Saturday, June 29, 2024

We’ve Been Everywhere, Man, We’ve Been Everywhere

The Ridge

On Saturday, June 29th, that is exactly what we felt when we stopped around 2 pm. 😊 We were up by 7, clothes sorted and I drove into the Mat to clean for the last time….this month. With clean laundry, they were small loads this week, I stepped out of the building and the cloud dropped bucketfuls of rain on me and the recently dried clothing. Rats!

Good morning!
An 'intermittent' wiper kind of drive.

Off and on, off and on
but nothing heavy until.............

My original thought to stop at Foodland, for a few of their weekly specials (again), changed, since I was quite damp, and I drove home instead. It had stopped raining by then, for the moment, and I was able to bring them inside. Bill was replacing the screen on our door, this time with the good screening. It fits so much nicer than the last stuff we bought down south. The top window was done and we both relaxed for a bit.

We stopped for a late lunch at Jenny G's
and this couple did the same.
Now, that is a big dog! Only 1 year old,
already 39" to his shoulders. Very calm Dane though.

At 10:30, we hopped in Ptooties and began running errands that would last 3 ½ hours. First, in Hanover, we visited Donna and Gerry for 20 minutes, dropping off some coffee beans Bill had picked up at Costco on Wednesday. Between us, we went to Giant Tiger, Canadian Tire, Home Hardware, and Walmart. We left Hanover and stopped at Jenny G’s for lunch since it was 12:45. We each ordered just the fish, a large piece of halibut, and split (I had about 8) a medium order of fries. 😊 Yum.

Our fish lunch was delicious!

By now, it was humid and the air was very still so we found shade from a picnic table umbrella while we ate. The fish was awesome! We drove back to Durham and Bill ran into the Liquor Store for wine and he dropped me at Foodland for the sale items I mentioned above. He drove across the street to FS Co-op and picked up some bags of white stone for the area around the flag pole, saving $3/bag from Hanover’s prices.

Dark clouds hovered most of the day

I think that was it, we were done running around and returned home to The Ridge. There are watches out for more thunder storms including high winds so we’ll be paying attention to that tonight. Oh brother! Although humid, we opened windows to receive the lovely breeze to cool the Suite down. Bill dozed and I sat and watched some of those funny reels on Facebook. Some made me laugh right out loud, hilarious!

The storm watches passed
but we'll still get more rain overnight
and tomorrow. (Yay! - 😌)

At one point today, I transplanted my patio tomato plant into a bigger pot, as the tomatoes are starting to come and I want to give it room to expand. 😊 On one hand, it is not great getting so much rain (as a joke we say “yay, more rain”) but it is nice not to have to water our gardens, right? It has been a week since I’ve done that. I did add some water to this transplant as I added new soil to the pot.

I don't need to tell you who he was watching.
Not Bill, this time.

We chilled for the rest of the day. Bill went to the Hangar and I watched a movie. I never do that in the afternoon but today called for it. It was called The Storyteller, a bit of a fantasy but also a love story and I enjoyed it. We weren’t too hungry for supper so Bill opted for a toasted tomato and cheese sandwich, Gibbs opted for his kibble with some cheese for encouragement and I also had cheese with salmon and 8 low carb crisp/crackers. Yes, I counted!

Looks great out now.
10 minutes later, clouds came back. 

The evening was quiet and I’m afraid my pictures are quite boring today – the weather, the sky, the sky again, oh and a couple of our little treasure. I hope you had a good day, we did. We are stocked up on a few more items and prepared for company on Canada Day. 😊 P.S. Bill and Gibbs are both showing improvement with their legs/feet. It was a 25C/76F day and around 11C/52F overnight. Nice for sleeping.

This time he is watching Bill
go to the Hangar.

Gosh, I love this little squirt.
Good night!

Thank you for your visit.


  1. Your title made me smile, I like that song.Sorry your freshly done laundry got soaked.That great Dane is good looking, but I have had large dogs and their life span is so short, it's heartbreaking when a beloved dog passes away.
    I'm glad Bill and Gibbs
    legs/feet are doing better.
    Wishing you three a good night -Mary

    1. Thank you Mary. I hoped someone would know what song I referred to! :)

  2. I thought Gibbs was praying for another 10 min. of nice weather!! Your temps sound Wonderful!! :) I'm waiting for winter!!

  3. Oh for some fish and chips!!!! I'll trade you some rain for some heat!! I'd much rather have the rain. It's funny how Gibbs keeps such a close eye on you two. I've sat in that chair ... I don't know how he fits!!

    1. They were soooo good! A bit heat for some rain, sure thing! Figure out how we do it!
      Yes, you have sat in that chair!

  4. That's not a dog, it's a pony! Can you imagine if it tried to be a lapdog? Yikes.
    It's sunny and warm here today, and I'm hoping it lasts as the Canada Day parade is this evening (I thought it was yesterday but I misread the date).
    Enjoy your company!

    1. I know! I'm a little (okay maybe more than a little) timid of such large dogs. They are beautiful but I'll stick to our little cockapoo! ♥
