Sunday, June 9, 2024

Yay! Another Miserable Weekend Day😂 Another Birthday

The Ridge

Here we are on Sunday, June 9th and surprise, surprise, it is cold and damp = dreary. Bill read somewhere that we should expect a drier, hotter summer than normal so maybe that is what we’re paying for now? Oh brother, just make up your mind, Mr. Weatherman! There is a song by Hank Williams Jr. that says it best: “Mr. weatherman, what is your forecast? I need a major change. I can’t stand no more rain” 😊

Good morning!
Looking east in the top photo.
Almost looks like sun dogs.
Driving west in the bottom picture.
It didn't look like this for very long.

So, we had laundry to get done today and after sorting it, Bill carried the basket out to Ptooties for me. It was a cool 11C/51F when I left. When I arrived at the Mat, my ‘biker hippie’ customer was in loading a washer. I need names for them, some I see every week and we don’t exchange names. He is reserved until you (I) speak to him and then he is quite pleasant even though we only discuss the machines. 😉

The cleaning was done.
I was just waiting for our clothes to dry.

Then, ‘Mrs. wash my blankets only’ came in to use the biggest machine. I assume she has a dryer at home since she never dries them before she leaves. She is also pleasant but also quiet. I finished cleaning, signed the office calendar and locked up, just biding my time for our 2 loads of clothing to dry. No point in taking them home to get re-rinsed in the rain. On the way home, I stopped in to see Robin. We had a nice chat for about 20 minutes before I booted on to The Ridge.

Now that my Bunky is all cleaned up,
I put the paints away and got out a 1000 pc. puzzle.

Bill was working in the Bunky, fixing the desk drawer for me. Yay! He’s my handyman and I very much appreciated it. That encouraged me to stay out there and clean things up in there. I sorted all my unread books on my little shelf unit, put a couple of things out for donation (a stool, life jacket and doggy cone) and then, because it was only 11, I painted more rocks. I still haven’t found a 500-piece puzzle that I can work on in there so I’m in no rush to put the paints away.

At Nancy's suggestion, a Mrs. Yertle
for the garden. The eyes aren't right...
but they'll do!

Bill had also brought up the cabinet heater from the Hangar that he doesn’t need now so that warmed it up in there and took the dampness away. I’m happy again with my little she-shed. We had bacon and eggs for lunch and then I emailed Donna with a couple of recipes for her to try. Eating keto creates a challenge for lunch, so I sent her the broccoli cheddar soup and the keto pancakes. I hope she enjoys them as much as I do.

After spending a couple of hours in the Bunky,
I came in to sit with this cuddle bum while
I read my book. I'm not sleeping, although it looks it.

Then I went back out to the Bunky and after a nap, Bill went to the Hangar. 😊 I had it all straightened up and with some heat on, it was quite nice out there. It was over 2 hours later that I realized it was 4:30 so I closed the Bunky up for the night, propping a board against the bottom of the door to discourage Chippy, and came in to sit with Gibbs. Great minds think alike as Bill was 5 minutes behind me. I tried the Phrazle again for the afternoon, with no luck (yet), and then read.

The sky changed many times today
and even let some scatters of rain fall.

Bill was on line ordering hobby stuff and a couple of things for the Ridge. We had supper around 6:30, simple grilled cheese sandwiches. I had mine on sour dough bread with onion – delicious! We each had one of our puddings for dessert.

We each had a cup of tea late afternoon,
so weren't hungry enough for a big meal.

A quiet Sunday evening meant Bill upstairs watching a movie and me downstairs with my book. It is so good! Gibbs spent time in both places, sharing the love. ♥ 

Preparing for the evening.

We only reached a high of 13C/56F today and dropping to a low 7C/45F overnight. Despite the weather, this was a good day for relaxing. We have another family birthday to celebrate. Bill's 2nd oldest daughter, Charlotte, is having her special day today. 💗

Happy Birthday, Charlotte!
Good night!

Thank you for the pop in.


  1. You have a heated she shed! You really are
    pampered - good for you

  2. Puppy snuggles ... I love it! The turtle came out perfect! You are more talented than you think!! Happy Birthday Charlotte!!

    1. Thank you for the idea, Nancy. I actually had the perfect shaped rocks!

  3. Sheesh, when is the warmer weather going to arrive? We had a nice day yesterday, but our temps for today (with rain) are the same as what you had yesterday.
    Happy Birthday to Charlotte.

    1. I'm with you on the weather frustration. It is June, isn't it?

  4. I love the turtle rock(s), nice job! Hopefully you'll find a 500-piecer for the she-shed soon. You guys have quite the lap-warmer in Gibbs, lol.

    1. Thank you, I got impatient and started with the big one. Gibbs is the best heat pad ever!

  5. Sorry to hear about the weather you are having up there. Although its not super great down here either at the moment, at least its not raining. Lets hope for a hot July!

  6. Love the rock turtle and the view out the windows.
