Friday, June 7, 2024

Cool Down, Collections, Inside Day,

The Ridge

On Friday, June 7th (yay, Friday! On Bill’s behalf), I came downstairs a few minutes after 6:30. I was slept out and felt like I needed to get up. Bill was finishing his cereal and yet made my tea for me. He did make it in my ‘at home’ mug but that’s okay that he forgot I clean this morning. 😊 He has enough on his mind, so I poured it into my ‘to-go’ cup and we sat for a while with Gibbs.

Good morning!

It was about 7:20 when we gave the little guy his treat and we left for work. Ptooties has been hesitant to start over the last few days, well back as far as Wednesday, at least. Oh-oh, probably the signs of needing a new battery. For once, I was very happy to be taking Black Beauty in to town today but I made sure she started for Bill before we left the Ridge.

Seriously? Who drops this and walks over it?

I was alone at the Mat and other than clutter on the floor, the place wasn’t too dirty. With no other stops, I returned home when I finished. It’s a wet morning, but not currently raining. It must have rained overnight after all although I didn’t hear a thing. I sat with Gibbs for an hour before it was time to pick M up for his run into Durham. It’s an easy $25 for me and adds a bit of $ to the fuel pot. 😊

It was a lot about the sky changes today

The rest of my day was pretty quiet. UPS drove up the lane around 2:30 with our olive oil from Costco. He is my favourite delivery driver and it was nice to see him again. M has a large collection of Elvis cards that he is interested in selling. It is quite a lot of cards, 700 with only 4 missing out of the sequence. So! I told him I would bring them home, sort them (except for the duplicates, they are in sleeves) and see if I can find out what they might be worth to a collector. That was a fun job and took up about 2 hours of my morning.

We didn't even know there were such things
as Elvis cards!

I’ll do the research another day. Gibbs and I walked to the mail box to find it empty but it was a refreshing walk for us. I needed to put a jacket on, stupid weather! We are only 14C/58F and feeling colder with the wind. Up and down seems to be the name of the game this spring just when I thought June would be an improvement over May. Oh well, it is what it is (we say that a lot, trying to convince ourselves that we're okay with things) and still manage to move on with our day.

We walked down to get the mail

Guess who found another feather?

Bill called on the way home about the battery/water place in town so I called Mark to see if he had what we needed. Yay! He has one left so Bill will be able to stop and hopefully pick it up on the way home. Thankfully, he is open until 5 tonight. 

It was around 5:15 when he pulled up the lane. For supper, we had leftover meat loaf, scalloped potatoes and a vegetable. The potatoes should not be on my plate but they are good and I hate to waste them, if Bill gets tired of eating them. That’s my excuse anyway.

Not a lot of sun today, the clouds
moved quickly but it was nice to see blue sky.

The rain started around 5:30, although not heavy. It just added to the dull, damp feeling of our afternoon. Supper was later, Bill had changed the old battery for new and showered before having a snooze before we ate. This has been a quiet day, mostly, and Ptooties is raring to go for another 6 or 7 years. 😊 I hope your weather today was better than ours. We’re in this for another few days before warmth returns. My poor plants didn’t see much sun today.

I was right about Bill, this was the last night
he wanted scalloped potatoes.
The remainder went into the freezer for another night
down the road. 😀
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by.


  1. After the two days of horrendous winds here, I was actually glad for the clouds, cooler weather and the rain we got this morning (not really that much). I did manage to get the rest of the perennial bed weeded, as well as the back bed beside the shed before the rain started. Tomorrow it is beside the house and dandelion picking for this years salve.

    I think you might get our weather a few days after we suffer through it. Glad that Ptooties is good to go for another few years.

    God bless

    1. Winds are not my friend either. Worse since we live in our rv. :)
      Good job on the weeding. I'm happy when you get nice we can look forward to it!

  2. Nice of you to be sure
    hubby got his vehicle started before leaving home this morning !
    Always good to make some money, Gibbs is
    such a cutie .-MARY

  3. Gibbs and his question-mark tail and feathers!! At least your mat is not as bad as our Bingo restroom. No kidding ... do people live like this at their house? It makes you wonder.

    1. I had to go back and look at the picture of Gibbs. haha, never noticed that.
      Oh, it is disgusting, restrooms definitely worse!

  4. Gibbs is very photogenic - he looks so cute in his summer cut. I'm not surprised he finds feathers with the geese in the pond.
    We had slightly warmer weather yesterday, but it is cool here today. No rain in the forecast though.

    1. At least with the rain, no plant watering is necessary but they need sun too.
      Gibbs loves finding the feathers, like it is a real treasure!

  5. Gibbs is looking pretty smart and handsome in his new haircut. Good to hear patootie‘s round go.

    1. Yes, so much cooler for him in his hair cut. I do like the long curly look too though. ♥
