Monday, July 3, 2023

Who Turned the Heat On?

The Ridge

On Monday, July 3rd, it was a government holiday for many Canadians and others who did not close on Saturday, July 1st  or who do not work weekends. Working for the school board, Bill and I always looked so forward to the long weekend as we always got the Monday off regardless of what day Canada Day fell on. We woke up today late, like at 6:45! Even Gibbs hadn’t been out but that credit goes to a late evening for all of us.

First picture is of our security Dog
I'm cutting grass on the left of the fence
Bill is in his Hangar on the right
Gibbs has perfect view of both of us 💘

Last night, I watched Rizolli and Isles and when Bill came up, we continued watching until I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I think you can tell that I (we) am enjoying the whole streaming thing even if the shows are not new right now. We didn’t have to be anywhere at all today so just did our own thing. My first thing was to cut the outside corral hill grass that Bill wasn’t able to finish on Thursday.

I was in the Bunky
Bill was at the storage shed
Gibbs in the middle

It was mostly tall weeds that lay down when the mower touches them but I got it done early until the battery began to die. It looks 100% better! Even at 8:30, it was starting to heat up out there. That half hour finished me for the day – almost! 😊 Bill is working on his own project, I keep calling them that, but that’s only because it is stuff that he does without any ‘real’ help from me. The occasional “dear, can you come help with something?” He will write about this one day.

Looks like fun, EH?

I'm enjoying this one too.
Haven't met too many puzzle I don't love. 😆

I put the old puzzle away and began a new 1000-pc one. It took me forever to get the pieces all out on my small round tables and flipping them over. Getting the border done was pretty easy once I moved the pieces out of the way to get the perimeter to fit. This one is of various looking front doors and their doorknobs. It’s another nice one from cousin Joan. Gibbs wanted to be out as well, so, for the morning, at least, he found shaded spots close to both or either of us.

The perfect spot
Half sun half shade
Gibbs wasn't overjoyed but I'm sure it cooled him

After lunch, for which we just had a sandwich, we kept Gibbs inside where it was cooler for him. When I was ready to stop puzzling for a while, I got our little pool out so Gibbs and I could get our feet wet. He wasn’t keen but I’m sure it cooled him down when I set him in it. 😊 He just wanted to drink it! LOL Bill joined me before supper and then dumped our black tank. It took two half loads, easier to pull across the lot that way. Our mower is out of commission so it’s a hand job today.

He slept on the pillows for
quite a while and I read my book
beside him
He could see down to the Hangar, fyi

We had our favourite burgers for supper with a Chapman’s ice cream bar for dessert. I’d stripped the bed this morning so Bill helped me make the bed and we closed things up in the bedroom and turned the a/c on up there. We’ll turn it off before we go to bed, it’s too noisy for Bill. 😊 He went to the hangar, I wrote my blog and Gibbs slept on the floor.

Who feels like eating much on these hot days?
Not us!

We noticed things happening next door, to the east, and darned if the people who have only been there for a year + haven’t put their house up for sale! Bill saw a drone taking pictures, and I heard the stake being pounded in to the ground. It was confirmed when Gibbs and I walked down to bring the recycle bins up.  What a turnaround this little neighbourhood is having!

I filled the feeders today
and it took until now for the Grackles to notice.
I wish they hadn't. I moved both finch feeders to
the other crook with the hummer food.

This has been a very hot day and there are more on the horizon. We reached a balmy/muggy 29C/83F with the humidex higher than that and dropping to a warm low tonight of only 16C/60F. I know it is a lot hotter in Arizona but that’s why we’re here and they’re there. 😊 Sorry friends! Turn that a/c on! Tonight, I plan on watching a few more episodes of R & I OR a few more chapters in the book I started. This one is called Room on Rue Amelie by Kristen Harmel and it is starting out quite good.

I can't see it too clearly but yes,
that is definitely a For Sale sign.
Good night!

Thank you for the visit.


  1. I feel better just looking at your pool! The hummers here disappear with the bigger birds around. Still add ice to the hummer juice this time of year. 102F on my patio this afternoon.
    Winter is coming!! Enjoying all your "green" pictures! Thank you.

    1. Interesting about adding ice to their juice! Winter doesn't have to rush though.

  2. With Bill having to take it easy with his shoulder; perhaps could consider a macerator kit & hose to empty the black tank- many of the large RVs now have this feature built in.The Ridge is really looking great plus Gibbs has taken his guard dog role seriously,lol.Enjoy the summer,all the best.

    1. Thank you, we do have a macerator but we are too far from the dump spot to use it. 😉 it wasn't terrible, filling it half full and pulling it across the lot. Thanks.
      Gibbs is very watchful.

  3. If you have Amazon Prime, Reacher with Alan Ritchson is a great show!

  4. LOVE your pool. I may just have to get one for Cooper. It's so cute that Gibbs keeps an eye on both of you!! If I let Cooper out like that, he's be gone!!

  5. I'm happy that the heat has moved on to you. Though it's cooled off far to much here - we've dropped to 7C overnight a couple of nights now. Great for sleeping and not using the a/c but it feels chilly. Funny, how in March or April, I'd be saying how balmy it is. :)
    Gibbs is certainly a good watch dog...even if he's only watching you and Bill.

    1. It sure has gotten hot here but it isn't forever either. Better hot than cold.
      Gibbs d
      Doesn't want either of us doing anything without him!
