Saturday, June 22, 2024

A Fun New Adventure! Another Warning.

The Ridge

On Saturday, June 22nd, I was up at 6:30 and in the shower right away. Bill was already downstairs having his cereal. His plan was to go flying. It is warm already, 20C/68F, but it is calm and everything is wet. This, again, reminds me of summers as a child, when it rained overnight and was nice through the day. 😊 However, in this case, there are rain showers and thunderstorms predicted for this afternoon.

Good morning!
This lovely picture is as I pulled into Bridgette and Chris' laneway

I am excited today as I will get to see my daughter this afternoon. Her girlfriends are holding a bridal shower for her in St. Thomas. That is a 2 ½ drive for me, to not necessarily unknown territory, we lived near there for years. So, making plans ahead, I will drive to Bridgette’s first and convoy to the gathering. This helps my frazzled brain as I’m not the best at directions – at least not remembering turns and stuff until I get there. LOL

Although the clouds look threatening,
our little convoy did not get rain even after
our arrival.
That's Wendy ahead of me and Bridgette
ahead of her. 
My gps is very important to me and sometimes when it may not be the ‘best’ way, it will get me to where I’m going. Gibbs will only be alone for the morning before Bill returns and will be quite comfortable inside. We didn’t turn the a/c on this morning, there is pleasant air coming in the windows. 😊 I was ready to leave by 9 so punched her address in and off I went! The drive was uneventful, which is always good, I did make one wrong turn and quickly corrected it.

A very nice party set up.
Bridgette's girls did an awesome job.

Arrival at Bridgette’s by 11 and I was welcomed by that soon-to-be son-in-law with a wonderful hug. My sister, Wendy and niece, Morgan were there, arriving last night, and it was great to see them as well. We chatted until it was time to leave and I got a sneak peak at Chris’ new toy and we got a peak at Bridgette’s vegetable garden. It’s coming along very nicely, they have made nice changes to their yard. 😊

This pool was very inviting
We had another hot 30C/86F day in the city.
We convoyed to St. Thomas, about an hour’s drive, and arrived at Tammy’s lovely home. The yard is beautiful too and the pool looked so welcoming on this hot, humid day. I didn’t get an exact count but I think there were about 16 of us so a great turnout. She received a lot of gifts and we had a lot of laughs over many. I love the idea of the wedding/baby/party online registries as it enables guests to get exactly what the honorees’ want.

We tried sitting in the shady areas but soon
melted into the chairs.
Time to move indoors for our snacks

There were great snacks but I didn’t get any food pictures to show, tsk tsk. Between 3 – 3:15 many guests left but I stayed behind with the hostesses, Bridgette and 2 other friends for a dip in their above ground pool. It was just the refreshment I needed before hopping in Ptooties at 4 and routing my way home. It was a long drive, 3 hours to The Ridge and my butt was ready for me to stop when I arrived. 😊 It was a great day though and totally worth every minute!

The guest of honour

The rain began arriving as I got home and then we received tornado warnings in our area. Good grief! Not another year like that! With my sister away for the night, I contacted Robin to see about seeking shelter in her home. It is just 3 km down the road and she, of course, welcomed us. She is away until Sunday night so it was sure a blessing for us. We packed a bag, essentials and important papers and drove in.

A much deserved swim before heading home

Say cheese ladies!

It’s a ‘better to be safe than sorry’ scenario and those are her words exactly. We appreciate it very much. We settled in for a couple of hours at least to wait the storm out, feeling pretty confident that it will miss us tonight. Bill had his toasted tomato sandwich for supper and other than some cheese and nuts, I didn’t expect to need anything else tonight. I’ll sign this off early, and sit enjoy some tv with Bill until we can return to the Suite.

A candid shot with my girl.
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by.


  1. I hope you survived the tornado warning tonight! Nice pics of you and your daughter :-)

    1. Thank you MT, yes we did. Thank you so much, seldom do we get pics together.

  2. What a fun party!!!! Glad you left for safer spaces. I watched, not seeing any tornado, but lots of high winds everywhere. That was a BIG storm. Hope all is okay back at home.

    1. Thank you Nancy. Yes it was fun. She received a lot of great gifts.
      Everything is okay here, thanks.

  3. First off, I checked to see if any tornadoes touched down last night in Ontario - no news so I'm expecting that is good news.
    The bridal shower looks like a lot of fun, and how nice to be able to cool off in the pool before your long drive home. Congrats to Bridgette and Chris on the upcoming nuptials.

    1. Thank you Maebeme. I didn't hear of any either, false warning is better than no warning, I think though. :) It was a fun party.

  4. Glad everything went well for the shower.
    The National Weather Service is predicting more Tornadoes than we normally have.
    Stay Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Thanks Rick. Although your last sentence is not welcoming news! it gets worse every year.

  5. I'm glad you had a place for shelter!

  6. The shower looks like a great deal of fun. I really love your dress!!!! I am glad that no tornados touched down in Ontario.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks Jackie, it was a fun day!
      Thank you, I'm glad to have an occasion to wear a dress once in a while!
