Saturday, November 11, 2023

A Bit of This and That, Remembering

Park Place RV Park

I’m sure you’ll get tired of me saying it but you’ll have to suck it up, buttercup! It was another beautiful morning on Saturday, Nov. 11th and turned into the same kind of day. 😉 I had a pleasant surprise AFTER I woke up but it involved a dream that I’d had just BEFORE I woke up. I got up around 7, Gibbs slept in until 6:45 so we were almost all rising at the same time.

Like yesterday, I just enjoyed some sunshine
with a good book. 

I looked out the bedroom window at the truck and saw the back seat blanket Bill had used to cushion the wings of the plane we brought home yesterday. A flashback to my dream brought tears to my eyes. Good tears but also kind of regretful tears. It was then I remembered that my dream was of 4 of my sisters and I (sharing the same bed? – yup, dreams are weird that way).

If it is in the shade, he's in it.

I heard the rain start (in my dream) so slipped on my housecoat and went down and asked Bruce, my brother, to go get ‘that’ blanket and a duvet I’d left on the swing. Now that I’m awake, I realize that it WAS Bruce. See, Bruce was my older brother by 20 months who passed away at the tender age of 58. The tears were of joy at seeing him and regret that I didn’t realize it IN my dream and sit with him longer.

Poached egg on toasted seeded keto bread (Cathy) 😀

Bill went flying, Gibbs and I toured the park and then I took a new book from the cupboard out into the sunshine. I’m enjoying sitting out more this season since I brought my gravity chair. It is so comfortable. When Bill returned we had poached eggs on toast for lunch. They were good and a change. I tried to get into the painting mood but it wasn’t working so I walked over to see what puzzle the girls chose. 😊

Susan's puzzle from Patti

It was the gifted one of Susan’s and will be challenging but fun! I worked away for just over an hour. Susan joined for a bit and I returned home at 2:30. Again, I settled in the gazebo and managed to get a rock painted but I’m not sure if I’m done with it, yet. The rocks are just not in a shape that helps me know what to paint. LOL Sometimes it is just obvious.

The girls had the border done and what you 
see across the top.
I worked away in the bottom corner, but if
obvious pieces went together, I got sidetracked! 

Bill had received a couple of boxes today from FedEx so was a happy camper, literally. He and Gibbs sat with me for a while until their eyes became too heavy to read instructions. We all came inside where I made my tea, they dozed and then I started my post. When my tea was done, Gibbs and I did our walk around the park again, inside the perimeter. Lovely day! We reached 78F/25C this afternoon.

Back home, I painted and Gibbs and Bill sat
in the gazebo with me for a while.

Life is pretty good and my sweetie is figuring out the battery controller/charger situation, just as I knew he would. A conversation with our brother-in-law, John, back home, confirmed he was on the right track. 😊 We have one container of chili to heat up so that will be supper. Nice and easy. Last night, we got back into the new season of Bosch, the Legacy, so we are very happy it is still available to us on our Fire Stick.

These are the types of days and views
we've got here and we're lovin' it!

I mentioned a new book, well, the Stratford one was interesting but a fictional story so not one to keep the pages turning. James Patterson’s Private: #1 Suspect is doing that for me quite well! Short chapters and good story.

Catching a glimpse of the sun before
it disappears while we're on our afternoon walk.

This has been a great day. Take the time to remember what day it is and to be grateful to those who gave their lives, fought or joined the forces on our behalf.

Mom, at one of the parades she
participated in. She tried to go to every one
until she couldn't anymore. 💗

My little brother, Michael 
(Cpl Mike Snelgrove) engine tech on F18
fighter jets.

Yes, I'm extremely proud and grateful to both of them
for their service. 
Good night!

Thank you for the visit!


  1. We really have had a couple of nice sit out days, I was just saying to Tom today I wished I had taken my gravity chair this Glad to read at least a couple of the rocks may work out.

  2. That's my kind of puzzle ... easier to put together!

  3. It was always fun helping Mom get dressed for the Legion functions. Her hat had to be put on 'just so'. I took her to the service once after she decided she couldn't do the walk anymore but she wasn't as keen being a bystander. Fond memories! Great picture of Michael.

    1. Yes, you did that more than me but I know she loved wearing her uniform. ♥ Mom was definitely happiest being a participator!

  4. Yes I'm already tired of you saying it, but I'm happy for you guys, since that's what you go for!
