Wednesday, November 22, 2023

This and That, Lorne's Desert Movie

Park Place RV Park

Tuesday, Nov. 21st was yet another beautiful day. It was a bit chilly early this morning, probably overnight but I slept really well until 7:30. I did wake up around 6 but the fam was still sleeping so I just rolled over and dropped off again. 😉 Bill was up and having his cereal when I came downstairs. With a couple of cycles on the furnace, the Suite warmed up nicely. Yes, still a day for shorts. Gotta love that!

Posing for his picture
My walk mate

After Bill left for the field and then to Jim’s, Gibbs and I went for our walk around the outside park perimeter. I did need my jacket though remained in bare legs. My chore this morning, put on myself, was to vacuum and dust the Suite. It was badly in need so I set about doing that. The vacuum hoses are under our bed and when I lifted that, I remembered to pull out the Christmas cards and the Christmas lights that we have under there. Time to check them out as it almost the season.

A lovely morning, look at those rays
This is one way we 'cash in' down here. 💗

I finished my job(s) by 9:30, made a coffee and walked over to the clubhouse. I decided to get rid of the poker chips/container that I’ve had under the bed for a couple of summers so put them on the FREE table. I knew that they were trying to get some games together and was happy when John scooped them up. 😊 Susan and I worked on the puzzle until noon, although she was on duty and was back and forth.

Another fun puzzle

Bill had texted that he was having lunch at Jim’s, that’s where they were building their flight stands.  It made my decision easy and I had a bacon, onion, pepper and avocado quesadilla. Yum, with the sour cream I remembered to buy yesterday, it was perfect. I decided not to go back over to work on the puzzle, since it is Adele’s and we are getting close to being finished. She has not been out and about for a couple of days so I want her to have the chance to work on it again.

Quesadilla for lunch

At home, Gibbs and I sat for a while in the sun. He wasn’t on my lap long and he moved to the shade of the chair and his bed. The wind was a bit on the cooler side but in the sun, it was wonderful. Then I came inside and wrote out all the birthday cards that we purchased before leaving home. They will cover family birthdays from now until the end of April……and a few beyond. 😉 We’ve never been quite so organized before!

When you're cute and you know it.

Bill got home just after I made my tea, it was around 3:50. He and Jim had finished all 4 of the flight stands and that is quite an accomplishment! He went up for a doze and after starting my blog, I took Gibbs for a walk. We have plans for an evening out with friends – Lorne’s Desert Movie – so will have an early, easy supper and head out around 6. Gibbs will be staying home to look after the house. Our meal tonight was toasted tomato and cheese sandwiches.

Driving into Quartzsite
before turning left onto I-95

We made hot chocolate in our thermoses, bags of popcorn and took blankets and warm jackets. 😊 When we arrived at Roadrunner BLM, it was dusk already and we were challenged with which lane to take (is this the turn? Is that it?) but after one turn around, found the group. I’m glad we brought enough blankets as the cooler air sent a chill through our bones. Really, the only thing cold by the end of the night was my toes! Hopefully one of the other movie goers has a picture of the projection screen. 

What a great choice for us all to watch!

The set up was great with a blow up movie screen! Sue had the player all set up and 10 of us watched the show. Lots of laughs and the perfect movie for us rv’ers. We said our goodbyes and see ya laters around 9:15 and returned home. Getting out is an easy route and the crescent moon was bright enough to light our way. What a fun evening!

Archie looked at me a few times as if "Where's Gibbs?"
but finally settled and showed no interest in the movie
Sweet dreams little Archie. 💓

We were tired when we got home so rather than finish my blog post, we sat and read a bit before hitting the sack around 10. We couldn’t keep our eyes open! All that fresh air! This was another great day in the desert.

A memory from November, 2016.
Our first year down and a visit
with Al and Kelly at their then Congress home.

Good night everyone!

Thank you for the visit.


  1. Oh, what fun to sit outdoors and watch a movie in the desert. I'm sure I've said it before, but it bears repeating, you have a wonderful group of friends there. Lots to entertain oneself even the housework getting in the way occasionally. :)

    1. Thank you for saying that. We do have a great group and the movie was a cherry on top!

  2. I loved the windows of the long long trailer. Such a beautiful looking trailer.

    1. There were some neat things in that movie that really hit home for all of us. Lucille Ball is priceless!

  3. A movie outside......memories of sitting in the back of the pickup at the drive in flash through my head! Sound like fun.

  4. It is always fun to sit outside and watch a movie. I have seen this done just using a white sheet a blow up screen would be awesome.

    I am never organized enough to get all the Birthday cards for a year or more. Smart move you.

    God bless.

    1. We did have fun and I've never seen a blow up screen before! :)
