Tuesday, September 19, 2023

It Was a Busy Day and a Lovely One!

The Ridge

On Tuesday, Sept. 19th Bill was up and off to work at 6:30. I at first thought I had to get up early too but was happy to be able to stay in bed after saying goodbye to my sweetie. Gibbs and I went back to sleep until almost 7:30. That’s what staying up to watch tv until 11 does to me! I knew then that it wasn’t an early morning for me.

Pretty morning looking across the pond

Good morning y'all!

We had chosen to turn our heat pump on last night instead of the fireplace or the furnace. The hp can be noisy but it is hydro and is more efficient than the fireplace. It seemed to work but when Bill got up, he switched over to the furnace and turned it up a bit more. We’ve altered our needs for as much overnight heat and I think we sleep better for it. Taking the chill off the Suite is key when you need to get moving in the morning. 😊


I had my tea with Gibbs sitting beside me and played my online Wordle games. M texted at 9 and asked if I would mind doing a quick run into town for him if he carried on working. It was quick and I left at 9:30 to take care of one stop for him. Back at the shop, we discussed my morning’s job choices and I opted to take some water and Lysol cleaner to the old trailer and wash the counter and sink.

Before the fall cut back

After the cut back

It wasn’t as bad to clean as I thought it would be and within 20 minutes had it and the shower stall ‘spic and span’. Now it was definitely ready for him to move stuff out there. Things that didn’t need to be kept warm as the place is not insulated well, nor is it sealed well against weather. At least I’m done with it and he is pleased to have it ready. Then, we both worked more on the Datsun. I kept calling it a ’99 but it is older than that, I’m just not sure how old.

Bill was down in the field trimming
Here he is, in the middle between us.
He never once wandered while we worked 
and if I couldn't see him, I called his name
and he was at my feet. 💗
He's so good, no collar.

I was home just after 1 and sauteed up another veggie and bacon quesadilla. So good! It surprised both Gibbs and I when at 1:30 Bill drove in the lane. 😊 Yay, short day! He’d had his lunch so after a snooze, we both went outside to do some work around the property. I got my wagon out and garden shears, the things I needed to clean up the irises and hostas.

Before, the back side
with a dahlia

The east side with just 
Moonflowers remain and a gladiola left
to dig up

The back side of the Bunky after cut.
There are 2 dahlias here still
ready-to-be or in bloom.

The weather was perfect for this kind of job. It took me about 2 hours and while I did that, Bill trimmed around the back field fences and the corral. While in the big garden, I also cut the lower branches of our blue spruce trees. They were so close to the plants that were trying to survive underneath. There was a huge hosta that I had to dig up for transplanting somewhere and I can now have access to some irises that have spread as well.

This is my big garden before cutting
Notice here how low the branches are on the spruce trees.
Of course, Mr. Bathing Beauty, in the shade.

The spruce trees with bottom branches cut off
Now those plants underneath will thrive even more.

After trimming
Just the large hosta to finish here but
it was too pretty to cut yet.

A job well done for both of us and we stopped around 4:30 for a drink. Bill had a Zero Coke and I had my tea. No more work today. For supper, Bill grilled our burgers and then nipped into Durham to put some fuel in Black Beauty. She was pretty low as we were waiting to see if she was going in to the shop – no word on that yet. Already at 7:30, it has grown dark, it doesn’t take long these days. 

Hibiscus #15 & #16
She got covered for the night.
There are more to bloom.
Last year we lost the last ones to frost.

This was a good day, with work away from and at home. All necessary right now. We reached a lovely high of 16C/62F today but dropping to a low 2.7C/37F so i moved my vegetables into the Bunky again and covered our Hibiscus. 

An easy tasty supper.
Bill had applesauce for dessert.
Good night!

Thank you for taking the time to pop by.


  1. Such pretty pictures of your place, it looks great!

  2. You are shaping everything up nicely!!

  3. Good job sis. Looks great!

  4. Glad you had some nice weather for your yard work. I'm planning to get out this afternoon - yesterday was just too cool - and start pulling the annuals. We were close to freezing last night, and I'm getting tired of watering. The perennials, I leave as they are, as they hold the moisture in the front bed, and for now, the hostas are still going strong. Some even blooming!
