Monday, June 17, 2024

Then it Got Hotter, We Both Found Shade!

The Ridge

On Monday, June 17th I woke from a deep sleep to Bill calling to me at 7. “Are you awake?” He was leaving earlier than usual as he was going to get some blood work done, as a routine check, before going to work. I kissed him goodbye and then, slowly, made my way to total wakefulness by getting washed and dressed. Gibbs was sitting at the window as if to tell me that Daddy had left. 😊 

Good morning!

The mat outside our door was quite wet so it was obvious we had some rain overnight. I wouldn't need to water today. It was a bit later when I headed in to town to clean the Mat and soon after I arrived, one customer came in. Today was the day to clean the big dryer lint and that usually means an hour and a half clean. That was the case again and, on my way home, I stopped at the I.D.A. Pharmacy for a container of Epsom salts for M, since he’d given me his. They are on sale so I should pick up a full container for us too.

I opted for shade, wherever I could find it today,
seeing Gibbs' side for once. ♥

That was it for my work day and I was glad for it. The heat was rolling in, already a heated 23C/72F at 9:30. I pulled blinds but did open windows as the breeze was nice coming in. 

We watched this baby and mama red-winged blackbird.
She'd squack for food, and then watch as mama went for more.

We watched the group  of 5 Chippys
but Gibbs mostly just watched. Too hot to run.
A couple of times, he played the stealth hunter and crept
slowly before making a mad dash for them. πŸ˜‚
After a nice Epsom bath, his foot is looking better
again today. Puzzler for sure.

There is no real ‘perfect’ way to keep cool inside, we just do what works for us until we’re ready to turn a/c on. That may happen tomorrow as the heat is with us for a few more days. Gibbs and I spent most of the day outside in the shade, on the patio, under the trees and in the Bunky. 😊

I read some of my next book.
It's a good one, caught me on the first page!

I worked on the puzzle for a while, breaking my cardinal rule of working on the easiest part first. The border wasn’t even completed! I figure the missing few pieces are skinny little things that I set aside because it was hard to tell what they were. I’ll find them eventually. The breeze in the Bunky was quite nice and I was very comfortable. Around 4:30, we moved outside to the shade again and that was when our time-keeper sat on the top of the corral hill.

I admired my Primrose gardens.
Finally colour at the front gate! ♥ Yay!

When I got tired of standing on the inside of the fence, I texted Bill to see how close he was. Another 30 minutes of waiting so I sat and Gibbs went back and forth a few times with the sound of each vehicle coming down the road. He was very good when Bill did finally drive in the lane and ‘stayed’ and ‘waited’ when Mom asked him to. I’m proud of how that training has sunk in – mostly. It was later so Bill started bbqing sausages around 6:15.

The wait - it was a long one today.

The reward - how sweet it is!

Who feels like eating in this heat? I had nothing for salad fixings so he had his on a bun and I had mine with a vegetable. It worked. The evening will be a quiet one, I might be sitting outside after my blog is done for a little while. This has been an easy day and I expect tomorrow to be the same. Robin paid me this morning for my weekend’s work so that is nice in our winter account. It helps a lot to build them up over the summer months.

We have to eat but some days..........
we just don't feel much like a big meal.
Good night!

Thank you for stopping around. We reached a humid high of 32C/89F today and that is very warm for us.


  1. Waiting is never fun. But then.....DADDY's HOME!! Such a happy little guy!
    Plants look great - very pretty! 76 here when I got up at 5:30am. Not too bad today - only 103 right now at 5:30pm! Breakfast out then the store and home by 10:30......paying for the a/c so going to sit in it!! :):)

  2. P.S. Having shrimp tonight ~ THANKS!!

  3. It seems like most people are looking for ways to stay cool, I hope that keeps working out for you
    Mary and

  4. Here is another idea for Gibbs foot. I found out about this a few years ago and now keep a bottle in the house for the dog and one in the barn for chicken and ducks. It is called Vetericyn Plus. I buy it on Amazon but you might find it locally. It works for any sore and help it heal quickly.

  5. I think there's nothing better than having your puppy greet you at the door. They are always SO happy to see you, no matter what!!!!

  6. I like your Primroses and thinking I might want to purchase some for my flowerbeds. Gibbs sure is a cutie :-)

  7. We waited until we went to bed to turn on the AC. Slept much better, but had to shut it off this morning, because it was too cold. We'll play the game.
    That's what you call love, the way Gibbs greets Bill.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  8. Everything is greening up nicely at The Ridge! Gibbs is just too cute!

  9. Stealthy Gibbs on the chipmunks, can just imagine his lil bum wiggling in the air, as he creeps up on the chippies. Dee
