Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Things are a-Changing! 😊

The Ridge

On Tuesday, June 11th my hopes were high and I wasn’t disappointed. The forecast had said sunshine today, dry with a pleasant high of 20C/69F. Looking out my window first thing all I could see was blue sky. I guess the dull, wet days are just so we appreciate these days all that much more. Whatever, we are grateful! It was on the cool side first thing but I still wore shorts when I left to go clean the Mat at 7:20.

Good morning! 
Look at that sky! Finally!

I was all alone today so went about the job. The floor was dirty so I swept it first, out of order completely, and then finished up at the end with the dust mop. From there, I drove to see Mark at what I call the Water Store but it is actually Battery Pro. I didn’t need water but Bill asked me to drop off Ptooties’ old battery. Mark walked out and carried it in from the truck box. While there, I asked Jackie from Impact Tire (they share the same building) to give me a price on Black Beauty’s 4 back tires. They need to be replaced before we head south in the fall.

When I returned home, this little
sweetheart was at our front gate.
Does he think I can't see him?
I love the eyes, like the eyes of a deer. 💖

Then it was homeward bound. Gibbs and I didn’t do much as I only had an hour before taking M into town for his errands. Home by 11:30, I made a salad plate for lunch. Then, we sat together and I dozed. Boy, I felt tired again. When I heard the mail lady driving up the lane, we greeted her at the door but through the window. Gibbs was going crazy so I decided to spare her the ‘hi, hello, pet, pet’ and asked her to leave the parcel on the step. Something for Bill’s hobby.

Sitting in the truck, waiting for M.
I'm the chauffeur so I don't need to get out.
I like that! Easy 25$.

We went out after that and I cut the front lawn until my battery said ‘enough’. 😊 I got 95% of it finished, and that was enough for today. Gibbs and I sat in the King chairs to relax after that and then I worked on the puzzle in the Bunky. Chippy made a couple of appearances at the door but turned tail when he saw me in there. Gibbs slept around the corner, where I could keep an eye on him. He never wanders anymore, just chases Chippy if he gets too close.

Woops! I don't know where
he came from but I'm glad he missed the mower!
Pretty little thing, about 1'.5" long
I walked behind him shooing him into the wood pile.

While I worked, Gibbs relaxed in the shady long grass.
Until I got too close. 😀

Then we rested together.
I love cuddling with the little wiggle bum.

The grass looks so nice after a cut.
If I do say so myself. 

It was 4:30 when Bill drove up the lane and came inside with Gibbs for a snooze. I continued puzzling until 6 when I prepared an easy supper. 

I enjoyed working on the puzzle today and made 
a lot of progress.

We each had leftover meatloaf; Bill had fried potatoes and corn and squash for me. I wasn’t feeling too hungry so offered my last custard pudding to Bill to finish off. After dishes, he made his lunch, had his shower and went to the Hangar. I worked on my blog and then watched tv until bedtime.

Supper was quick and tasty.

Last night I enjoyed the movie Letters to Juliet, a cute love story. Also, I did finish my book. I wonder if my daughter would enjoy it too? Not sure what I’ll watch tonight. This was a really nice day. The weather turning out so nice, does wonders for us. I hope it stays, like the weather people say. 😊

A memory from last year on this day.
Somethings never change. 😂💘😂💘
Good night!

Thank you for the visit.


  1. The yard looks wonderful ~ nice job!! Gibbs has to relax when he can - tough job guarding mom! Hot temps here......patio says 98, phone says 110, tv says 113. I'm hiding in the house until Sept.!

    1. Thank you very much! We try to keep it looking good.
      Wow! That's hot - the patio is the place to be, over the phone (haha) and in the tv! :) Stay cool!

  2. I’m not a fan of snakes but your little one looked harmless.
    Do you have poisonous ones in your area?
    Grass looked so nice....good job!
    Linda a.

    1. I'm not big on snakes either, but these are harmless. No poisonous ones around here. Phew!
      thank you Linda a.

  3. Love the little bunny ... and even the beautiful little snake. I must say there is nothing like having a puppy snuggle on your lap, and Gibbs seems to be very good at it!!

    1. Cute critters, no snakes like AZ has!
      Gibbs is pretty good at snuggling, yes.

  4. That shot of the suite and yard w/firepit & chairs looks just wonderful. A great place to spend the summer. Puzzle on..

  5. What a lovely day. It is finally getting pretty nice here as well. Perhaps we will have some nice weather for a bit. Cute garter snake, glad the mower missed him.

    God bless.

    1. It was a lovely day, glad you had it as well. Hopefully, it will stay this time?
      He must have 9 lives, not sure where he came from, maybe under the firepit.
