Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Chillin’ Here at Home, Happy Hour, Mexico Call

Park Place Resort, Quartzsite, Az

Today, Wednesday, Feb. 9th, we started our day out at 50F/10C. Clear blue skies again, no wind and lots of road ahead of us as Gibbs and I headed out for our walk.

Good morning, Sunshine

Bill was following his same routine, getting ready to go as well. First, he had a club meeting in town at Jim’s and then he texted that he was going to the field to fly. 😊

Look who we saw on our walk

Then a flashback to our life on the farm
When was the last time YOU saw actual barbed wire like this?
My sister, Donna, has her own memory of this type of fence

Gibbs and I stayed put for the remainder of the morning and I finished my Sue Grafton novel. I debated leaving him and going to work on the puzzle but decided to stay home with him instead. We watched the new co-hosts back into the spot behind us where the previous ones vacated on the weekend. He was the fellow with Covid so they went home as far as we know.

Nice to know the police station is nearby - isn't it?

It was quite the show, at least 8 to 10 tries backing up the toy hauler. It was tight because of the office ramp, sign and picnic table. Apparently, they would have liked having our spot available so it could have been a drive-through. Too late! 😊 

This wasn't an easy back in at all
It was too close to the clubhouse for a big unit, I guess

After Bill came home and we had lunch of bacon and eggs, I loaded the dishwasher (that was a treat yesterday, not doing dishes) and walked over to the clubhouse. Bill was busy recharging his plane batteries and looking after Gibbs.

So, today, I still couldn't figure out the border
at the top of the picture, so started working on the flower
in the hopes that it will al work out. 😀

We wanted to go to town so after an hour and a half I returned home. All 3 of us went for the ride and we took Gibbs in to meet Tara of Tara’s Grooming and Daycare. We were hoping she could groom him and when she offered the date of Feb. 23rd, it was perfect for us. Her price is the same as Southwest Exchange’s groom services so we’ll cancel that appointment for Mar. 23rd. The way his hair is growing, that would be too long to wait.

Happy Hour at home

There was nothing else in town to do so we toured the outskirts and then returned home. I started a new book that I picked up in the library here. The One-in-a-Million Boy by Monica Wood. It sounded good and I’ve read something by her before. We’ll see how it goes; the story line sounds interesting. I’m expecting a -warming story.

NCIS on the basement tv

Bill and I sat outside for our Happy Hour, with drinks, Gibbs and the tv. We watched an episode of NCIS on his ‘basement’ tv and then came inside for the big screen. He dozed, I read and Gibbs stretched out in numerous positions for his nap too. My sleepy boys. 😊 Supper was more than simple. Toasted tomato, cheese and lettuce sandwiches with the last of the garden salad. It was looking pretty icky so it had to be eaten or tossed.

Because this was a selfie, we are facing
the opposite way than we really are

I loaded the dishwasher with these dishes, turned it on and wrote my blog. This has been a great day and I picked up the crochet needle again this evening.

Simple tasty supper
Good night!

Thank you for visiting us today!


  1. Those sandwiches look good and remind me of sandwiches we had a lot of one summer when I was growing up. Toasted bread with lettuce, pickles, a slice of cheese and a slice of tomato. Very similar to yours! And so tasty and quick to put together! The puzzle is coming along quite well I do think! I'll have to look into that book you mentioned. I hadn't heard of it. Always looking for a good read!


    1. I'll keep you informed about the book. On chapter 4, it has me interested.
      The puzzle is keeping me entertained too.

  2. That's going to be me soon ... trying to back in!! I ask for a pull through site every single time, but rarely get it. That was okay with the big rig ... I could back it anywhere. I think they put me in #14. We shall see. Basement TV???? Glad the weather is warming up enough to be outside.

    1. You learn quick. You'll be backing in easy in no time. 😊
      Bill installed a small TV in the storage basement that tilts down for outside watching.

  3. Isn't it amazing how quickly we get into a routine in a new place? You certainly have lots to amuse and keep busy with in this park.

    1. It is amazing. It doesn't take much for me to be entertained, although I'm not into the park's Pokéno game.

  4. It's awesome that Bill has been able to go to the fly field so often. Life is good! Elva

  5. Sounds like things are warming up a lot. You seem to have gotten quite a bit done on your puzzle.

    God bless.

    1. It is a warm week but not sure how long it will stay. We have roller coaster weather like you guys do back home.

  6. That was a nice relaxing day for you and the gang. I'm relaxing out of the heat listening to sub machine gun fire off in the distance while drinking my coffee.😃 poor Yuma!
