Sunday, November 12, 2023

Another Fun-Filled Day, Oh Brother, Some Things Never Change!!

Park Place RV Park

We were up a bit earlier on Sunday, Nov. 12th than our more recent mornings. At 5:20, I saw the clock when Gibbs moved to Bill’s side and advised him ‘Go back to sleep, it’s not time’. He listened and slept until 6 – when he then bothered Daddy to take him out. I rolled over and dozed until 6:45 when I got up. 😊 Rather than make my tea right away, I sat in pj’s and played my games online.

The finished puzzle.
Sorry for the glare, it hides the doggie in the car window.

I was in and out of the shower before Bill left for the field but it was already closer to 8:30. When my hair was dry enough, Gibbs and I went for our walk. The air was cool enough at 49F/9C that I remembered Mom’s words ‘don’t go outside with wet hair’. I listened too. It starts out cool but sure warms up quickly and our walk found me in a sleeveless top and capris.

Our Nancy quilts on the line

Back home, I gave Gibbs a treat and wandered over to the laundry room with our two chair quilts. No one was there so while they washed, I went to work on the puzzle. Susan came and together we worked on it until it was done. Then I went and hung our quilts on the line behind the clubhouse. They didn’t take long to dry, I retrieved them after Bill and I finished lunch at 12:30. 😊 Fresh desert smell!

Susan and I started my puzzle today.
If you can enlarge the picture, you'll see what I mean
by letters on the back. the little groups of pieces are
A's, B's, C' get it.

It was still early enough so Susan and I started my gifted puzzle from Patti. We were ready for a challenge! This is 1000 pieces and it is a circle. There are letters on the back of each piece, from A to E and then H so once we had the border pieces separated, we followed the alphabet around the outside edge. Eventually, after a few head scratches, we got the border finished. Time for lunch! 😊

Around 3, we went searching for Lorne, Sue, Archie
and Percy.
When we stopped and asked these fine folk for directions,
they were no help, looking as confused as we were.

Bill, Gibbs and I retreated indoors and while I read, they snoozed. Woops! I know my eyes closed a few times too! We packed a small cooler to go to see how Lorne was making out with his solar installation at Scadden Wash. Once we found Percy, their new home, no one was around so we drove further out to Roadrunner to visit the rest of the group. Tom, Deb, Deb and Riley are camped together and we Happy Houred (new word) together.

No one home. Have I been spelling it wrong?
Maybe it's PUrcy?

As we were thinking of leaving, Lorne and Sue arrive to join their friends. It is much nicer at RR then at SW and nice to be around friends out in the desert. Well, things really don’t change, do they? Was I surprised when Percy pulled right up within 10 or 12’ of Deb and Riley’s home? Wha?? No, not really surprised at all. Well, I believe it is the driver who doesn’t change.

Some people never change, I guess.
Although, we know now that Lorne will do much for a laugh.
Laugh, we did. Of course, he moved. 

This is a special memory and how we met Lorne and Sue the very first time. It was 2016 when they pulled in (not as close) but close (not even shockingly close, really) around Happy Hour beside the Suite at Borrego Springs. 😉 I hope I never forget that as we still laugh about it today. 

We chatted a bit with them while Gibbs and Archie got acquainted. They are about the same age, same size and same temperament.

Gibbs was bored (bottom right) watching Daddy help
Deb K, until Archie arrived!
Riley watches them play.

We left after the sun set and I managed a group photo. 

Lorne's question: "Did anyone get the sunsetting?"
Yes, Lorne, I did. 😁

Before we left, I snapped this.
L to R: Sue, Deb D, Bill, Tom, Lorne ........ and Deb K. If she
could have reached, he might have had bunny ears instead
of shoulder peace signs. 😂😂

Such a wild bunch here! 

This is the desert
this is their set up for a few days. 

Back home, we had bbq’d sausages, fried potatoes and our vegetable of choice. With dishes done, I wrote my blog post for this wonderful day. We live, we love and we laugh. When those things happen in one day, it spells perfect to me!

Good night!

Thank you for dropping around.


  1. Sounds like a lovely, slow day with friends. Enjoyed the pictures.

  2. What a blessed day you had

  3. Thank you for making a record of the day. There is nothing in life that lifts ones spirits than a good laugh and we have had a few. Now you know where happy hours will be for a while!!

  4. You do have a great community down there. Lovely weather too.

  5. Always fun to catch up with friends. That puzzle ... that's crazy!!!

  6. Interesting puzzle for sure. I love your sunset photos.

  7. Lots of friends to visit and spend time with is wonderful. Glad you got the circle puzzle started.

    God bless.

  8. Glad someone thought to take It was certainly another very good day out in the desert. Hopefully, Black Beauty will bring its occupants out several times during the time we are parked out here.

  9. I thought Lorne did an excellent job of parking! I just hoped the didn’t snore. Lol. We truly enjoy seeing BB coming our way, drop by anytime.

