Thursday, January 27, 2022

Stocking Up in the Morning, Chillin’ in the Afternoon

La Posa South, Quartzsite, Az

Thursday, Jan. 27th was a very cold morning for us. Our outdoor thermometer was reading 33F/.5C. That’s cold. Our indoor temperature was reading 51F/10C, chilly. I wasn’t discouraged though when Gibbs woke me up at 7:10 to go out for his first piddle. He was in bed with me at 10 so what a good little sleepy head! I took him out quickly for his piddle and then came in to get dressed for our walk.

Waiting for Mom to take her pictures

Gibbs saw 'home' and that was as far as he wanted to go
I was chilled enough to be happy to turn in
And what a lovely home it is! (and warm too)

We walked fast and the only thing that was cold on me was my face and my hands. We returned before 8 and Bill was downstairs with a coffee. Another clear sky so we knew the sun would charge our batteries very quickly. I made my tea and we relaxed reading blogs before getting washed up. We left Gibbs in charge of the house at 9:15 and drove to Parker. Not Blythe today.

The drive to Parker is a nice one

Walmart will have the groceries we need for the same or better prices than Albertson’s and we wanted a CVS Store. I also wanted to look for more wool for my blanket. We really stocked up with our groceries and as luck would have it, there were 3 large balls of wool in a colour mix that would work perfectly with what I started with. I grabbed them all! The shelves were pretty empty of choices. 😊

We were both very hungry when we got home and got the food put away. It was a quick decision when I baked some cinnamon rolls for lunch. Since it was around 1:30 we knew this would interfere with supper. Oh well, it would be a simple one. 

I thought of Nancy when these were ready

For the rest of the afternoon I did a lot of crocheting outside and Bill did a lot of reading inside. Gibbs rotated in and out and was a pretty good little guy. He is still quite infatuated with my project so I need to keep the wool out of reach when I’m not using it.

Some days I think I should put a photo book together
of the different people we se 👀
From 'hippies' to 'classy' to 'farmers' to 'homeless' to 'cowboys'
all normal everyday people that make this world go around. 😀

Supper turned out to be out of a can. Denison’s Chili Con Carne is the name and I’m writing it here so I can remember it. It was delicious!! Mom used to make chili con carne a lot for our large family and I could have eaten it night after night. There were seldom any leftovers, because we all loved it. I will definitely buy this again for Bill and I. 😊

from the top of the bridge, this side of Keuhn St.
is jam packed with tent vendors

Downtown Q is just as busy as ever

After dishes, we relaxed for the evening. Either my book or my blanket kept me busy. This was a great day, it was nice to get out for a drive.

Thank you for stopping around.


  1. It's always interesting to hear about the weather in Quartzite because it can be so different from Yuma ... today you had a cold morning and it wasn't to bad when I went out at 6:00 for my walk ... some days you say there is no wind and we have crazy wind ... other days you have cloudy skies and we have clear blue.

    I didn't think we were far enough away to have such different weather.

    1. Yes, we found that a lot back home. Just miles apart brought a crazy difference in weather.

  2. Oh my! Those cinnamon rolls look inviting. Heck with my blood glucose level, I'd eat them all! Might have run into you at Albertson's if you had gone that way today. Perfect sunset to a perfect day!

    1. They were terribly good. Emphasis on terrible. Haha
      We opted for Parker for a couple of reasons. Hope you got what you needed.

  3. I can't even bake cinnamon rolls in my stationary home and you can do those delicious looking buns in a mobile home. What a treat for all 3 of you, I hope Gibbs got a piece. It seems too coooold to go out for a piddle, I would invent a dog potty for Gibbs on brrr.. freezing mornings. No way I would go out or even stick my face out!! I enjoy following your travels and am amazed at the adventure.

    1. You are cute! The buns were done in a convection oven too so i was impressed also. 👌
      Gibbs doesn't get people food, we made that mistake with Clemson.
      If it weren't for our pooch, i would stay indoors more often but he has such a thick coat, he's warm.

  4. Boy did I love those cinnamon rolls .... cooked with the batteries!!! Time is getting short .... you'll be moving soon, although not very far!! My friend is apparently back at his house in that subdivision we looked at. I'm hoping to catch up when I get there so we can see inside. Give Gibbs a squinch for me!!

    1. We are looking forward to Park Place and hook ups etc. Thx for the reference. We met someone at the show this morning who is moving into the one beside it tomorrow.
      Gibbs squinches back.

  5. That morning temperature was certainly very cold for you. I'm not sure I'd want to get out of bed until the RV warmed up...though I'm sure Gibbs would be pretty insistent.

    1. Pretty cold, yes. Gibbs likes our routine and it's worth it once i get out there. 😊

  6. I don't think I'd enjoy downtown Quartzite.

  7. Oh that traffic, I'm glad we're not there yet! Oh those cinnamon rolls, my mouth is watering! The chili, simple but yummy!

  8. You made cinnamon buns. Good for you. Still haven't made mine. Must do so tomorrow.

    God bless.

  9. The older I get....the more simple I cook. I've gone to either Dennison's or Hormel's chili beans. I doctor them up and I can get 2 meals for Jerry. He loves that so life is good. Elva
