Thursday, June 27, 2024

Sprucing up the Ridge

The Ridge

On Thursday, June 27th all 3 of the Richards were lazy, not getting up until almost 8. That was me. Bill and Gibbs remained where they were until I’d made my tea and left for Durham. They were up soon after, so I’m told. 😊

Good morning!
This was after last night's sunset.
I'm getting good at missing the key moments!!
This was still pretty.

The Mat was cleaned lickety-split in the hour and I’d emptied the Lost & Found box, tossing any torn or stained items that had been there for a while and washing the last 5 or 6 things. They will either get donated in town or taken to the next clothing exchange. I decided to take an extra half hour and wash the windows inside and out before I left. They look much better!

The drive into town was under heavy clouds
The return home on Baptist Church Road
had me waiting for a few minutes until I was
spotted. They immediately moved the dump truck
to let me through. Small towns. 💓

I stopped for water but didn’t see Mark so left my $3 on the counter for him, filled our bottle and left. One last stop at the drug store to pick up a card for M and then home. The rain storm from yesterday afternoon had washed out parts of a laneway down near the main highway and I had to stop and wait for them to move the dump truck on my way home. Some major work had to be done so I’m glad I was able to get through.

3 new Moonflower blooms toay
and they lasted until noon hour. ♥

It was a lot of rain in a short 15 minutes. Bill said we had a hug puddle out here as well. Today seemed to be a mixed bag of sun and clouds but no concern over more rain – yet. That’s what the weekend is for. LOL Bill was up on the berm, driving more loads of dirt up to where our flag pole is. It is a bad area to cut so we have a plan to rectify that.

Our 'new to us' tractor wagon.
I'll sand it and paint it this summer.

He loads our garden trailer half full, drives it up and dumps it. After raking it, it is finally looking level. There are a few other holes and gullies to be filled in too but it is a long, hard process. The small trailer is not in the best shape so we talked to M about buying one he has. It should be better suited for what we need to move around on flat surfaces. Bill picked it up with the Cub Cadet.

This dirt pile is slowly going down
thanks to Bill's efforts.

We had lunch and then cut grass. Finally, it was dry enough. Bill wasn’t done, although I was, and when Gibbs and I were in the Bunky, he got the weed trimmer out. He’s like that Eveready Bunny. When he finished, he came in for a snooze with Gibbs and I dozed and read my book in my outdoor recliner. 😊

Around the base of our biggest service berry tree,
these little fungi were growing. I had to Google it:
Scientific name: 'coprinellus disseminatus'
Common name: 'fairy ink cap/fairy bonnet or trooping crumble cap'
How quaint! Imagine how small these fairies are! 😍

When the sun was out, it was hot and yet cool when it was behind the white puffy clouds. It has been a pretty nice day and the property looks great again. I’m reading a novel of James Patterson’s now, that was included in the last book. It is called The Trial and another page turner. Good grief, he is such a good writer, in my eyes. 😊 I came in and made my tea around 4:30, and Woops! planning another simple meal tonight because I forgot to get meat out to thaw.

Pretty white fluffies today

And my bucket overflows with
Evening Primrose (can you tell it is my favourite?)
and a couple of glads.

We both like grilled cheese and toasted tomato so I had one and he had the other with a small garden salad on the side. Btw, we’ve both watched the documentary, ‘I Am Celine Dion’, and wow, what a sad story. Worth watching if you have ever seen her perform. Just be prepared for an honest recounting of her life. 

Simple but still good.
I will have to see about making some
sour dough bread. Hmmm.

The sky is clearing out now, more blue than white which means a cooler night. All is well up here on The Ridge. 😊

And after supper, the air cooled off considerably. 
We had a nice high of 20C/68F and
we'll be dropping to a low of 7C/45F overnight.
We'll have the duvet pulled up for that.
Good night!

Thank you for the visit.


  1. I watched it too. So very sad. She was very courageous to allow the cameras to film her life as it is right now.

  2. It was really good of you to wash the windows at the laundromat.Places with dirty windows can make one think the whole place is dirty,and your boss could lose business
    because of that.Nice that
    you have cool temps to sleep in, I like to get all
    snug inside blankets to sleep, I hope Bill,Gibbs and you have a wonderful night -Mary xx

  3. How wonderful you got the windows at the laundromat washed. I so love those little mushrooms.

    God bless.

  4. We have the same little utility trailer. John Deere hauls all manner of stuff with it from brush to the recycle. We've had it almost 30 yrs and it's still going strong.

    1. It is much sturdier and a bit bigger than ours. I'm glad we got it from M.

  5. Another nice day on the Ridge! The area on the berm looks great. Will you plant more garden there or ??? Inquiring minds.
    We had more rain here yesterday and expecting more today. It's been a good couple of months of not needing to really water anything. Mother Nature has handled that.

    1. Yes, the berm area around the flag pole will be covered in ground cover, plastic and then white stones. We'll put up a low retaining wall behind my garden to keep them in place and set the blue and orange chairs there. They are falling apart but still add a 'look' up there and this way Bill won't have to move them to cut the grass. ;)

  6. Nice job Bill!!! Your yard looks like a magazine cover!!
