Sunday, June 16, 2024

A Lovely Father’s Day! The Heat is On!

The Ridge

On Sunday, June 16th, first off, Happy Father’s Day to all you dads out there! I hope this has been an awesome day filled with laughter, hugs, kisses, cards, phone calls rather than texts and or gifts, whichever makes you smile. We woke up to 10C/50F with a cloud covered sky. The weather people said a high of 25C/77F so we’re looking forward to that. It was windy and by 10:30, the sun was out in full force.

Bill and the guys had decided to go to the flying field this morning, despite the windy forecast, even if it just meant a social coffee time. ๐Ÿ˜Š I thought that was pretty neat, indicative of their friendship. So, he left Gibbs and I around 8:15. I couldn’t remember that I was going to cut the grass this morning so got comfy with the little bum in ‘our’ recliner. I played my Wordle games and drank my tea.

I've probably showed you the Air Bnb I clean but
since my sister asked for a picture, I'll share it. 

At 10:45, Bill returned home, just as I was making my coffee to go clean the house at Williamsford. After he got his cargo trailer parked down by the Hangar and was greeted by Gibbs, he decided to go get a bladder of water from the Acreage. Gibbs went with him and I followed a minute or two behind on my way too. The bnb was in really clean condition, that’s twice in a row! ๐Ÿ˜Š

It's a sweet little house.

Unfortunately, the washer wasn’t working properly, between yesterday and today something went wrong. I informed Robin and I ended up bringing the dirty sheets and towels home to her house. She was on her way home, at the airport when we chatted, so I put them in her washing machine knowing she would be home soon to pop them in the dryer. She has more guests tonight so things are a-buzz for her!

I'm glad I remembered to cut the lawn.
It looks so much better and now with the heat wave coming,
I won't have to think about it.

Bill had a couple of small jobs to do so while he did that, I decided to cut the lawn. Duh! I totally forgot earlier. It was a hot day but the winds up here made it just perfect. It didn’t take me longer than 20 minutes and now everything looks tickety-boo. My sister, Gayle, and her hubby, John, were coming for a short visit here and then going to the Acreage to visit Donna and Gerry.

A short visit but it was nice to see Gayle and John

They stopped by around 2:45 or 3 and were on their way within 45 minutes. Short and sweet. They are no longer just 40 minutes away, more like 70 minutes so they try to make the most of the trip. It really isn’t that far, in the scheme of things, is it? After they left, Gibbs and I fed the birds and watered the plants (or was it before they arrived?) so all critters are happy now. ๐Ÿ˜Š

This is my next puzzle.
Pretty picture.

I’d bathed Gibbs’ foot again this morning, thinking it was improving, but he has been limping on occasion (except when chasing Chippy or running to guests!) and licking it more again. Darn, he may be going to the vet after all. I laid in the sun for a while since Bill and Gibbs were having their snooze.

I got a lot of the border done before I stopped for the day.
It was time get supper started.

After 30 minutes, I started another 1000-pc puzzle. This one will be hard, I think, muted colours around the border and some odd-shaped pieces. Oh brother, and the challenge of having pieces on top of each other for a while will keep me sharp or make me nuts! We’ll see which one. 

This is the hairy part!!

For supper, I had spaghetti squash and Bill had spaghetti noodles with our meat sauce. Yummy and guilt-free for me. It was a nice change; I had a hankering for that!

it was good and there is some meat sauce left
for on toast for another night. 

After cleanup, Bill went to the Hangar for a bit and after my blog, I will watch some tv. Together, last night, we watched The Adjustment Bureau. We love that movie, quite an interesting plot if you haven’t seen it.

It was a great day today; I’d say darn near perfect! I hope it was for you all as well! Bill heard from all of his girls and my daughter, plus my son called (!!!) Ha ha, we were both very impressed with that! He also had a message from our dear friend, Colin, in B.C. He never misses a special day. Of course, we miss our own dads today, they are forever in our hearts.

When I came out of the Bunky,
there he is. Can you see our perfect little gentleman?
On that note, Good night!

Thank you for the visit.


  1. Read your blog every day but rarely comment. About Gibbs paw issue, he could have developed a hot spot which he will want to keep licking making it difficult to heal. You might need to call the vet and see if they can recommend something without an office visit. My parents' Lab had a hot spot on her leg and it was a long time in healing. Good luck to cute Gibbs.

    1. Hi Arrowhead Gramma! How nice that you commented today! Thank you for reading. ♥
      When I called the vet, she suggested the Epsom salts and keep on him as much as possible to not lick it. Some days that seems to work well and it looks better but others, not so much. I'll look up 'hot spot' as I've not heard of it before. Thank you for the comment and for caring about our little Gibbs.

  2. I have the same problem with Coop. He licks this one foot like crazy. The vet said to try hair spray ... deodorant ... lemon juice ... anything to keep him from licking. Absolute NOTHING has worked. Maybe Gibbs has a sticker up underneath stuck in the hair between his pads? I've found that twice on Cooper. Hard to check when they don't want you to touch it.

    1. Thank you Nancy. Gibbs likes the feel of the water and Epsom salts and stands in the sink for as long as I hold him. He lets me hold it, rub it, spread the toes and pads as long as he is in water. Some days he limps, others not at all. I'm going to look up hot spot.

  3. Poor Gibbs, I do hope whatever is on his foot is easily treated and remedied.
    I called my brother to wish him a Happy Father's Day. His wife was away on a business/leisure trip, his daughter was on vacation with a friend, and he and his son had spent Saturday together. So he had the day to himself and was planning to go for a long run with the dog.
    Have fun with the puzzle!

    1. Sounds like a perfect day for your brother! Sometimes, just having time to themselves is what our men want.
      Thank you, we'll keep an eye on Gibbs.

  4. Poor Gibbs, I do hope his foot heals. It has been very cold/coolish here with lots of rain.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you Jackie, we'll keep an eye on Gibbs' foot.
      Still cool? I hope you get 'some' of the heat we'll be melting in over this coming week!
