Sunday, September 29, 2024

Laundry and Another Outing

The Ridge

On Sunday, Sept. 29th as we approach the end of another month, I woke up from a night full of dreams. At least it felt like that! Gibbs slept in until 6 and then boy, did he have to go out! The pills are still making him thirsty, hence, anxious to piddle. He makes it through the night like a trooper though, such a good little bum. After he came back to bed, we remained there, dozing off and on until 7.

Good morning!
These were last night's sky pictures.

Bill and I sorted the dirty laundry and around 7:30, I headed into Durham to take care of two kinds of business. 😊 It was a busy place this morning, with 5 customers over the hour and a half I was there. I did the big dryer lint and 3 loads of laundry. I didn’t notice until I was done cleaning that one of the washers didn’t start so I had to wait another 29 minutes. Duh! Rather than bring all of the clothes to dry, I dried the blanket and one load at the Mat. I was waiting anyway.

My drive to and from Durham
was under a mix of clear and cloudy skies

I drove home to find the place quiet and empty. Bill had taken Gibbs with him to the flying field to ‘meet’ the guys. 😊 I hung the few items on the line and then put my ‘new to me’ clothes away. It sure is weird around here without the pitter patter of little feet. When the boys returned at 11:15, we had a quick bite for lunch and left Gibbs in charge. Today, we were invited to celebrate Bill’s sister Liz’s retirement in Stratford. We arrived around 1:30 and she had a houseful and was very surprised.

Bruce outdid himself, I'm sure with the
help of Liz's daughters. 💗

A cute idea. Everyone signed a wooden
heart and dropped it in the frame.

The pretty lady of the day.
Congratulations, Liz! 💖

We visited for an hour and a half with other guests, Liz was pretty busy with all of her guests. She ran a day care in her home for over 20 years and deserves to take it easy now! A lot of her former ‘children’ came with their parents, some she hadn’t seen for a number of years. It was a lovely gathering with lots of food and drink for those interested and we left around 3:15. Since we were in Stratford, there was one more stop we needed to make.

Of course, a picture of Suzie.
George would be proud that I remembered.
Here she is with her homemade quilt on the
back of her chair. 

When we pulled into the parking space, Suzie was sitting outside with a couple of her friends and she was genuinely surprised to see us. She invited us in to her home. 😊 It was great to see her, as it has been a couple of years since the last time. We got a tour of her nice ground level apartment and caught up on each other’s news. We left around 4:30 and headed home. 

A beautiful drive home too.

Our supper was a mishmash. Bill had the leftover mac & cheese and meatloaf and I had a poached egg on toast. This was a nice warm day, mostly sunny skies with some clouds. We reached a pleasant high of 24C/75F and we’ll have a cooler evening than last night. The temperatures will be bouncing around a fair bit over the coming week but it is almost October so it is expected. 

We had a nice day and Gibbs was a very good boy for Daddy at the field, I’m sure he’ll be welcome back!

A simple tasty supper.
Who says you have to eat the same thing for it to be good!?
Good night!

Thank you for the visit.


  1. What a sweet idea stopping in to see Suzie was, you're so considerate
    Wishing you, Gibbs and Bill a blessed night -Mary

  2. You sure do a nice looking poached egg.

  3. Busy day working and visiting. Nice seeing Suzie again.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
