Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Jumping States, Route 66 Stopover

Conway, Missouri Rest Area

On Wednesday, Nov. 10th I was wide awake at 4:45. Good grief! That’s what I get for going to bed at 8:15 CST. We were both knackered right out for some reason. Still catching up from Sunday’s lack of sleep, I guess. 😊 We waited until 6 and got up. The time zone changes do a number too on our regular schedule but isn’t it good to get out of a rut? Ha ha.

It was a foggy start here to the day
just like the reports from back home
except we didn't get the sun to burn it off

Yesterday, I missed the entrance sign into Illinois state but we did notice the hour difference. We gained an hour which helps explain the early bedtime. We weren’t in any hurry to pull out of the Walmart so bided our time with our morning brew. I have to comment here on how good our little boy is doing on this journey. Yesterday in particular. The whole ride and then at Doug and Dolly’s with Yuma. He sat up on my lap for most of the visit, just watching everyone.

He's not so great when we stop for gas or at a rest area
barking at people or trucks that go by
It's a work in progress 🐶

We were on the road at 8 and drove across W Market St. to the Circle K for fuel. That was handy! Easy in and easy out. The price was $3.89/gal and Doug did tell us to wait until we got to MO if we could, IL prices are the worst he said. We forgot that and went with the ease where it was offered. Thanks though, Doug, for the tip. 😊 Also, easily, we hopped on I-55S. This would be an easy day of driving without a lot of road changes.

I wonder if these are our Ridge geese? 😂
If so, they had a week head start

Interesting what you see on the journey
Supporters for and against Trump still

Destination: Lebanon, Illinois first to pick up a parcel from an RC flying provider’s home. Bill can only get certain parts for his new plane build in the U.S. and when it works out to save shipping, we do. 

Homestead Rest Area for a short bathroom break

So, on the interstate we stopped at a Rest Area around 9:30 for a break. It was 46F/8C when we started out this morning. It was a bit foggy under overcast skies again. By the time we stopped at the R.A. it had warmed up to 52F/11C and the sun seemed to be trying to break through the clouds.

A cute sign at the end of Jeff's laneway
where Bill retrieved his parcel from the mailbox
That's not his house in the picture

This is his laneway

Getting around St. Louis is always an experience. We know full well what route we’re taking, the 255-S bypass but sometimes a misleading sign can make your jump and you have to make a split-second decision. 

The bypass around St. Louis
I-44W - Exit 7 to 255S to 270W -Exit 5Bback on I-44W

Those are never easy when pulling big rigs like many of us do. Bill made the right one when presented it with the choice and we were crossing the grand Mississippi River. 😊 Not for the first time either and it’s just as majestic each time although really low right now.

For my little brother in Cold Lake

She wasn't looking so grand today though
The water was really low

The Jefferson Barracks Bridge

Moving into Missouri

We took Exit 7 to jump on the bypass, which turned into 270W/N then Exit 5B to hop back onto I-44W. I had to disrobe my jacket at the last rest stop and now my long sleeve shirt. The temperature was reading 71F/22C. Lovely! I know it won’t stick around until we are further southwest but the teaser is okay. For lunch, we found a Rest Area near Stanton, MO and had our sandwiches. That’s the last of the egg salad and that’s okay, we’ve got a short drive tomorrow.

Gibbs helped us get around St. Louis too

On the road at 1:20 with a couple of hours to go. This is a good road and now that lunch is done, it is light traffic. It was a good drive today but by the time we arrived at our destination, Bill was pretty tired from driving and I was pretty tired from sitting. Gibbs was, on the other hand, well rested! We pulled into the Route 66 Rest Area aka Conway’s Welcome Rest Area. This sounded like a great idea, better than the Walmart in Lebanon a few miles back.

The terrain has changed
Beautiful views, hills and fall leaves

Once we found a spot and got set up, the semis started coming in. There are spots for 65 overnighters so it might get noisy, depending on how many run all night. We're tired enough though, I doubt it will keep us awake for long. This is better for Gibbs, with grass close by for his walks and it is certainly nicer to look at!

Cuba, Missouri

It is a cute little area because of the buildings related to those along the historic Route 66. I was too tired when we arrived to walk around and take pictures so in the morning will make a point to do that. Instead, I took my shoes off and went upstairs for a rest. Gibbs was too preoccupied with all the trucks to join me and that also meant that Bill didn’t sleep downstairs in his chair. Oh well, it is one night. 😊

Pretty Rest areas

We had some leftover meatloaf to pull out with some gravy for supper. The chili is still in the freezer, lol. I heated it all up plus some carrots and corn. It filled us with just enough room left for a couple of cookies for Bill and a few pretzels for me. 

Supper was makeshift but it was good

Yesterday, when we hopped on I-55S at Chenoa
we actually saw these rocking horses but I missed getting a picture

So, I Googled 'rocking horses in corn field'
You can do it to to read the story
I love stuff like this!!

The noise outside has calmed down, some trucks have moved on. Maybe I’m just getting used to it! This was a great day again but we’re ready for a slow down. Stay tuned to see where we end up tomorrow. 😊

I borrowed this picture from Doug's blog
I think our happiness shows 💓
Good night!

Thank you for stopping in.




  1. If it makes you feel any better we just paid $4.959 a gallon for diesel in Napa  Nice picture of the three of you!

    1. Holy WOW! That is expensive! Yup, it does make us feel better. Thanks. :)

  2. I do believe you folks look very happy and excited. A good look for your little family!! Safe travels.

  3. Nice job traversing the various cities and bypasses. Glad it's going well. I have a flat purse similar to yours which I wear cross-body. It's much more comfy than over the shoulder and leaves your arms free, smart cookie.

  4. Gibbs is just protecting you from all those bad guys!! LOL. What an experience for him!!

  5. Great family photo! It sounds like you're making good time. Safe travels.

  6. Glad all went well yesterday and the weather is holding up. I loved the picture of the three of so glad you used it. I've decided to use the bypass around St. Louis too. Less stress. Glad you made it to the rest area for the night and have a relaxing drive today. So glad you stopped by for a visit.

  7. You are moving right along. Getting snow and ice here, so we are staying snug in our house.

    Love the picture of the three of you.

    God bless.
