Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Happy Canada Day !

The Ridge 

On Monday, July 1st we were up with the birds. Well, before the birds actually. 😊 It was quite foggy, so much so that there were warnings out for it. I left the Ridge at 7:30 and drove to town. By then, it wasn’t too bad and even worse in town. The Mat was pretty decent and only one customer, who took his wet laundry soon after and left.

I love this picture, taken as I was leaving for work at 7:30
Looking west, I didn't notice the arc until I downloaded the picture.

Looking east, the sun is making a valiant effort

Approaching town, the fog worsened
but an hour later, it cleared.

I finished and returned home. Bill had cut the grass where we all sit as it was already looking on the long side. What a guy! We were/are having company today so it’s nice when it looks its best. The rest of the morning was a blue. Tidying up things inside and out, small jobs mostly and then I began organizing the dishes and serving things needed for our meal.

I have a couple of large milkweed
plants, the rain has fed them

Welcome Monarchs!

Every Canada Day, we host a dinner/bbq for Bill’s two sisters and their husbands. It is our ‘tradition’. 😊 We had a bite to eat at noon and by 2, I had the snacks in the tray, turkey roast prepared, potatoes prepared, corn prepared and even dessert prepared. We sat outside until 3:30 before our first guests arrived. Bruce and Liz drove up in their Sebring convertible. Nice day for it!

Someone needs a snooze
while we wait for our first arrival

The sun was so hot, we sat in the
shade of our umbrella.

Brian and Carol arrived around 4. The weather has returned to summer-like temps and we couldn’t be more grateful! Everything was perfect. Our company, the two dogs, (Gracie and Gibbs), and the meal. The potatoes and corn on the cob were roasted by Bill on the Weber Q and the turkey was cooked inside by Madame IP. We dished up our food inside and ate it outside at the picnic table. The flies were a bit of a nuisance but they weren’t the biting kind.

Empty your mouths and say CHEESE!
Brian pretending he's shy or just trying to
spoil my picture!!

We had fresh strawberries and whipping cream for dessert and wine for our beverage. Yummy. Everyone left around 7:30 after I got a group family picture. I forgot one last year until it was too late. ☹ Bill and I took 30 minutes inside cleaning up the dishes that wouldn’t fit in the dishwasher, and we relaxed for the evening. I’m feeling pretty exhausted.

I'd already dug in when I stopped to
take this photo. It was g-g-goood!

Lovely Canada colours.

It isn’t just the physical prep that tires me out, it’s the planning – even though I love it. ♥ We’ve had fun again for our Canada Day 2024. 

Gibbs running away, Bruce, Liz, Patsy, Bill, Carol, Brian, Gracie

And the sun disappears on a lovely afternoon
July 1st.

We reached a lovely 24C/76F with lots of blue sky and white fluffy clouds. Happy Anniversary to two of my sibs. Michael & Crystal and Cathy & Bill, I hope you all had an awesome day.

Good night!

Thank you for the visit!



  1. What? No bear? I'm waiting for that to happen! LOL. Sounds like a very nice day to me, and you all look fabulous in your Canada colors.

    1. Ha ha, no bear!! No bear is going to crash MY party! haha
      Thank you Nancy.

  2. It was a wonderful day weather wise for your gathering. The strawberries and whipped cream looks delish! I may have to plan that in the near future.😋

  3. Happy Canada Day! It sounds like a lovely day spent with family.

  4. Weather was absolutely perfect this year

  5. I'm glad you had good weather. My sister and brother-in-law came for dinner and we ended up inside because of the rain. And great minds we both have :-) I also served fresh strawberries from our daughter's garden with whip cream ... it seemed a fitting dessert for Canada Day.

    1. Sorry about the rain out there! We've had so much of it, I was surprised it didn't spoil our day.
      The strawberries were delicious and the colours were perfect. :)

  6. Sounds like a wonderful time, here we got rain as is now the usual thing happening. Still we had an enjoyable day and I managed to get some things picked to dehydrate.

    God bless.
