Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Hunt is On, So Frustrated! So Proud!

The Ridge

On Thursday, June 6th I was surprised to see no rain although, it did look wet outside. The ‘big storm’ did not arrive here last night, a couple of fairly heavy showers around 8:30 and then 10 before it moved off to the north. The winds did increase but no records were set up on the Ridge, only 22 mph at its peak. πŸ˜‰ I hope that is the way the summer goes too! Wind warnings, especially, up here can be scary.

Good morning and Good day!
As you can see, the day improved.

We watched the last episode of Season 1 of the sitcom Elspeth. The previews made us curious and it turns out she is adorable in a quirky kind of way. But wasn’t Columbo? We look forward to watching Season 2 when it is available. Bill then went to the Hangar and after watching a movie of my own, Wild Horses, (so,so), I went to bed around 10:30. Some windows were left open, upstairs and down, but our ‘flat opening’ ones were closed.

My first Moonflower bloom and I almost
missed it altogether!
Also, my first two-toned iris - all wet and soggy

This morning, we were up and moving by 7. Bill left in Ptooties by 7:30 and Gibbs and I had the day to ourselves. No work of any kind away from home so that was nice. Now that I’m not working for M, I feel such a sense of freedom. The best part is that I’m still earning money towards my personal and our savings with my other two jobs. I’ve expelled a lot of stress, too, by not dealing with him on a day to day basis. 😊

3 of my new planters.
They are lovely in their bright colours.
2 geraniums and 2 impatiens

What did we do today? My first priority was to call Costco about our olive oil since Bill has heard nothing about our order being compiled. I did get resolve with that, they have it on file but it hasn’t been shipped as of this morning. Good, that’s all I needed to hear. Secondly, I contacted a live person on the FedEx website about the parcel that didn’t arrive last night. Rather than wait, I wanted to get on it in case it was still on the truck.

It was a roll in the grass kind of day. πŸ’“
Of course, he got his belly rub. How could I refuse?

I also got resolve with this query when Mary-Jane opened a case file for the parcel. I was happy with that and because it was an overcast kind of day, returned to the wool bag to try and get on those slippers! I’d unraveled the ones I had started the multi-coloured wool was not easy to work with for that project and I wasn’t happy with the first slipper I finished. Today, I used the bulky wool with a size 10mm hook and it is going much better with a solid colour.

Chippy deterrent (I hope!)

When the sun came out, Gibbs and I went out to fill bird feeders and just enjoy the Ridge sounds, fresh air and views. I did go up to the peony bush, sorry WE, went up to the bush and deadheaded the spent blooms. They look terrible now, especially after a rain. Word is that it will produce more blooms next spring – as if it needs more blooms! 😊 It was a gorgeous display while it lasted, which is never long enough.

Did Gibbs help? Of course!
I deadheaded and he guarded me from the Chippys

We had lunch inside and then went back out to the Bunky. Gibbs chased Chippy around it while I painted inside it. I had to use duct tape around the edges of the lid because if he keeps at it, he’ll be inside the pail. The little sh*t!! You’re cute but you’re not eating our bird seed! I sprayed the rocks I’d finished and placed my ‘sunflower’ rocks at the service berry beside the Bunky. It is bright and looks charming – I think. Thank you, Bridgette, for that idea.

A Sunflower rock for Daddy πŸ’˜

It's a beautiful day and since I hadn’t heard from FedEx about my parcel, I assumed it was safe to walk down to get the mail with Gibbs off leash. I was just afraid if they turned in, he might chase when he doesn’t have anywhere to go in the laneway. You talk about FRUSTRATED! Now is when I discovered just how many turtle eggs were laid over the last couple of days. The skunks have found them AGAIN. I wanted to cry as I picked up all of the shells so Gibbs wasn’t tempted to chew on them.

This was only one of the very deep holes.
A lot of time was spent here, first by Mrs. Yertle
and second by the bad old skunk!

There was one turtle in the middle of the lane up between my garden and the outhouse so we walked around her. I just want to gather them up and take them to a safe place to lay. Shortly after 4, I heard a vehicle in the lane so called to Gibbs, thinking it was Bill. He started barking and when I realized it was a white FedEx van, I called with more force and Gibbs came to me and stopped in his tracks. I was one proud Momma, let me tell you!

My garden here is looking very full and healthy

The driver saw the turtle and, very considerately, stopped and waited for it to move. He was quite enthralled until I told him about the skunks. He says he sees a lot of them on the roads that don’t make it across so he heeded our signs. Bless his heart. My parcel is here and you ladies may appreciate what goodies I have ordered.  You men, just move along. Ha ha. I paid enough, plus the exchange from the US, but after trying them on, I’m thrilled. Plus, a free hair wrap! 😊

Yup, it's delivered!

I've bought TrueKind bras before, which these are,
but these are more form fitted with thinner straps
for style.

I made my tea and we sat inside to wait for Bill. Supper will be burgers, if he doesn’t mind bbq’ing (not usually when it’s burgers!) and who knows what the evening will bring. 

My views from the patio.
I like the one on the left best. ♥

We’ve reached a lovely 21C/71F today and although it is calling for rain showers beginning in the wee hours of the morning, lasting all day tomorrow, we’ve enjoyed this day to the fullest. I’ll be back to a bit of work in the morning but should have the afternoon to enjoy with Gibbs.

The sky got very dark again while Bill was bbq'ing
but it moved on, leaving only light gray clouds.

Bill was home around 5:30 and we were finished eating just before 7. All was good! The sky is overcast again but winds have calmed considerably. This was another pleasant day on the Ridge.

Another delicious burger on lettuce.
Good night!

Thank you for the visit. Your comments are welcome!


  1. Hi, beautiful view with Gibb enjoys the day. Sad about the turtle eggs. Hope you get your package soon. Have a lovely day.

    1. Thank you for your comment! Our second parcel has been shipped......maybe my call worked!

  2. Always so fun reading your blog that burger is making me hungry.. Sheila

    1. Ah, thank you my dear friend! I hope AZ isn't too hot for you! ♥

  3. Another windy day here. I believe the lowest of the gusts were 70 km per hour. Which was much better than the lowest of 86 yesterday (highs of almost 100 at one point). I spent some time in the flower beds weeding, and of course working on my weaving.

    God bless.

    1. Wow! you are the ones who got the high winds! Glad you are all okay. Indoor jobs are as good as outside jobs.

  4. The only way to save those Turtle eggs is to be present when they are being laid, otherwise the Skunks will get them.
    Winds are up and down here as well.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your package.

    It's about time.

  5. That burger is making me hungry,too -Mary

  6. Want to borrow my skunk cage?? I suppose there's a reason for everything in nature, but it's sad it can be so ruthless. Love your sunflower rock ... I may have to do that here.

    1. We do have a cage but didn't think to put it out!! Duh!
      thank you, your idea for the rock painting is in the works. hint hint.

  7. Darned skunks! Though I suppose if they didn't eat some of the eggs, you'd be overrun with turtles. They must forage at night, because I don't recall you mentioning Gibbs having a run in with a skunk.

    1. I know! Well, overrun with turtles wouldn't be so bad.........but I wish the skunks would leave some to hatch! No, Gibbs has never seen a skunk - yet!

  8. Love the sunflower rock, a special tribute to your daddy! I'll have to check out your delivery website!

  9. I love how Gibbs is always on duty 😍 .
