Tuesday, June 25, 2024

A Couple of Things

The Ridge

On Tuesday, June 25th, Bill didn’t have to go to work again but didn’t find out until this morning around 6:30, I think. I was sleeping so I’m not sure. 😉 When I came downstairs at 7, I made my to-go tea and was on my way into town by 7:30. Duty calls! The Mat was empty save for one customer who had her wash in when I arrived. She was in and out in between cycles.

Good morning!
Yay! I caught a Moonflower in full bloom!
There are 3 more ready on this plant for the next day or two. 💖

I finished up there by getting the floors washed and slipped out. I made one stop on Main Street, at the Rethreads second hand store and that was to drop a bag of a few donations on their step. They don’t open until 9 and I saw that I wasn’t the only one who did that. Back home, I heard Gibbs barking as I drove up the lane but didn’t see him. 😊

Driving into Durham under
overcast skies. The blue is not sky,
it is cloud.

When I turned at the top of the hill to our parking area, there he was, sitting perfectly on the grass – quietly waiting. Mind you, as soon as I came close to a stop, he was at my door barking his little head off. ‘Welcome home, Mom!’ Bill was up on the berm with the C.C. and trailer, moving dirt. He was taking his time and had already made 4 trips up there. The pile is slowly going down but we definitely need a new little trailer.

Gibbs sits with me at the puzzle
but still keeps an eye on Daddy out on the berm. 

At a few minutes before 10, I left them down at the Hangar and drove to M’s for his run into Durham. That’s an hour and an easy $30. I was home before lunch and Bill suggested bacon and eggs which sounded good to me. The rest of the day was pretty quiet and because it was threatening rain and more storm chances, we hung inside for most of it.

A Northern Flicker visits today.
By the time I got my big camera, he was gone
He's so handsome!

At 3, I went to tackle more puzzle pieces and was back in before 5. Bill and Gibbs stayed inside to watch a movie. 

It is still frustrating, but coming along.
Yes, I still love it. 😛

His leg is so much better although still some ankle swelling. Hopefully, he’ll be back to work on Thursday, his wish, as tomorrow he is heading to London for the day. More on that later. For supper, we had pork riblets with leftover fried potatoes, a bit of rice to clean up and a vegetable.

So, this is a cutting from Robin's Williamsford Kalanchoe.
A guest had a cat that was obviously on the window sills
and broke it off. 😩
I brought it home and it is rooting nicely for me.

This evening, we stayed put indoors with Gibbs and watch movies. Last night, I watched Admission, which was different but enjoyable enough. Today, I got into my J.P. book and it is quite good. A real page-turner. Confessions: The Murder of an Angel. 

These pork ribettes were soooo good!
Fully cooked and delicious!

It has been a dreary day but warm enough, mid 20’s/70’s, despite the looming storm. I hope you are getting some decent weather where you are. 

Tomorrow looks like a better day,
The storms dissipated or moved to the east. 

If you remember, I filled the bird feeders yesterday. Well, 2 are empty and those grackles are working on the 3rd. I'm glad the small birds have the finch seed all to themselves, there are 2 of those feeders. Gibbs' Chippys are also happy with the seeds dropped on the ground.

And my favourite picture of the day.
My son, Patrick, proudly presents his son,
Nathan (Nate) on his Gr. 8 graduation day. 
Good night!

Thank you for the visit.


  1. It's good to know Bill's got less leg and foot swelling, your grandson is a handsome boy,Mary

  2. Having the extra day off, might be what Bill needs to fully heal.
    Our weather was a reversal of yours.
    Those precooked Ribs are easier to get ready to serve.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Yes, exactly, we're not complaining! :)
      The ribettes are delicious too!

  3. Glad to hear that Bill's leg is improving. I'm sure the time off work has been beneficial to his health. How is Gibbs' paw?
    We had a lovely day yesterday, but looks like more rain coming in today.
    Congrats to your grandson Nate!

    1. Thank you Maebeme.
      Gibbs' paw - well, hard to say. Some days he hardly touches it and another he can't leave it alone.

  4. It's tough for Mr. Gibbs, keeping track of you two!! Love your moon flowers!!

  5. Nice easy day. Glad to hear Bill's leg is feeling better.

  6. My Moonflowers were pure white and bloomed every evening. Couldn't find seed this year and really miss seeing them.

    Had company today and really wished they would leave so I could work on projects. There is a reason why, but I won't go into it here.

    It is wonderful to hear that Bill's leg is improving.

    God bless.
