Saturday, July 8, 2023

Sunny Start, Rainy End and a Party Invite Defunct

The Ridge

On Saturday, July 8th the day started out a bit iffy. Bill had been up with Gibbs just after 6 and remained downstairs. I rolled over at 6:45 and he was doing his shoulder exercises so I waited until he was finished. I made my tea-to-go and noticed on my car thermometer that it was a pleasant 13C/56F when I left for Durham.

The sky this morning but I still hung the laundry
with Gibbs on duty. 💖
They dried really quickly too.

There were clouds around the area so I wasn’t 100% sure whether I would be drying our laundry at the Mat or bringing the clothes home for hanging. Things looked decent when I arrived and the place was hopping around 8 with 4 or 5 customers already hard at it. I put ours in 2 top load washers today and went about cleaning. There were 2 chatty people so we chatted while I worked. 😊

Our walk this morning
The hidden pond and my tiger lilies

By the time our clothes were washed, the sky was clearing up nicely so after a quick stop at Foodland for some of my Liberte yogourt (on sale), I returned home to hang them on the line. There was no breeze but it was plenty warm so I figured they would dry. There was a pretty fair chance of rain this afternoon so I’d have to stay vigilant and bring them in when the sky looked threatening.

Everything is growing like crazy
A flowering raspberry busy, hostas, coralbells
and vegetables.
Lastly 2 large milkweed plants hoping to 
see Madame Butterfly again

My bird feeders, with the exception of the hummers and finch food, are almost empty but the grackles are not giving up. The Ruby-throated Grosbeak has a couple of teenagers that she is diligent in feeding so she is visiting the Niger seed often. 😊 The feeder with the outside cage is a challenge for the large birds as they can’t comfortably get any seed. I’m not too sad about that, they are piggies.

The grackles hanging out
at the big crook
A little wren is hoping to come inside,
sitting on our ladder

I decided while Bill was flying this morning that I would cut the front lawn. It is looking pretty shabby. That’s when I noticed how humid it was, after 45 minutes of that, I was very hot. The mower was ready to die anyway so it was a good time to stop. Gibbs and I sat in the shade of the awning until I cooled down. I put my puzzle away, checked on the veggies and inside I filled the fridge water jug. There was nothing left but to relax.

I have these all over the Ridge so should cut
some for indoors. They're beautiful!

We sat in the hammock together and when Bill texted that he would be later than noon, I finished the potato salad with some cucumbers. I made some ‘Sangria’ yesterday from the red wine and although I followed the recipe, it isn’t giving me much satisfaction. It may go down the tubes after all. We’ll see, I hate giving up!

Between the clouds, we experienced
some heat in the hammock.
Look up, Gibbs, that sky is gorgeous!

Gibbs and I went for a walk down to the edge of our front field when we noticed a few rain drops. It was 2 o’clock and the forecasters weren’t far off. Bill was home around 3 and made himself a sandwich. Last night, we received a party/get together invite from our neighbour 2 houses to the east. We went last year to it and it was on their youngest son’s birthday. Today is Meagan’s husband’s special day. 😊

The hummers and orioles
are still returning.

We planned on popping in for a short visit but the rain has put a damper on that. She’ll have a house full of little and big people so I sent our wishes instead. They have a nice family so maybe another time. Bill dozed and Gibbs did too. I think Gibbs thinks he’s providing the ‘heat’ part of his therapy by sitting on his shoulder.

This picture of Chippy was taken a while ago
on my big Canon

I’ve been watching the birds and having a cup of tea before it was time to brush Gibbs’ teeth. He, thankfully, likes the taste of his toothpaste, making the job a bit easier. I had planned burgers for supper but with the rain, that may change. Bill and I moved the barbecue table under the awning and he grilled despite the light rain that continued to fall around us. It was another good burger night. 😊

Yummy and filling

With rain ending around 9, we aren’t expecting much in the way of a dry day tomorrow. I think the heavens have the days mixed up. Remember as children how it seemed to rain overnight instead? 

Daddy's helper
First by adding heat to his shoulder 😂
Second by helping him barbecue

This was a great day and now I have some blog reading to catch up on! Bill did his exercises, iced and went to the Hangar for a couple of hours. 

A pose for Mama 
Such a precious little soul.
Good night!

Thank you for stopping around.


  1. Looks like you were having a busy day.
    Gibbs really needs to be near you two.
    Good looking Burgers.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. A little rain would be good!! A LOT of rain, not so much. Your flowers are gorgeous!!

    1. Yes, it goes from a lot of rain to nothing, it seems. July has been better for us though.
      Thank you!

  3. That Day Lily is gorgeous! Ours have just started.
