Thursday, September 19, 2024

Just Not My Day! Tissues Ready, Please

The Ridge

So, I guess I should have stayed in bed longer on Thursday, Sept. 19th – but I didn’t because I wasn’t aware of what was in store for me. Good grief! It started out fine, I kissed Bill goodbye (so did Gibbs) at 6:20 and remained in bed until 7. I was dragging my feet to go in and clean as I wanted to pick something up from a place that didn’t open until 9.

Good morning!
I'm not good at night moon pictures but
this morning, I caught it on my way into town.
It was like the sun, in my rearview mirror, was flirting
with the moon in my windshield view. 
The trees along the highway got the benefit
of the sun's rays too.

I left the Suite around 7:15 and was pleased to find the Mat was empty, making for quick cleaning and no chatting. I don’t mind chatting with some customers, don’t get me wrong, but I also like to get in and out without working around people. Today was like that. It was 8:30 when I left so I guess I didn’t plan that out too well. I was going to fuel up but when I saw the price had jumped .5¢, I decided to wait another day. Probably a mistake.

The Jays returned today
so late this afternoon, I filled the bird bath
and put some peanuts and sunflower seeds out.

I drove to Battery Pro aka the Water Store. Long story short, when I dropped the keys in my cup holder, I inadvertently locked Ptooties doors when I got out. !!! Crap! She locked herself, just from the way the keys landed. I don’t like leaving the keys in the ignition as I leave my passenger open while filling the bottle so I can just set the heavy bottle inside without stopping or setting it down. 😊 It has worked 99% of the time.

I was happy to see the Cardinal return too!

Everything was in the car. Keys, phone, purse, wallet AND CAA card! Mark was very helpful inside and lent me his phone to call Bill to see what we could figure out. He also offered me his heavy duty Ram truck to drive home and get my other set of keys. Nice guy! At the time, I didn’t think we had an extra set other than what Bill had, so didn’t do that. He ended up calling a business owner of a towing company who came and used the ‘air bag and extender thingy’ for $20. That was quick and easy!

Returning to Durham from Hanover
Pretty sky. (and evergreens!)

Back home, I puttered in the yard, waiting for Jamie to pop out for a quick visit. I cleaned the outhouse and gathered some garbage from around the buildings. Gibbs almost missed Jamie’s arrival as he was around behind the shed, smelling and sniffing. 😊 When he left, I grabbed a nibble and drove to Hanover, list in hand.

I stopped at the Gate Garden to deadhead the
58 Dahlias. These are the ones left with still a few
buds to bloom.

It was more unfortunate luck at Shopper’s Drug Mart when I learned they no longer give patrons access to print our own pictures off a stick or whatever. So, I drove to Walmart to find success. Things were looking up. I printed Marilynne’s picture in 8” x 10” size and continued picking things up that were on our list. I try to be considerate of M, who has no vehicle/license/access to Hanover, and asked if he needed anything.

The laneway sure looks like fall
The dead tree is a lone wolf since Bill cleared the
brush out.

After I finished filling my cart, I stopped to get what he wanted and totally forgot our little bum. I was supposed to get him more doggie cookies, no one else sells them here. Crap! I paid for M’s item by cash and dropped coin on the floor when handing it to the cashier and when I was on my way out of town, I forgot that I was going to check gas prices in Hanover. Duh!

I knew I would not be disappointed.
Just as other flowers are dying off, 
Madame Sedum presents her rose-coloured glory
to me. 💗

Back in Durham, I made a stop at the post office for stamps, for upcoming birthdays, and left without picking up a ‘Do Not Bend’ envelope for the picture to send to Marilynne. Duh! Once more, I was just outside of Durham when I glanced at the fuel gauge to see I was nearing the ¼ full mark. By now, I was completely done with the whole stopping and starting thing so kept on going. I’ll be in town with M tomorrow and will fill her up then.

I do enjoy when my 'dreaded' Corral garden is in
bloom with evening primrose, but this
leafy look appeals to me too! No weeds are visible!

At home, I unloaded the bags, set the receipts out for Bill to record and decided to sit and start my post. This is turning into a book, but I write when I’m happy, sad and frustrated so here you go! 😊 Gibbs was patiently waiting for me, even though I was only gone a couple of hours. Bill noticed last night that a small bunny rabbit was sitting outside the Bunky and slipped underneath. Now we know what Gibbs has been hearing and smelling. Glad he can’t get under there!

My small vegetable plantation is fading off.
Just one pepper left to pick and 2 or 3 tomatoes
plus the cherry variety. I'm pleased with how it all turned out.

The rest of the afternoon was just relaxing. I haven’t touched the puzzle for a long time and today was no different! I bought a small bag of birdseed today so filled the feeders to get the benefit of the fall visitors. This morning, I was surprised to see a lot of Blue Jays and a Cardinal! I guess they are coming back from the north. That was before I put some sunflower seeds and peanuts from my cupboard out for them. Even the Chickadees enjoyed that all afternoon.

Gibbs and I chased the shade before Bill got home.
I wasn't into digging into the dirt though, but he
found a nice cool spot under the trailer's edge.
He was still close to Mom. 💕💕

Bill was home at 5:30 and after sitting outside in the shade and lovely breeze for a few minutes, he lit the Weber Q. He caught up on all the receipts I left him before grilling the sausages. I mixed the last of the coleslaw and lightly warmed the buns inside. They were yummy and I was pretty hungry. I guess I didn’t eat too regularly today. For dessert, another dish of that delicious apple crisp.

The sausage on a bun was great!

After Bill’s lunch was made, he and Gibbs went out to gather more garbage. We need a good cleanup of some ‘stuff’. 😊 The air is still and quiet but it has cooled down from the hot afternoon temperatures of 26.6C/80F. If we’d reached 27.7C, we would have broke another record for today. If anyone cares about those things. It was a wonderful day and things definitely did improve for me once home. If that is as upsetting as my life gets, I’m a very blessed individual!

I went out after supper to take
a picture of the sun before it disappeared.
It isn't visible from my kitchen window anymore.
Beautiful, huh?
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Is your vehicle a Toyota? Ours does that once in awhile.

  2. Years ago I locked my keys in my car,since then I always carry a spare car key in a pocket of whatever I am wearing...I hope you,Bill and Gibbs have a relaxing evening -Mary

  3. tomorrow is another day..have a good night and take a deep breath..all of this too shall pass
