Monday, November 13, 2023

Poker Pool! Video Chat

Park Place RV Park

On Monday, Nov. 13th the day started out typically. Sometimes those days are just fine and this was no exception. Bill readied to go flying and Gibbs and I went for our walk. Other days, with some chaos, excitement and Jello thrown in – well, they are just days to keep us sharp and on our toes! 😊 We’ve all had plenty of those.

It's a beautiful morning!
(you can sing it if you like)

We were back to the Suite by the time Bill loaded his plane(s) and backed out of our site. It was already warming up. Overnight temperatures last night didn’t drop below 56F/13C so very pleasant for sleeping. I was washed and ready so walked over to the clubhouse at 9:15. The other ladies were there already, with the exception of one who arrived by 9:30.

I took the time to decorate
my toe nails today

Today, there were 7 of us again and it was ‘let the games begin!’ morning. I didn’t do too badly today, 4th out of 7, tying with Susan. Yay for Sheila and Patti, they came in 1st and 2nd. We do have fun and I’m getting along quite well with my cue stick, seemingly making less blubs with connection. I probably just spoiled that by saying so!  I was home by noon and Bill and I had our lunch.

There were clouds today but it was still
hot around 84F/29C

During the very early stages of our pool game, my phone went off. It was my sister, Donna, calling on a video call. 😉 So sweet, but it was my turn to break or play so, figuring it was a mistake, closed the call without answering. It wasn’t a mistake and she messaged me about calling later. Seeing each other, rather than just texting, is so much nicer. Gibbs even got to say hello, although he couldn’t figure where she was!

Bill was busy sorting things in the basement so after I washed the outside door, it was dirty from the window installation, I went back to the crazy circle puzzle. You know what? I am really enjoying it! Working around the outside edges is producing results quicker than I first though. Once we get into the colours, it will be a totally different story, I’m thinking.

I'm enjoying this!
Once I get into the centre, well, ask me then!

I returned home after 3 and relaxed while the boys dozed. Starting my blog was a good idea as we are going out to supper. Guess where? Yes! Silly Al’s, here we all come! 

Our little security guard - on duty

We got cleaned up and met the group there for 5 o’clock. My mouth was watering for my favourite meat lovers’ pizza. The supper venue, was no disappointment.

Margarita and Pina Colada
and our menu (which we didn't need)
We know what we like!

With a margarita for me and a pina colada for Bill, the evening started off with a bang. That wasn’t even including the drink glass from the bar that ended up smashing on the floor! 

Bill's Hawaiian
My Meat Lovers
Thank you Lorne and Sue!

We walked slowly to our vehicles, such a beau.tiful night, and of course, half of my small pizza came home with me. 😊 Gibbs was happy to see us but had lost his appetite for supper during our absence. LOL Pizza was not on his menu.

Two views - mine

Bill's - sorry Lorne!
Good night!

What a great day! I hope yours was too! Thank you for stopping by.


  1. Oh, the pizza looks so good!! So much to do,...pool, puzzles, enjoying friends company and more. I know you are enjoying your winter.

  2. Pizza looks delicious, I can imagine the restaurant does a good business.
    You're getting into a nice routine down there. Enjoy!

  3. I really like doing video calls. So nice to see the person instead of just hear them. The pizza looks awesome.

    God bless.

  4. Love that pizza!! Things are starting to heat up in Q.

  5. That pizza does look yummy! I would go with the meat lovers as well. I enjoyed our video call too. More personal for sure.

  6. Looks like you're settling in nicely! Silly Al's looks like a great time. I have to say there seems to be a lot of crust showing on Bill's pizza, I like the good stuff more to the edges LOL.
