Sunday, September 22, 2024

Some Garden Cleanup and Jazz Takes us for a Spin

The Ridge

On Sunday, Sept. 22nd Bill and Gibbs were up way too early. I’m sure that is what Bill was thinking when the little bum started scratching his belly at 5:30. Bill stayed up and hopped in the shower before I got moving. My lazy day was upon us and it is always nice to know I don’t have to go anywhere if I don’t want to. šŸ˜Š

Good morning!
Not much changing in this view right now.
Happy Fall!

We had an overnight visitor.
Uninvited, of course, but he might have died
right here. He didn't move when I picked him up.

Bill did have some place to be and was happy to head off to the flying field for another morning with his friends, flying their ‘remote controlled’ planes. I guess I should clarify that more often, that they are rc planes. My friend, Terry, yesterday thought Bill flew real ones which was an honest misperception. My first objective, after tea and my online games, was to finish the puzzle.

While I surveyed the gardens on the berm,
Gibbs stayed close to the Bunky and those pesky wabbits.

Gibbs buzzed around every corner and opening under the Bunky to see how the bunny(ies) were doing. I could hear him from inside, scratching at the ground. He is such a character! 

I really enjoyed this one.

With the puzzle finished, I donned my garden gloves and got the rake out of the shed. Since our hand shears are so dull, I found breaking off the hosta, lily and iris leaves by hand was much easier, making the task quicker anyway.

Then I raked out the dead leaves from the overhead trees and deposited everything into the brush pile. The sun was warm this morning, once it popped up, so working in a halter top was the way to go. When I finished that garden bed, I was finished for the day. 

Gibbs is a great little helper in the garden
but he takes a lot of breaks. Hmmm.

It is the largest and needed the most attention. I left the biggest hosta for a while yet, since it is the one with huge leaves and they are still just as beautiful as the day they reached their potential. The flowers have long since died off.

After lunch, we hopped on the bike under
cloudy skies.
Taking a chance and putting trust in the
weather report.

Gibbs and I stayed outside until Bill returned home, before 12:30, for lunch. We had a sandwich, rested and then dressed in jeans and leather for a bike ride. Jazz was itching to get out. šŸ˜Š We weren’t supposed to get rain until 8 pm this evening but trusting no weather person too far, I packed our rain gear in the saddle bags, just as a precaution. The sky looked pretty cloudy and the air temp had dropped a bit.

This is the deck that Bill and his co-workers
have been building for a couple of weeks +.
The owners put the gazebo up over the weekend.
Still a fair bit left to do but it looks great! 

It was a 2-hour ride to Listowel and back. Bill wanted to show me where he is working and although I’d seen pictures of the huge deck, seeing it in person was definitely a ‘wow’! There are 3 of them building it and are hoping the weather holds off this week so they can finish it by Friday. We’ll see. The home owners are so far, very pleased.

A spooky spider announces
Pumpkins for sale. There were twice this many
but I didn't have time to adjust the camera.

I know it is hard to see them and zooming in didn't do
anything but blur things, but it looks like
Clysdales off in the distance.
I'm not a horse aficionado so can't say for sure.

Back home for a few minutes, I made a tea, and Donna and Gerry drove in for a short visit. She had my birthday card for me, since she’ll be away tomorrow. That was nice of them, they were on their way home from the Acreage. It was a nice weekend for them to be out. They were able to finish their dock and it will be ready for next summer. šŸ˜Š

As I've said before, I'll follow this biker
anywhere. šŸ˜‚šŸ’•
It will be one of our last rides, if not THE last.
Just heading down the hill into Durham from the west.

Bill grilled his famous burgers for supper and of course, I over-loaded mine so it was sloppy-joe good! Bun and all. The temperature did reach a pleasant 25C/77F for a high today and the rain should start around 9 tonight. That’s because I watered my remaining pepper and tomato plants. They are almost done. This has been a nice day but we won’t see a sunset tonight with all the clouds. That’s it for the weekend!

There you have it.
Bill's bacon, cheeseburger loaded. 
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by. Your comments are appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Patsy,you Gibbs and Bill really were up early today, I hope you can sleep in later tomorrow
    Have a blessed night -Mary
