Sunday, November 26, 2023

Another One of Those Lazy Winter Daysbut That Sky!! 😊

Park Place RV Park

On Sunday, Nov. 26th Bill and Gibbs were up at 6:00. When they came back in from their walk, Gibbs came back to bed. 

Speaking of Gibbs:
This is him last night in Daddy's chair.
He was zonked!

Bill took the basket of laundry, that I sorted last night, over to the clubhouse laundromat. It was 6:15! He loaded 2 machines and returned home to get ready for the flying field. First, he moved the clothes over from washer to dryer.

I was up by 6:45 and Gibbs and I went for an earlier walk than usual. At 7:30, I walked over to retrieve the dry clothes but they were no where near dry. Bill was trying to be efficient by using only one dryer but there were too many clothes for them to properly dry. I split them up into 2 machines. I would never criticize though, he was being helpful, snagging the machines before any rush later on. I appreciated his efforts.

Apparently this is the prelude to the main event

When I walked back at 8, things were dry and I folded them while chatting with Carol Ann. We discussed any number of things from health issues to bread making and I carried the full basket back home. While over at the clubhouse, I broke the puzzle up and brought it home to give to Sheila to take back home to Minnesota. (I think) Then Gibbs and I just sat together while I read my book. I read a lot last night before bed so it will soon be done. Good story!

This beautiful sunrise deserved a frame all 
of its own. ♥

After Bill returned home around 10:30, we watched more Dan Vasc videos rather than turn the radio on. We are enjoying his covers of popular songs. For lunch, we had homemade bread (that sounds nice!) for our sandwiches and then relaxed. While my boys snoozed, I read and then walked over to start a new puzzle. This one is cute and will be fun to put together. At 3:30, I returned home.

Cute picture!

It's a cool , mostly cloudy day so we weren’t into sitting outside. The wind kept the temperature down to a moderate 64F/16C but still chilly. I made us each a cup of tea and then when it was done, slipped on my jacket for Gibbs’ and my walk. 

The sun was 'fuzzy' behind the clouds when we walked but
I didn't notice until I downloaded that I got the
sundogs and arc around it.

For supper, we had chicken legs, dressing and coleslaw. Tonight, we had room for pie for dessert. 😊

Sometimes our little cutie pie gets into trouble.
Mom: 'what have you got?'
Gibbs: guilty look with my sandal in his mouth
Mom: 'bring it to Mom'
Gibbs: a slow trek from under the chair to me
He doesn't drop it but usually he'll let us take it from him.
The little devil. ♥

We are sliding relatively quickly towards the end of the month and that is hard to believe that December is just over the hill. We’ve enjoyed the day and take each day as it comes. 

We can't say enough about these Arizona skies.
I missed the sunset but this is even better.

When I turned around, the moon had its own
beautiful performance going on.

I’m waiting for a couple of parcels so will hope to get shipping updates early in the week. I’m missing poker pool, not having played on Thursday, so looking forward to that tomorrow too!

Tonight's supper was another success.
With a little wine, it was just enough. 
Good night y'all!

Thank you for popping around, not sure what we’ll get into this evening.


  1. Yay for PIE! That Gibbs ... he was just bringing your shoe to you in case you needed it. Good Boy Gibbs!!! Now there's a puzzle I might be able to finish!!

    1. ha ha, you know all about pumpkin pie! :) I figured you'd take Gibbs' side in this. ♥

  2. The post sunset photos are lovely. I do hope the weather warms up for you, so you can spend more time outdoors.
    Little rascal Gibbs!

  3. Gibbs was just trying to get you to take him out again. Hope you have a great time playing poker pool today.

    God bless.

    1. Ha ha, you're half right. He wanted my attention for sure! Thank you, I did!
