Monday, May 27, 2024

Inside Day – We’re Used to This!

The Ridge

On Monday, May 27th I was awake when Bill’s alarm went off. He’d been sound asleep and, as usual, I feel bad when he gets woken. His sleep is often interrupted on its own so when he sleeps, I let to let sleeping Bill lie. I rolled over and dozed off until 7 when I joined him downstairs. He made my tea and we chatted until he had to leave at 7:30. What a miserable day!

Good morning!
Bright and green and wet.

It’s not cold, really, just damp and everything is very wet from overnight rain. It is as we expected, so not surprised at all. Tomorrow is supposed to be the same. I’ll need to fill bird feeders today, hmmm, I think the bucket is almost empty. Darn! I should have picked some up in Hanover. I was really lazy all morning, playing my games, reading and dozing in my recliner. At 11, I had to talk myself into the shower I’d planned for today!

Gibbs had no interest in watching Mom purge

The rain is off and on so not a wash out at all but Gibbs still doesn’t waste any time when he goes out. The sky looks pretty ominous and he doesn’t want to get rained on! After my shower, I purged a few more things from my closet and drawers as Donna’s clothing exchange is on Saturday. I hope she has a good turnout, it is a great way to switch up a wardrobe plus get clothes out and off to a donation centre after the fact. 😊

The black clouds were worse off to the north

I made a batch (7 servings) of steel cut oats for breakfasts over the coming week and that was kind of my lunch. I did have some cashews, cheese and a keto butter tart. The scales were being kind to me this morning, although neither Bill or I put much faith in them. Wow! It is 1:10 and the sun and blue sky has just appeared from the west. Thank you to whoever is sending it this way! We should be able to get for a bit after all.

It was moving quickly and all
we got were spits here and there until
supper time. 

I did finish my book yesterday; The Island House was a good read. There is that box of mysteries in the Bunky, so since the rain took a break, we went out and I brought in three James Patterson books. 😊 I had Madame IP boil 3 eggs for egg salad sandwiches for Bill. That will be nice for a change and now it means to add that grocery item on my new list. Gibbs and I walked down to get the mail, just a Canadian Tire flyer, and then came in for a cup of tea.

obviously, I wasn't outside enough to
take many pictures.

I dug out my yarn to crochet something, since we’re stuck indoors. Bill was home by 5 and the rain returned about 10 minutes before he drove up the lane. At least I don’t have to get water from our pails or rain barrel to water. Often there are bonuses if you just look for them. For supper, I baked a large chicken breast to share, boiled a couple of potatoes for Bill and a vegetable for each of us.

Supper was quite tasty
Bill had some of the rhubarb crisp for dessert.

We reached a high of 18C/65F so a couple of windows brought fresh air in. It was a quiet day, no running – anywhere! I loved that. I hope you’ve had a good day and accomplished something, even if it was just relaxing. 😊

Another one of the sweet little memes.
"Woman's best friend".
good night!

Thank you for popping in.


  1. We have not been enjoying the best of weather here. I am happy that we managed to get a couple of coats on the trellis and Harvey added some lighting to the top. I hope to have another coat added and the kiwi vine planted tomorrow.

    Supper looks awesome. And when it is blah outside staying in and doing a project is awesome.

    God bless.

    1. I think we're all in the same boat, with cooler weather returning here too. Your trellis sounds nice, I'm sure you'll post pictures when it is all done. :)

  2. Nice to accomplish anything when the weather doesn't cooperate.
    Supper looks tasty.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. Rain makes everything nice and green. Dinner looks good and Gibbs looks so cute on your bed!

    1. I agree about the also makes grass grow and we're cutting again! Ha ha, the circle of life, eh?

  4. The icky weather makes us appreciate the great weather so much more Sheila

  5. I love the rain ... it's my excuse to stay inside and do nothing! LOL

  6. The rain keeps everything lush and green but interrupts our plans. We had a nice day yesterday, but the clouds rolled in and threatened rain most of the day. We didn't get more than a few spits.

    1. Sounds like a few of our days here too! Why not just rain overnight and give us warm dry days? What a complainer, I am!

  7. Loving all the green. Patti

    1. I'm sure you are.............I know how brown it is there. :)
