Wednesday, June 5, 2024

A Little of This, That and the Other Thing

The Ridge

On Wednesday, June 5th the change in weather was a-foot. It seemed a bit overcast this morning yet also very warm. We slept with all windows open overnight and it was still a pleasant 18C/65F when we got up. I came downstairs shortly after 6:30 and a few good stretches. I did the same before I went to sleep last night and I’m feeling quite good after using those hidden muscles! I know I worked, but it isn’t causing me any grief. 😊

Good morning!
Let's start with last night's sunset pictures.

I love this one

I was ready for work this morning a bit sooner than most but only because I had some other things going on before noon. I left the boys behind and left around 7:15 to go clean the Mat. No one was there and I was pleased that the spare ‘new’ dryer lint keys were where Sandy told me and that they worked like a charm! There lies the reason I empty those trays every other day. Boy, were they ever full of lint after 4 days!

The real Moo Cows were at the fence
when I pulled out of our lane

Interesting sun this morning

I left Durham by 8:25 only to be held up as approached Hanover by construction. We have all been forewarned for quite a while that a roundabout is going in on one busy corner so now it is affecting the main highway. Oh well, it will make a huge improvement. I drove to Donna’s and picked up the 4 flower planters that I asked if she would buy for me at Walmart. I wasn’t in the right frame of mind on Saturday but the price at $10.99 per, was the best I’ve seen and worth it. Pictures another day.

So, the slow down wasn't too long at all,
but it always feels like forever.

Looking in my rearview, traffic was
really backed up. 

From there, I drove to Canadian Tire for a few things, only to find that the sale prices for a couple of them did not take affect until tomorrow. Bummer. A quick stop at Giant Tiger for bread and headed home. Funny that a toot toot at the lights had me turn to see Robin and Mildred (her pooch) in their truck, turning right. She’s such a cutie, well they both are. 😊

Back in Durham, I got a water jug filled, dropped some
books at the little book library, bought a book of stamps
and returned home.
This is how much we love our 
Tim Horton's. Clear directions at the main corner
(left at lights, 2 blocks)

We were expecting high winds today and a storm later this evening, so I put the screen tent away before lunch. That way, I won’t be watching and worrying over the next weather period. It’s easy enough to put up and down and I’ll be able to cut the grass on the first dry day. Not today, it’s too hot for outside work again today. It’s a wonder I don’t spend more time in the washroom with the amount of water I’ve been drinking. Ha!

Gibbs helped me take the tent down and
then sat in the exact same spot as if it
were still up. Goof.

Gibbs and I walked to the mailbox after I had a salad plate for lunch and then inside, I vacuumed the Suite. Now I can go barefoot again instead of wearing slippers. I can’t stand the grit of little stones, my pet peeve, I think I’ve said that before. I’m waiting for a FedEx parcel that is supposed to be here between 11:30 and 3:30………..hmm, it is 3:30 now. I’m sure it will arrive. We are also waiting for the delivery of our olive oil – hope it comes soon, we’re right out.

Gibbs found another feather on our walk to get the mail.
He's on his leash only because FedEx was expected.

Bill drove in the lane at 4:30 after stopping at the Acreage to get a bladder full of water. The clouds have moved in and the winds have picked up but it is still quite warm. Around 2:30, I put the meatloaf together so Madame IP will cook it for us in about 25 minutes instead of turning the oven on for an hour +. The water transferred outside while Bill and Gibbs dozed and we were eating shortly after 6. It was a delicious meal with our puddings for dessert. 

My boys sleeping. I had to disguise the gift on the couch
in case my future bride-to-be reads. 💕

At 7, we had a rain shower, briefly, but we are in for some doozy storm tonight. Still no FedEx by 7 but they have updated and said before 8 pm. Those poor drivers, it isn’t that important I get it today! This has been a great day.

A filling supper, not really keto but delicious.
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by.


  1. Chuckling at Nancy's comment. :)
    Send some of that heat back my way. It's chilly here this morning, and windy again. The clouds are supposed to roll in later today, so I expect I'll be indoors again. :(

    1. Me too! She's so cute!
      Well, the heat will be gone after tonight's rain so we'll be getting what you've got. Back and forth, eh? Crazy!

  2. Your yard looks so nice and green!

  3. Me too. I've always about Canadian Tire.

  4. Sorry, should have clarified that. Canadian Tire started as a tire store, mostly, and now it is a hardware store. With everything tools, car stuff, garden stuff, household stuff, small kitchen appliances. :)
