Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Blessed Again with a Wonderful Day

The Ridge

On Tuesday, Sept. 17th Bill was up and getting ready for work before I even heard anything. I woke around 6:15 and realized he would be leaving soon so got up to say goodbye. Yes, Gibbs wants to go with him and runs to the door but does obey when we tell him to get up in Mom’s chair. I hope his little isn’t broken. ☹ Bill took Black Beauty again today, he’s quite pleased with the fuel mileage he’s getting. He knew I had to work and that I had plans for the afternoon so we didn’t even discuss switching. I drove into town before 7, arriving soon after to clean the Mat.

Good morning!
Taken at the Conservation Area (Day Use) in Durham
at 9 am

I had no customers the whole time so I was able to take care of things easily. Not quickly, the garbage bag was full and ripping so the can had to be washed out and it was time to do the big dryer lint and empty the Lost and Found. There were 2 machines with new notes so I tested those as well, finding one note to be ‘malarky’ (people have no patience) and ran the machine through a cycle. It was an hour and a half later when I left.

There is shade here at 9 am and a place
to tie Gibbs' rope

I love the reflection
The 99 mile Saugeen River runs through our town and many others
before it exits into Lake Huron. I took a canoe trip on it back in
my earlier days.

On the way through town, I dropped the bag of L & F clothes in front of Rethreads for when they open. Since I’d planned a beach outing this afternoon, I drove further to the Day Use Conservation Area to see where I could tie Gibbs up so he’d have some shade. At that time of the morning, I found a possible location near the water and where I’d be sitting.

The drive through the bush on Baptist Church Road
is changing colours slowly

Back home, I sat at my laptop and went through some pictures that have been posted on Bridgette & Chris’ wedding site. There were a few new ones that I hadn’t seen. Marilynne asked me to send her an 8 x 10 picture of us all from Saturday so I chose the best one and downloaded it onto a flash drive to take to Hanover to print out. I won’t trust our printer to do it, plus it takes a lot of ink.

It was a hot day and a cool swim was perfect!

I had some toast and more of the rhubarb peach jam for lunch and then packed a large beach bag around 12:45. I included things for Gibbs but although he was very excited to go out with me, he didn’t want to get in the car. What the?? That was odd, so when he followed me back in the house, I figured the dilemma was solved. I wasn’t sure where he’d be happiest but he made the decision for me.

For me, it is a get wet and get back on the blanket thing.

The conservation area had only two occupants down by the beach, a young couple already in the water. They were only present for another 20 minutes and I’d set my blanket and towel out, my book etc. and slipped into the water. It was a bit chilly but very refreshing, just what I wanted. I wasn’t in long and I stretched out on the towel. It was so peaceful after they left, so I read quite a few chapters in my J.P. book.

This little guy likes his shade
Here he waits while Daddy cuts grass

You can see the darker patches where the grass 
is quite long.
Tomorrow, I'll take care of that.

I stayed for about 2 ½ hours, getting wet once I was overly heated. 😊 I’m glad I didn’t take Gibbs as the shady spot I located this morning was completely sunshine when I arrived. He wouldn’t have been happy. I should take him one day when I don’t plan on staying and see what he thinks of the water. I just got changed and hung things on the line when Bill drove up the lane. Early, it was only 4:30 so that was nice!

When he stretched out, I took his picture.

When I did that, he heard the click and rolled over
for attention. No fooling him!
Of course, he got his love. ♥

He began cutting the berm and the back field while I sat with Gibbs and read some more. I started supper around 6 when I saw he was almost done. 

Gibbs watched from the stoop.
Bill is in the dust out there.😁

Fish and chips for him and fish and cauliflower for me with some pickles and tomatoes. Very filling and tasty! This was a really nice day. Tomorrow, I have my own grass to cut, it is looking shabby up here in my area. We had a high again of 27C/82F with clear blue skies and a lovely breeze. Perfect again!

No award for colour here but it tasted great!
Good night!

Thank you for popping by!


  1. Gibbs associates the Truck and Bill as going to work.
    The water temperature should be cooler than the air.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. The water temperature was quite a bit cooler than the air but it was very refreshing

  2. Ahhh Gibbs ... he thought he was going with Dad!! Maybe it was those STAIRS that kept him out of the car! You are a good Mom for listening to him.

  3. That Gibbs, he sure knows how to pose!
    You picked a good day for some beach time.

    1. Yes, I did pick a great day although any day this week would have been perfect!!
