The tall trees in the corral are fading into
their autumn cloaks

I made up one of my original quesadillas for lunch and enjoyed it fully. Then Gibbs and I went outside for a run around the yard. He didn’t get his walk today until around 3:30 and then it was a short one as Mom was being a wimp. “It’s cold, let’s turn around!” 😊 Back inside, I delved back into my book. I finished the hat yesterday so reading was today’s agenda. Bill was home around 4:30 and he and Gibbs had their snooze beside me.

The Sedum is at its brightest
Notice the Evening Primrose in the background?
Even after the yellow flowers are gone,
fall adorns them in red.

For supper, I baked 2 Teriyaki chicken kabobs, fried the leftover potatoes for Bill and cooked corn and beans as our side. I had fresh ‘garden’ tomatoes with mine. It was a good meal, topped off with homemade applesauce and yogourt.  Today was a fall-like day with some rain showers, very little sun and a chilly breeze. I didn’t much like it but before the week ends, we will be into fall. That just means our time is that much shorter here on the Ridge.


This was a good day. I enjoyed the work today, nothing difficult, just dirty. 😊 We are dropping down again in overnight temps, 4C/40F, so I put my vegetable planters in the Bunky for the night. 

Gibbs informed Daddy after supper that he had
to go out.
All he wanted to do was sit in the grass. ♥
The sky to the west.

We will be warming up again in a couple of days so at least don’t need our propane heater out yet.

The sky has changed a few times, to the north
and 30 minutes later, the bottom pix is to the west.
Good night!

Thank you for the visit! (PS – Bill is working on a blog post tonight. You can check it out here.)


  1. Brrr...we've heading down today, as the heat has moved to the east. Fall is definitely here, the geese gathering at the pond, and the leaves are definitely turning. I'm sure your minds are starting to turn towards your departure.

    1. I think you're right but there will be a bit of a warm up here this week.

  2. Your sedum is just gorgeous! Foggy days will make one lazy for sure.
