Friday, June 21, 2024

A Busy Day but it’s All Good!

The Ridge

On Friday, June 21st I was up by 7, downstairs making tea and on the way into Durham by 7:30. We could have done our laundry today, since Bill will have no more work clothing that needs to be washed but decided because I have 3 jobs already that I’ll wait until Sunday morning. The Mat was in pretty good shape and only one couple came in while I was there. They were in and out between cycles so not in my way at all.

Good morning!
After I was settled in my chair last night,
this was happening outside.

I finished by 8:30 after dusting all walls, ceiling corners etc. doing the normal stuff and washing floors. I had no other morning stuff so scooted home to spend the next hour with Bill and Gibbs. It was to be another hot one, so we closed windows and pulled blinds early again. I agree with my son-in-law (to be) that I have no problem with the heat unless I have to work in it. Well, because my jobs are short, I really have no complaints at all. 😊

Driving into Durham at 7:30 was pretty
quiet. Lots of garbage out for pick up.
How do people have so much in a week?
We get every second Monday and still only have one bag
plus recycle.

At 9:45, Bill decided to hop on Jazz and nip into the Home Hardware for some window screening for our door. The stuff we bought and he installed down south isn’t as good and is already showing some holes. Bummer. About 5 minutes later, I left to pick up M and take him into town for his errands. We were back home by 11:10. That was 2 jobs down with one to go. We had an early lunch and at noon, Bill and I drove to Williamsford. He dropped me off at the air BNB and carried on into Owen Sound for a bit of shopping.

While cleaning the Mat, I felt I was being watched. πŸ‘€

When I turned around, sure enough,
this fluffy pillow in the dryer was watching me!

I was pleasantly surprised as I was just finishing up that my sister, Gayle, popped in for a tour. 😊 They were passing through and I knew she was keen on seeing the Blacksmith’s shop redone. She was pleased, kudos to Robin and Andrew. We drove home and then I turned around for one more quick trip into Durham for a bow for my gift package. It doesn’t feel as hot as it was the last two days but still, 28C/82F is plenty warm with our humidex so high.

Robin asked me to stop at her place and pick some
peonies for the bnb table vase.
They were on their last legs but I found 4 or 5 good
enough and added some wildflowers from her field.
It looks quite nice, I think.

Back home, I poured myself a Beer Margarita instead of having a tea and it went down quite nicely. Funny thing is that I didn’t have the light beer to add so poured in a flavoured water with the lime juice, soda and vodka instead. Who needs that extra alcohol? Not me, it tasted great with a sprinkle of salt. It was refreshing and one glass is about all this light-weight drinker can handle. 😊

I love this little place and feel honoured to
be a part of her business. 
Maybe one day, us Ladyfest gals will stay here.

Bill had picked up a tire for the blue boy at Princess Auto (like Harbor Freight for you Americans) and dog food for Gibbs as well as some hot spot spray at Pet Smart. We’re going to try it on the paw and see if there is any change over the weekend. Bill gave him his Epsom salt bath this morning while I was busy working so he knows now how Gibbs reacts to a warm foot bath. Bill said he knew when 5 minutes was up exactly as Gibbs stepped out onto the towel! Goof!

A great 'welcome home' I think.

Bill went out to install the tire and I just relaxed. It was a busy day! I had stopped at Robin’s home a couple of times today as well, for a couple of reasons so she can rest assured things are fine at home. She’s in Quebec for the weekend and then in Newfoundland from Monday to Wednesday – hopefully for the last time to finish the bnb there. 😊

This might be the Canadian version,
but the Pet Smart lady was quite
knowledgeable so we'll try it.

We’ll have fish and chips (vegetable) for supper and I know it will be good. One of our favourite meals and it is Friday night, after all. Isn’t that when fish frys are usually held? Tomorrow is another full day for me so I won’t drag this on. It has been a good day, a nice evening on the threshold with likely more rain in the overnight hours. My vegetable and flowering plants are grateful, a wee patio tomato has appeared. 

Supper was good.

For those who have been asking about Bill, thank you, from both of us. The anti-inflammatory meds are helping, easing the pain he was feeling at his knee. One day the swelling seems to be down, the next no change but it isn't happening too quickly. This is only the 3rd day so we will be patient. 

I was looking back for one more picture to add 
and this is June 21, 2017, our second year up here. 
This is our little Toyota Corolla, the shed was new,
and the service berry tree is looking so healthy!!
That was fun!
Good night everyone!

Thank you for the visit.


  1. It was a good idea to add the wildflowers to the
    peonies,that looks great.
    I'm glad the meds are helping Bills knee,your dinner looked delicious

  2. Like the flags waving at your front gate! Very Nice! The pillow in the dryer is a little creepy. :o

  3. They are very lucky to have you keep up the BNB. Maybe I can hire you in Q????? LOL
    Yes ... I agree ... the pillow is creepy!!!

    1. Thank you Nancy. Ha ha, I never thought of the pillow being creepy while I was there.

  4. The flowers look lovely, and I'm sure the next guests will appreciate the lovely aroma.
    I agree with Payson, the pillow was kind of creepy!
    Glad Bill is seeing some improvement. Hope the spray helps Gibbs.

  5. Now that you've got those nice flags at your gate, you need an equally Canadian shot for your header!

  6. Nice job on the flowers, and the BNB looks awesome.

    You were definitely being watched, even if it wasn't by a living, breathing thing.

    God bless.
