Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Hump Day Gets 5 *’s.

The Ridge

On Wednesday, June 12th we were up with the birds. It was 7 when Gibbs and I came down to join Bill. Bill was preparing to go to work and I was preparing for a day here at home. No driving! Bill left at 7:30. I’d finished my book, as I mentioned yesterday, so I just played my online games and relaxed with Gibbs and my cuppa tea.

Good morning!
Last night as I watched tv, these beautiful
reflections from our stained glass window lit up the Suite. πŸ’“

It was mostly cloudy, but I knew it would clear out and warm up to 27C/79F before the day was done. Perfect! It was around 11 when we went outside to see what we could get up to. The Chippy’s were in hiding so it wasn’t too exciting for Gibbs but he enjoyed just being out-of-doors anyway. I thought I’d see if I could get my weed trimmer started, it’s never a sure thing, and lo and behold on the 3rd pull, it ran like a charm!

From top left to bottom right,
the day just got better and better. Yay!

The corral needed attention so I decided to do it so Bill didn’t have to. He cuts the flat areas and even drives the Cub Cadet up the hill as far as he can (eek!) so I did the hill and the flat area around the top. It looks great and after using almost 2 tanks of the fuel, I realized that my jeans were wet from it leaking. Good grief! If it isn’t one thing, it’s another. Oh well, I finished just after 12 noon and that was enough for the day anyway. 😊

Hopefully, it won't grow too quickly
up on these hills.
Bill cut the flat area after work.

We came inside for lunch and then went out to sit in the sun for an hour. Around 2, I went into the Bunky, leaving Gibbs out to sit in his little bed, in the shade. Only once did he wander and I could hear him barking. I sure wish I had my phone in my back pocket as when I found him in the back field, there was a gosling flipped over on his back.

on the left? Dog language for
I'd like to go out now.
on the right? I should paint my toenails for my
next selfie!

I know Gibbs didn’t do that, rather he ran around and barked at it, as it struggled to flip back over. So cute! As I approached to help, I did the flip and ran as quickly as it could. That was hilarious! Wings raised and running as fast on those 2 skinny legs, back to Momma at the pond. A picture would have been so cute but I’m glad he/she is okay and not hurt. How it happened? Who knows but Gibbs must have heard its S.O.S.


A few new things in the garden.
Aha! A Baltimore Oriole looking for more oranges.
My second sunflower rock and first turtle rock. (Fraggle Rock?)

I worked on my puzzle until Bill got home, Gibbs was indoors and outdoors at a couple of different times so I could relax a bit more. Bill was home just after 4:30 and hopped on the mower to cut the berm, back field and corral. We had burgers for supper, and because I have no lettuce left, I had a bun!! OMG! Talk about falling off the keto wagon with glee! Ha ha, it was delicious. No picture, it wouldn't do it justice.😊 

We walked to get the mail and a feather.
Then relaxed together at the picnic table.
Sun and shade lovers.

After clean up, he made his egg salad sandwich for tomorrow (yes, I made some today plus a couple of hard boiled for me) he went out to cut the front field. It’s nice to get it all done in one night and trimming will be another evening this week. Last night, I couldn’t find what I wanted on tv so watched The Magic of Belle Isle again. I really like the movie; Morgan Freeman plays a winning character – again.

He would take turns, sitting out in his bed 
(look at those eyes)
and helping me with the puzzle. πŸ’•

This was a lovely day, perfect in every way. I hope you can say the same!

Not sure if I shared a close up
of the puzzle picture.
Today's progress. I love this one!
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by.


  1. Gee, I hope you can get the weed trimmer leak
    repaired,that likely would make it safer to use ..
    Sweet of you to help the
    gosling 😊Having a bun with your and Bill's burgers is a rare treat I am
    glad you enjoyed

  2. Lots of work to keep up that yard, but it's beautiful!!! And we can all use the exercise! You should somehow attach all those feathers to a tree ... Gibbs Feather Farm.

    1. Yes but it is good exercise. Not that Bill needs it but I do!!
      Gibbs chew the stalk so there isn't much left of the feathers.

  3. Hope you soaked your clothes, to get the fuel out, otherwise they will start to rot.
    Burger on a bun, must be a new concept. LOL
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  4. It's nice when a person can reflect back on a nice day ..

  5. Glad to hear you've are getting, have had, some nicer weather. It has been raining here again today, quite hard at times, but the sun is shining now and the temp is in the low 20's.

  6. Why dont you count calories to diet? Just curious.

    1. That is too much like dieting, Dee. I would never be able to keep it up. No one can. Plus high fat would go way over the'alotted' calories.
      Eating keto is a lifestyle not a diet.

  7. Sounds like you an Gibbs had a good day.your yard looks really nice.miss you!

  8. Looks like you had a beautiful day, but that first photo sort of threw me.
