Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Wedding

The Ridge

On Saturday, Sept. 7th I was up almost as soon as Bill was but I never beat him up out of bed. 😊 I wanted to get in to the Mat asap as it was to be a busy day. I left the Suite, on the chilly 8C/48F morning at 6:40 and had to use my entry key to get in. The doors automatically unlock at 7 so I had a few minutes alone. Turned out, the whole hour that I was there, I was on my own. Good, a quick ‘sweep’.

Good morning!
It was cool and cloudy when we left
but on our travels, the sky changed often.

I stopped to fill our jug of water and then scooted home. Bill was just finishing up in the bathroom after having his shower and then it was my turn. I didn’t feel rushed at all so was happy I got going early. Since we would be on the road over lunch time, we ate something simple at 10:30. We were dressed in our finest and left the Ridge around 11:15.

When we arrived, I popped into the cabin
where the bridesmaids were helping Bridgette
get ready. My niece, Tina, and hubby, Henrik (aka photographer)
arrived from Montreal.

A couple of false starts had us coming back for my bottle of water (which I take everywhere) and the gift! LOL We picked Donna and Gerry up in Hanover by noon and drove the 2 ½ hours to the Dorchester venue called Quiet Earth. It is an event barn and was quite lovely for these special occasions. However, it was cold outside, meaning everyone was bundled with shawls, sweaters and coats over their fancy dress.

My task was to attach Mom's turtle brooch (something old)and
'blue' cat pin (something blue) to her bouquet. I had help!
Her accessories.

Bridgette was a busy bee all week.
Putting together pictures for the tables and 'programs'
and having wine made and jam for her guests!

The ceremony was able to be held outdoors, we sat on blanket covered cedar plank benches and a harpist set the tone for the bridal party to enter from the hidden corner behind us. 😊 She looked beautiful, the bride, my daughter and her dashing groom was waiting at the arbor to take her hand. We got a bit wet, at one point, but none of us melted and the ceremony concluded with personal vows and instead of a scripture reading, words from a favourite Led Zeppelin song. You all know it. I have no pictures of the ceremony (yet), the photographer took all those and will share later. 

A few of our pictures of the happy couple.
Chris and Bridgette serenaded us with a few of their
favourite songs and a couple Chris wrote. ♥

The catered food, music provided by Bridgette, Chris, her son, Jake and her Dad, and the dj’s tunes had us dancing into the evening. It was not a traditional wedding and I love that. They planned it the way they wanted their day to go – and it went perfectly. So! On top of all that, my grandson, Jacob, celebrated his 27th birthday today as well. He was happy to share ‘his’ day with the wedding couple. 😊

The barbecued chicken and roast beef was 
delicious! I'm not big on pasta salad but the spuds
and veggie mix were also tasty. Not to mention desserts,
which I devoured without a picture!

We left before 11 and were glad for the warmth Ptooties gave us. It was a long day and kudos to Bill, who was our d.d., for getting us home safely by 1:30 am. Gibbs was happy to see us and was more than well cared for in our absence. Thanks to our good ‘new’ neighbour, Dot. She was a life saver and we never had a touch of worry all day.

Happy Birthday to 
my handsome young grandson,
Jake and Carmen

It was a wonderful day, as perfect as could be with 13C/57F temperatures hovering over us. Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Chris Worsfold! We love you.

A few pictures of Bill and I
and 3 handsome gentlemen.
Bill, my son, Patrick and bil, Gerry.
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by.  


  1. Awesome wedding. I love it when they make it their own.

  2. It sounds like a lovely wedding - I much prefer non-traditional events as they are more personalized. Congrats to the happy couple, and Happy Birthday to your grandson.
    You and Bill look terrific!

    1. Me too - to some degree. :)
      Thank you for all the wishes and compliments.

  3. Glad to read the Special Day went well.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  4. Looks like you had an enjoyable wedding celebration! Glad everything went well and the weather cooperated!!

  5. So glad the wedding went well. Great looking couple. And a happy birthday to Jake. You two make a beautiful addition. Love Bill's outfit.

  6. Oh I was so anxious to see the wedding pictures ... it looks like a great venue and a lot of fun. I'm glad everything went well and can't wait to see more pictures :-)
