Sunday, June 30, 2024

Quiet Cool Day

The Ridge

On Sunday, June 30th we woke up to another dreary day. It was a misty rain from the time we got up for most of the day. Even though the forecast said only a 1% chance of precipitation, that misty dampness hung around. The temperature started out around 10C/51F and rose to an amazing high of 13C/55F by 5 o’clock. Reminder to self: This is summer. Wow! At least tomorrow promises to be sunny and warm.

We just basically hung around inside all morning, and I made up a batch of my Keto Oatmeal. We had lunch and then took a drive into Durham. I forgot to pick up a loaf of bread yesterday (all those places we went!) so I popped into Foodland. One more stop at the Home Hardware, chatted with Josh, the owner, and I treated myself (and our feathered friends) to a sunflower bird feeder and some trail mix. The normal bird seed would just fall through the holes.

I made up more hummer food, filled the 2 feeders and again, hung indoors. I watched tv upstairs for a couple of hours and Bill and Gibbs settled downstairs with their own movie. Bill vacuumed for me since tomorrow is our Canada Day and we’re expecting company. There isn’t much more to write, I took no pictures so I’ll leave it at that. For supper, we’ll have Pork Ribettes, vegetable and fried potatoes for Bill. 😊

I hope your weather was much improved from ours and that your day went well. I wanted to mention something about our running around yesterday. From the first store we stopped in to the very last one, here in town, I encountered the most cheerful, friendly people. Not only staff, but every patron as well. What a wonderful experience and it continued this morning in Foodland and H.H. Everyone seems to be in a great mood. Yay! 💖💖 So often, all we do is gripe about discontented people, shoppers, and employees that I thought it worth a mention about what I've witnessed. 😃

Happy 157th Birthday, Canada!
Good night.

Thank you for popping in. Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians! 


  1. Happy Canada to you and your family hope you enjoy your day and hope you have better weather for it.
    What do you use for your hummingbird feeder I do four parts water to one part sugar.
    Life is always better on the weekends when they don't have to work I love happy people makes my life happier

    1. Thank you!
      I use the same mixture for the hummers. :)
      I love happy people too, shoppers are always rushed and seldom 'happy'.

  2. I'll trade my sunny and warm with you! 6am and was 87F on my patio----went up from there.
    I live in tourist area so most everyone is friendly and good mood! Restaurants very crowded in winter but I can get in since I'm here all year and they know me!! :):) Another reason not to cook!!

    1. I'm sure you would! But you wouldn't want it all the time! :)

  3. It's sweet of you to feed the birds.People being nice when you're around maybe because you're nice to them, I hope you,
    Bill and Gibbs stay warm,dry and happy,Mary

  4. Happy Canada Day!
    We had sunny and warm yesterday, today is overcast and cooler. But we're already at 14C at 5:30 a.m.

    1. Well, thank you for passing it along for our special day. ;) Some more rain coming but very warm this week.

  5. Here's to a wonderful sunny spring day!!! It's like Hades down here, so you are definitely in a better place!!! LOL
