Monday, September 4, 2023

Hot, Humid and Busy

The Ridge

On holiday Monday, Sept. 4th I didn’t hear a thing when Bill and Gibbs got up. I didn’t even realize that Bill wasn’t in bed when I woke up after 6:30. I saw Gibbs or rather felt him stretched out along my leg and seeing the time, rolled over for another 20 minutes or so. 😊 Even doing that, I was up and on my way to the Mat at 7:30. Bill was getting ready to go flying, it was a great calm, sunny morning for it.

An indoor (top)
an outdoor picture as I left
for the Mat

Only one of my regulars came in while there until I had just washed the floors, getting ready to leave. Mrs. ‘Outdoor Adventures’ from her store in town, came in and apologized for walking on my clean floor. She is also a regular and always compliments the job I do. Let me tell you, I can’t hear that often enough! I’d taken our ‘Nancy’ quilts from our recliners and once they were fresh and clean brought them home to hang.

They smell so nice after blowing
in the breeze

I was able to relax with Gibbs, but we did walk down to the apple tree and fill 2 bags of ripe ones. He stayed right close to me, in the shade while I picked. He’s so good with his collar. 😊 

I hope Donna comes back for more!!
The bottom pictures are from under the
umbrella of the branches.
They don't get the sun under there.

I think Gibbs is saying that he 
picked the ones in 'this' bag.
Ha! He is a big help though.

At 10:45 I left the house for Williamsford. Robin’s second set (4) of guests will be checking out by 11. She had a couple coming in this afternoon staying until Thursday. She and I have a direct line through our texting and she gives me an run down of what extra things need to be done.

I love this 'back door' drive to Williamsford
and Owen Sound.

I finally remembered to get an outside
picture of the Air bnb.

They would need clean towels so those and the bath mat went in the washer right away. It takes forever! I stripped the lower bed and remade it but brought the sheets home for Robin to wash. They wouldn’t be needed this week. It was an easier clean today, and I only had to dust mop the floors after my deeper clean yesterday.

Hibiscus #3!

After waiting for the towels to dry, including the drive, it was an hour less today. Robin will be home Wednesday night and she’ll have my pay for me on Thursday. She was happy to get a 5* review on the place from last night’s guests and passes much of that credit along to me. She’s a sweetheart.

The rest of the day was busy enough. Bill and I met on the road as he and Gibbs went for water and I was returning home. We had a sandwich for a late lunch and then when he went out to the Hangar, I stayed inside and cut up 1/3 of the apples, simmered them and put them through the colander for apple sauce. It is time consuming so even though hotter than the dickens inside (forgot to put the a/c on earlier) I turned a movie on to keep me entertained.

Relaxing in the shade.
It was a well-heated oven inside the Suite.

Of course, there has to be a Gibbs
performance picture.
I'm sure it felt great to roll around on the cool grass
but I took his 'word' for it!

With the apple sauce done and dishes from that mess cleaned up, we went outside. It was lovely in the shade and I sat and played my afternoon word games. Around 6, Bill came up and grilled burgers, of which we BOTH had them on soft D’Italiano buns. 😊 They were yummy and we had ice cream with some apple sauce for dessert. Delish! This has been a busy but wonderful day, reaching a high of 30C/86F plus humidity. No covers required tonight. I have a real day off tomorrow.

Not trying to make Nancy hungry,
but oh my, it was gooood!
Good night!

Thank you for the visit!


  1. Yes you are!!!!! Hahahaha I haven't had any ice cream in a month! And oh that burger!! Gibbs certainly is entertaining!

  2. The hibiscus is incredible! So pretty. Nice crop of apples.
    We dropped down to 5C last night - this weather has been so up and down. I suspect it will head your way next.
