Saturday, September 21, 2024

Laundry Day, Commitment to 2025 and School Friend Visits

The Ridge

On Saturday, Sept. 21st I woke a few times after 6 but kept dropping back off. It wasn’t even a late night for me last evening! Oh well, I had no real time restrictions today. 😊 I was up and in the bathroom by 7:30. Bill was getting ready to go to the flying field but started (and almost finished) sorting the dirty clothes for me.

Good morning!
The sky to the northwest last night
was a beautiful shade of pinks and blues.

I was maybe 45 seconds ahead of him pulling out of the laneway and he followed me into town this time. We both turned at the lights to fuel up our vehicles and then he went towards Hanover and I drove across the street to the Mat. It was looking like a much better day than I first thought so I would be able to hang the laundry after all. Gotta love that!

Trying to get a morning picture while on my way
to town.
Sometimes, trees just jump into the picture!

There were a couple of customers in and out while I worked away and they were still there when I finished washing the floor and packing our damp clothes in our basket. I made a quick stop for some snacks to offer a guest we are expecting after lunch. He may not want anything but it is nice to have and stuff we’ll munch on anyway. I have noticed how dirty Ptooties is lately so drove to the drive through in Durham for a quick wash. It is a new feature at what used to be just hand washes.

It was expensive, but she looks
good with some Patsy tlc.

She isn’t perfect still but much better. After hanging the clothes, with Gibbs on duty, I washed her windows inside and out as well as a few spots missed. I’d almost rather pay less and do it myself with their hand wash. That way, I can scrub where I want. Oh well. Gibbs and I hung around outside and I worked on the puzzle while he did his own thing. That was keeping tabs on the bunnies under the Bunky and sitting in the shade. 😊

Gibbs really took to Linda
and visa versa.

I had my lunch which consisted of 2 pieces of toasted sour dough bread with rhubarb peach jam. My sisters and I have been chatting avidly over the last couple of weeks about next year’s LadyFest. Finally, today it was agreed that they were all on board and I would book it this time, giving Donna a break. We like to get it done so we have more choices and there is always a full refund up to 2 weeks before arrival. I was happy we could all make the commitment for out 2025 week together. 

Sitting the boys together so they could chat
and Linda and I could chat - but also for
a photo op. 😂

Bill was home by 1:30 and Terry and Misty arrived around 2. He is a high school friend who is touring around visiting, something he makes time to do once a year. This is the first time it worked out for a visit here. 😊 Today, he wasn’t just reconnecting with friends but having a vacation with his partner, Linda. I’m glad she came along, and Misty, his pooch, as we hit it off and had a great visit for 3 hours! That’s when you know we were having a good time.

Misty was quuite content here.

Of course, a picture
of high school friends.
Terry was also one of my brother Bruce's best friends. 💓

After they left, we had grilled cheese sandwiches for supper. Simple and simply good. Mine had onion slices in it, of course. Bill washed and I dried the fry pan and his thermos mug and I finished my blog. 

Nice easy tasty supper

Tonight, might be a snack night, since we are done eating early enough. After all, it is Saturday night. This has been a surprising day as far as the weather. The forecast called for rain, first – early this morning, then – after 4 pm, then again – off the radar until midnight Sunday night.

I absolutely love working on this puzzle.
I may have to take it south to do again. 

We are enjoying sunny blue skies with some white fluffies and a lovely high of 26C/79F. I’m glad the forecasters don’t know what they’re talking about! I’ve enjoyed this day a lot! I hope your weekend is starting out just as good.

A lovely view out of the Bunky window.
Good night!
Thank you for your visit!


  1. Once again it was great to see you and Bill again. Take care.

  2. The perfect weather to get together with old friends.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It' about time.
