Monday, June 24, 2024

A Bit of Home-Work, Family Visiting, Can U Say ‘Gorgeous!’?

The Ridge

On Monday, June 24th it was 7:30 when we were all up for the day. The clouds from Bill and Gibbs’ first outing at 6:30 were gone and the sky was a lovely clear blue. We didn’t have to go anywhere today so it was a blessing that the weather Gods were smiling down upon us. Bill wanted to get some grass cut today and the weed trimming done at the front of the property. My plan was to dust and vacuum the Suite – for starters.

Good morning!
Gibbs watches Bill disappear down the lane.
soon, inside, he'll be keeping out of the way of
the vacuum. ♥

We both had success and the front field and surrounding area at the road looks awesome. The Suite, inside, also looks awesome. I don’t dust often but when I do, it improves our home 100%. 😊 I also took extra time cleaning the toilet. How do they get so stained? Every day use with regular cleaning just doesn’t cut it but now, it sparkles and is white again! Good old elbow grease.

I love how this turned out!!
He's adorable!
I just reached the camera down and snapped.

Gibbs and I went out and fed the birds while Bill was doing his chore. It is such a gorgeous day that we just want to be out-of-doors. When he finished at the front, we had lunch together and he took our second 40-lb propane tank to Flesherton, a town about 20 minutes away, to get it re-certified at Sparling’s Propane. They will both be done and good for another 10 years, rather than buying new. We are happy with the service and the price.

Because 5 or 6 of Bridgette's book club friends
were at her shower, Sarah made everyone a personal book mark.
Mine, woops, had a 'c' instead of the 't' so I fixed it
with what letters I had at home. πŸ’•

They also made up little bags of lavender
for each guest. What shall I do with it?

He dropped the tank and I worked on the puzzle. It is indeed a ……wait for it……….puzzler!! Holy cow, it is stumping me! I did manage a few important pieces so I could situate one of the trucks at least. 😊 

A wee bit of progress today.The truck is in place at least
and I found another border piece. LOL

Donna and Gerry went to the Acreage for the day so after they finished cutting grass over there, Gibbs and I went over for a visit. When Bill returned from picking the tank up, he drove BB over too.

I drove over to the Acreage with Gibbs 
around 3

At 5, when I drove home, the sky was still

We helped them put the 20’ cover on their shelter; it does take 8 hands to get it done. Bill gets up on the ladder and the 3 of us pull it along from the ground. I should have taken a picture. Then we just relaxed together until almost 5 when it was time to come home. It was nice to visit with Donna for a while, just the two of us, and yet also nice to visit altogether. For supper, Bill bbq’d sausages and I made a garden salad for on the side.

My sausage in a lettuce leaf was delicious!

My veggies are looking gooood! 
Hard to tell here, but the peppers are close to flowering
and the tomato plants are growing quite tall.

After cleanup, he went to the Hangar and I watched some tv up here. It has been a wonderful day. Gibbs enjoys both properties but still gets anxious whenever we hop in the vehicle to go anywhere. 

My Berm garden is flourishing as well.
Hosta stems are reaching to the sky and
the Tiger Lilies are blooming.

Today, in the mail, we received our invitation to Bridgette and Chris’ wedding so I filled it out and got it ready to be returned. It is a unique and suitable invitation, of course. 😊 I hope you’ve had a nice day, as well. A full day of sun, what a concept! We reached a lovely 25C/77F, a downright perfect day.

It's official!!
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by.


  1. You two had a gorgeous day to get all of that done, good for you, while sweet
    little Gibbs stayed out of the way , Mary

  2. Nice that you had another beautiful day to work with.
    Gibbs looked like you surprised him.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. I want to sit on the step with Gibbs and enjoy the view! OH~he's giving the camera the side eye! All your plants look so healthy and doing well ! Road to the Acreage looks wonderful to me sitting in 106 temps in Arizona. I LOVE SHADE! :):) Wonderful day for you!

    1. Thank you Payson48. Let us know when you're coming for the step sit! :)

  4. Sounds like a lovely day, with good weather, a few chores, and a visit.
    I don't think I've ever seen your name spelled with a t before. It is unique and special.

    1. It was, thank you.
      I guess not..........I'm Patsy to my blogger friends. Mom had to be different. ♥♥

  5. I love Gibbs' side eye. So cute 😍.

  6. What a lovely day you had. I really like the invitations, I would put the lavender sachet in a drawer to make things smell nice (they also keep moths away). Your veggies are coming along nicely.

    God bless.
