Saturday, June 8, 2024

And A Dreary Saturday is Upon Us, Birthday

The Ridge

On Saturday, June 8 I’m not sure why but we were all up by 6:30. Why Bill can’t sleep in on his days off is enough to make him lose sleep! LOL He and Gibbs were up at 6 regardless. Needless to say when I came down after my shower to have my tea, my boys dozed off in Bill’s recliner. 😊 He wouldn’t be flying, even though there was blue sky for a while. The winds would play havoc with their planes so best to stay home.

"Are you really staying home today, Daddy?"πŸ’˜

Bill mentioned cutting grass but after discussion, let’s leave it for a couple of days. Go enjoy your Saturday, as I’m going to. We both had errands in town, mine were for pleasure and I left at 9:30. I stopped at the Dollar Store for a flag for out at the mailbox and some wrapping paper. I noticed while I drove through town that there were a couple of yard sales so found one where I dropped a bit of cash. Next, I went to the church parking lot to check out their ‘trunk sale’ which didn’t turn out to be fruitful.

So, this made me chuckle.
How many of you ladies remember reading
her books? I do, I do!

All that only took about 30 minutes so I drove to the Town Hall to the Book Sale. It is actually not a sale but by donation and you can choose as many books as you’d like to go home with you. Gerry dropped Donna off soon after and we went to our favourite sections, which are very different than each other’s, finding a few choice books. My bag was full and Donna had 3 or 4, I think. From there, we hit a couple of garage sales before heading home.

From clear skies this morning,
clouds were definitely moving in.

I pulled into Robin’s even though she didn’t have her sale out but she wasn’t home anyway. I took Donna to the Acreage where Gerry was cutting grass and then went home for lunch with Bill. That was it for the morning but along with the dull weather, which now produced clouds and cool winds up here, we both dozed in our chairs after lunch. It felt like we’d been hit with a sleeping bug and finally around 2 forced ourselves up and outside for a while.

Supper was good, I might have to 
snack on some cheese and crackers later.

Bill went to the Hangar but the Bunky was cool and I wasn’t in the mood to finish painting my rocks. Inside, Gibbs and I relaxed and I read my next book. It’s called The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George. It’s quite refreshing and different than any other I’ve read. For supper, we had fish, chips and broccoli. You know who had the chips and who had the broccoli, I’m sure. πŸ˜‰

All afternoon, this kind of day.
Dull and then rainy.

The rain started around 4 and has been intermittent ever since. Bill put Gibbs’ drops in his ears while I held him on the island and the little bum was the best. He got a doggie cookie for that! Tonight, I’ll either watch tv or read but it will be a quiet one. It was a good day for doing nothing, really. We didn’t get any warmer than 15C/59F and, again, felt cooler than that. Happy Birthday to my oldest sister, Cathy. 

Happy Birthday,
Big Sis! πŸ’“

Good night!

Thank you for the visit.


  1. It doesn't surprise me that you and hubby take an
    occasional nap, you're a hard working busy couple

  2. After doing some yardwork yesterday, I lay on the couch and slept for 90 minutes! I think our bodies know what we need.
    Happy Birthday to your sister.

    1. I think that too! When we're tired, we've earned a nappy-poo! :)

  3. Gibbs is in 7th Heaven in that picture. Too cute!!

  4. I really do think you get Maebeme and my weather a few days later. Today was nice and sunny with no wind. That was nice for a change. Gibbs looks extremely comfortable in that picture.

    God bless.

    1. Yes, so I'm looking forward to what you had today! Send it on!
