Friday, September 15, 2023

Accomplishing Things and It’s Only Money!

The Ridge

Friday, Sept. 15th brings us to the Ides of the month. The weather this spring and summer have been just as odd as our winter in the southern states was. Up and down, unpredictable and different than previous years. It hasn’t been all bad or all good but somewhere in the middle. 😊 We are just a little over a month from leaving our home province. We hope. ✌

Our morning walk.
Look at that sky!

So, Bill left for work at 6:30 and after a goodbye kiss, I crawled back into bed with the little bum. Last night, I’d watched 2 episodes of The Handmaid’s Tale (!!!) and went up to bed at 10. Bill came up from the Hangar around 10:45 and I woke when Gibbs barked at him. That’s a bad habit that we can’t seem to break. Then, he (Gibbs) proceeded to chew on his bone – for a long time! Once he stopped, I’d flipped and turned about 5 times, still seemingly wide awake. LOL

I apologize for this poor photo but
it was a laugh out loud moment and I had to 
share it as best I could. With my phone zoomed in -
Chippy had run into the mail box - I waited until he
popped his head out as if "did you knock?"

Midnight was the last I saw the time, projected onto the ceiling, then I must have dropped off. Needless to say, I wasn’t ready to get up when Bill pulled out. We dozed until 7:30 and then got up. I had my tea sitting with Gibbs and played some games. The sky was clear blue and I knew we’d reach a pleasant 20C/68F so once dressed, we went out to cut the grass. It’s gotten quite long in spots. It took me 40 minutes and as my mower battery began to die, so did my own! 😊

Top picture, the grass was long
and quite wet with dew
Bottom picture, all done cutting
and enjoying the shade.

I cooled down in the shade on the patio and then Gibbs ad I went for our morning walk. He wanted to go to the church today, so he led and I followed. After my lunch of a quesadilla (of sorts), I decided to go back out and do some weed trimming. Bill had called to let me know that the approval had gone through from the insurance company for the hefty truck repairs. Yikes! I’m glad it isn’t coming out of our pockets!

A couple of captures with my big camera
Still not perfect by any means.

Bill’s ball park guess was only about $3,000 off! At least that is one thing we don’t have to worry about and they figure around 11 days in the shop once parts are in. We’re getting down to the wire, as I mentioned above, so every day will count as we approach October. The rental is just a phone call away and we’ll make do with whatever allowance we have with that vehicle. When I ran out of gas for the weed-eater, I had done enough so put it away.

I added an extra row to my
beanie so it will cover my ears too.

Lunch, all it needed was sour cream
which I don't have in the fridge

Bill was home around 2:30 and I was just getting out of the shower. I drove Ptooties into the Service Ontario office and got the license sticker for Black Beauty. Hers has to be handled the old-fashioned way as payment is due, another hefty fee. We aren’t done yet, folks! So, after I got home, I noticed Bill crawling under his Cub Cadet replacing the belt AGAIN! I swore to myself even before getting out of the car. Not another problem! Nope, same old one. We’ve paid too much this summer getting this thing fixed, let alone the whole time we’ve had it. He got the belt on only to have it pop off again within 10 minutes.

Gibbs and I waited while Bill rode the
mower to Northline Service & Repair

It was the straw that broke the camel’s back, I guess. Bill drove it down to Northline Service & Repair and spoke to Rob. Next thing I know, I’m being asked to join them in finalizing a transaction. 😊 Trading in our C.C. for a new one. We really had hoped to make it through to the spring but we can’t keep putting $$ into a lost cause. We have lots of grass to cut! Rob gave us a good trade-in value on our 2012 machine. Well, Bill is a happy camper and that makes me happy. It is only money, after all although we're sure not getting ahead.

The cooler over night temps have slowed
down the process but here is Hibiscus #12 & 13

He cut the berm and the back field, I’m sure with a smile on his face, and Gibbs and I waited outside in my chair with my book until 6. Grilled cheese sandwiches for supper, mine with red onion, and we had cinnamon buns for dessert. I only needed ½ since they were so big. After clean up, I finished my blog, Bill went to get ready for the morning’s flying and then I watched more tv. Two episodes a night is getting me slowly caught up but I’m still only starting Season 4.

Now, if there was a calendar for
men modelling mowers........
He'd be my January, February, March.......
you get the picture. 💖
Bringing the new mower home.

While Bill cut the lawn,
Gibbs needed my attention.
What was my first clue? ♥

This was a good day. The lawns are looking good. I put my tomato and pepper plants into the Bunky for a second night as it is dropping down to a chilly 5C/41F. No frost warnings but I don’t want to take chances with the last of my vegetables so close to harvesting.

An easy supper.
The buns weren't as good as Tim Horton's but
they no longer make them.

A quick peek out through the window reflections
at the sun behind the tree.
good night!

Thank you for stopping in today. Your comments are always welcome.


  1. We have a small engine business. My partner, the mechanic, hates Cub. People frequently ask him what to buy when their old machine has given up and his stock answer is "anything but a Cub".

    1. We wish we had a private, small engine repair shop near us, I'm sure it would have cheaper keeping this running. We thought CC were good machines!

  2. Gee ... seems like you're having a Nancy summer!!! Repair repair repair. Hopefully that all ends when Black Beauty comes home. Thank goodness for insurance!! LOVE that picture of Chippy in the mail box!!

  3. We've had a Cub for years and just love it! Congrats you two! Glad to hear BB is covered and hopefully will be done soon!

    1. Thank you Shirley, hope it lasts us for as long as we need it.

  4. Beanie looks GREAT! Nice colors on you! Chippie is cute, Gibbs is cuter! Bill looking like "THE BOSS" on new mower! Hopefully done with repairs after BB is fixed.

  5. It always seems as if when one thing is going to cost money, at least one or two more happen to add to the stress. Fingers crossed that Black Beauty is repaired in time for your planned trip south. Though I suspect a delay of a few days will just "jiggle the jello". You've both got a great attitude when things don't goes as planned, as we've seen in the past.
    That chippy is a cutie. I giggled at him peaking out the mailbox.
    Your beanie is very cute too. That's the nice thing about crochet, you can add a row or two as needed.
    Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Thank you Maebeme. You are correct about jello jiggling. In this lifestyle (or any for that matter) we have to be flexible when things get upset. Staying positive is the hard part sometimes when they pile up though. :)
      Chippy made me laugh too.
      I do love crocheting so much better than knitting, glad I picked it up again after so many years.

  6. Lol. My first thought "oh no. Bill and Patsy are picking up Nancy's bad habits" but Nancy said it first. The yard looks beautiful as always. Cute picture of chippy.

    1. Ha ha, sounds like Nancy has a reputation! :) Good thing we love her to follow in her footsteps! ♥
