Wednesday, June 26, 2024

London for Bill, Williamsford for Patsy, Home for Gibbs

The Ridge

On Wednesday, June 26th it was a surprise to see sunshine when we first woke up around 6:30. I stayed in bed until 7 but Bill was up getting washed and dressed. He had an appointment with our family doctor in the big city at 1 and so planned a few other stops in around London while he was there. 😊 His blood sugar numbers were up a bit and the doc wanted to chat about it.

good morning!
Gibbs and I took a walk this morning.

Because Bill is already diabetic, kind of right on the border line and because the number didn’t jump by much, there was no real concern and no need for any medications. Yay! That’s what we were worried he might do and Bill was prepared with his ‘we’re going to change a few things in my diet first’ speech. It wasn’t even necessary. This is a fairly new doctor to us; we’ve only seen him a couple of times each – but he is growing on us.

We've all probably seen the performance
this bird puts on.
She/he thought we were just too close to her nest
so did everything in her power to take us in another
direction. So brave!
All the while calling 'kildeer, kildeer!'

So, I had the morning to myself with Gibbs and on first thought, ‘my’ grass area needs cutting. It had rained overnight (again) and things were still too wet for my little mower, so Gibbs and I went for a walk almost to the corner instead. Then I sat in the Bunky at the puzzle for a while, working on the sky area. Still not a lot of progress BUT 3 more border pieces were located! They are really skinny and odd shapes so that’s my excuse. Only 2 more to find. I think. 😊

Well, this is supposed to be a picture
of our pond along the lane.
It's through there somewhere but the sun is pretty.

At 10:30, I fried up a couple of pieces of egg plant in butter for an early lunch/late breakfast kind of deal and left Gibbs in charge at 11. 

I don't even need to bread it or add parmesan,
it is so good just like this.

I drove to Williamsford to clean the bed and breakfast for Robin. She will be flying home tonight from Nfld and has had guests every night since she left on Monday morning. It was 1:30 when I closed the door behind me.

Driving along North Line towards
the highway

It's a pretty drive, on a dry day.
In or after the heavy rain, it wouldn't be fun.

I dropped the heavy bath towels at her place, putting them in the dryer there. They don’t dry well with 3 full sets of sheets, as I found out when I arrived. Jessica had kind of overloaded them when she left yesterday. Some guests don’t use any bath towels, others use 4 or 5 or 6, the latter being odd because there are only 4 guests – usually.

Looks like unwelcome guests.
It was empty though so I removed it.

The day had clouded over but was still very warm and humid by the time I returned home. I hopped in the shower immediately, it was very hot and sweaty, I’m hoping they’ll put a/c in that house. 😊 For the remainder of the day, we stayed indoors. Bill had messaged after his appointment that all was well and he was coming home with a good report. I could have canceled and gone with him but he didn't 'need' me and he deserves a free day to toot around without me sometimes too.♥ 

The entrance improves with the Tiger Lilies
in bloom

At 3, the sky opened up and we had a very heavy downpour for about 10- 12 minutes. It got windy, the rain was driving across the Ridge enough to make things white outside and the thunder was rumbling all around us. It didn’t get too windy, to the point of me being frightened, but I was still glad when it stopped! Bill was home at 5 and by then I’d finished my J.P. book. Oh my, it was so good!

These are at 2:30

For supper, we had pancakes and little sausage. My pancakes were keto and once more, they were delicious! The syrup was a treat and we discussed how it’s a good thing we only have them once a month. 😊 

The beginning of the rain

Our pails get filled really fast!

At 3:00, you couldn't see anything for a few minutes.

After cleanup, a lot of dishes to hand wash and then Bill went upstairs to watch a movie. Methinks he’ll be asleep in no time. He is getting a break from work, which we are both looking at as a blessing right now. Things to do at home and time spent together.

A tasty supper.

This was a good day and another bit of cash in my account. The weather continues to be ‘funny’ (no other word for it!) with a couple of cool days & nights again. LOL and around the corner a new month.

Chippy is trying to hid in the long grass.
Good night!

Thank you for popping in.


  1. That's great news about Bill not needing medication for diabetes!
    The bird calling killdeer to protect her babies is so
    precious , I love how wildlife protects their offspring.Nice that Gibbs and you got to take a walk, have a good night

    1. Thank you Mary! Wildlife is very special, instinct. They sure know how to communicate a message.

  2. Bill may not like to her this, but eating Vegetables will keep his sugar under control.
    Your 3:00 storm hit the west end at 2:00 and left us dry.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Bill actually eats enough veggies BUT some veggies are still high in carbs and carbs are still sugar. Glad the storm missed you.

  3. Glad to hear all is well with Bill. He sounds like he is border-line diabetic.
    Goodness that was quite the storm! Chippy appears wet in the photo.
    The killdeer are such a striking bird with their markings and, of course, their call.

    1. Thank you Maebeme. Yes, that is exactly what he is. Border-line diabetic. :)
      Chippy is sitting in wet grass for sure!

  4. Good news for Bill ... keep up your good cooking!! Love Chippy hiding from Gibbs!! I'll trade you some rain for some 98 degree days!!!!

    1. Thank you Nancy. I don't know about the good cooking though. haha
      Seems none of us are ever completely happy with our weather, eh? :)

  5. I'm in the same boat as Bill, below borderline. I have given up on a lot of things that I really like, like French bread and butter, used to eat half a loaf in one sitting, things like that. More vegetables in the diet now, and switched over to Coke Zero, not the real thing, but not too bad, and NO sugar or carbs. Regular coke is a real killer. One thing we came up with that I am really liking is deep fried zucchini. We do ours in a small Fry Daddy that we got from Amazon. It is the smallest one, one quart of oil, and it works great. I don't really like mushy things, but if you dry the zucchini for a day or so after slicing it thin on the mandolin, and deep fry it with a little garlic salt and pepper on it, it is really good. Not mushy at all. Good thing, too, as my 2 zucchin i plants are really cranking them out.

    1. yes, that's Bill's biggest thing is the bread. He has a sandwich most days for lunch and always has. We are not big salad eaters but if I make it, he likes them better than I do! He does pretty good with veggies but some are empty calories. We like the high fat, so butter is good. He also drinks Coke Zero and now can't tell that it isn't 'the real thing'. :) He quite likes it. He'll be careful with the cookies he eats and he's switching cereal and cutting out orange juice. We'll keep him in line. :)

  6. What an easy way to fix eggplant. I'll have to try that. Does Bill like zucchini? There's so much you can do with zucchini.

    1. Yes, and I love the eggplant! I love zucchini fried too but Bill doesn't. He is a straight veggie guy, meaning lettuce, tomato, celery, cucumber............but only in a salad.
