Sunday, September 8, 2024

A Day to Rest and Pack

The Ridge

On Sunday, Sept. 8th it was not surprising to either of us that we slept in. I think it was after 7 for Bill and Gibbs and 8 o’clock when I was ready to stretch and get out of bed. It was an evening of fun and I know I drank more than I have in a long time. I tried a recommended drink, Disaronno with ice and ginger ale. It was surprisingly delicious and smooth! Let’s face it. With the dancing, there is no way a shot on ice was going to keep me hydrated! 😊

Good morning!
A lot of pics of this guy today.
These are what Dot sent us when she sat with Gibbs

We had wine, red for me, with dinner and until the bottles emptied so I was well hydrated by the time we left. However, I never felt the effects and didn’t have to worry about driving, thanks to Bill. So, this morning, we moved slowly and when I was awake enough, I downloaded our pictures (of which there were many) and got to work on my blog. It was fun seeing the ones we took and most turned out pretty good.

Today, the rain had stopped so he just wanted
to be out there. 😃

Bill went to the Hangar for a bit and we had bacon and eggs for lunch. A good hearty meal for a Sunday. 😊 Supper won’t be so `elaborate; we ate a lot last night. There was a lunch served at 10 for the party goers so we had sandwiches, cheese, grapes and chips. I’m positive there were desserts still set out too but I behaved myself. No need for another big meal tonight.

I promised my sisters some Moonflowers
so dug up about 30 plants. I still have this many
left in this garden.
The last two Hibiscus ready to bloom.
Madame Ladybug visits one.

I made egg salad for Bill’s lunches and then had to focus on me, me, me. I hadn’t started packing, other than in my head and on lists I made a few days ago. It doesn’t take long once I decide what to take but that is the tough part. Five days is not a lot but we like to be prepared for different outings so always take more than is necessary. Since I can’t find our roll-away suitcase I’m taking 2 duffle bags instead. That makes it look like a lot!

Cuddle time with Mom.
I'll take it! I'll miss them next week.

Bill went in to town to get a loaf of bread, some milk for his week and to fill Ptooties up with fuel for me. He’s a sweet soul. Then he went back down to the Hangar and other than taking a few things out to the car, I wasn’t outside much. Gibbs enjoyed it, being stuck indoors is no fun for that little guy. He had a good day with Dot yesterday so maybe he is looking for her too, who knows? He will have a different week with me away but he will be with Dad.

Please don't type, Mom.
I'm here to sit with you.💘

I started a new Janet Evanovich book and could hardly keep my eyes open to read more than 2 chapters. I’m hoping my afternoon tea will keep me awake into the evening. So, we had soup and toast for supper and that was plenty. I will likely be in bed early tonight and then my head will still spin, full of the upcoming week’s events. 😊 The sun has come out for a lot of the day and we reached a high of 16C/61F. If the wind wasn’t so strong, it would have been quite nice.

Daddy's in the Hangar so Gibbs
is on duty.

Guarding - a good dog never rests

There wasn’t much happening after supper. Bill went to the Hangar and after posting, I watched some tv. This was a nice lazy day and I got things ready for tomorrow. I hope you’ve had a nice weekend.

Mushroom soup and the last of my
sour dough bread. It's so good!
Good night!

PS - in case Mary, a commenter, doesn't go back to check, this is for her.

LadyFest is when my 4 or 5 sisters get together for a few days away from home. We've been meeting yearly since the late 80's, sometimes staying at one of our homes (booting the hubbies out) and lately at an Air bnb. We thrift shop, walk a fair bit, (even though we've slowed down a lot) play an open Scrabble game or two and go out to eat. We have a great time. That is what LadyFest is! ♥

Thank you for the visit.


  1. I missed your previous post, so congratulations to your daughter Bridget and her husband Chris on their wedding yesterday. Wishing you a happy get-together with your sibs and lots of fun!

  2. Great pictures from the wedding! I used to drink Disaronno with soda~tasty! Also good in coffee-just saying! Have a great time with your sisters this week!

  3. Enjoy your time with your sisters and have fun. Bridgette is a lovely bride. Bet Gibbs will miss you. Becky

  4. Thanks for answering my questions about Lady fest
    Patsy, it's good that Bill and Gibbs will be together while you're gone,I hope you three enjoy the next few days each in your own way,-Mary xx

    1. You're welcome, Mary. Thank you for the wishes, should be a good week!

  5. Enjoy your week with your sisters! I didn't realize the tradition has been in place for so many years. That is wonderful!

  6. Gibbs is going to miss his Mom! Have fun with the girls!!!
