Sunday, September 15, 2024

Getting Back in the Home Groove

The Ridge

On Sunday, Sept. 15th, I slid back in to the normal routine. I was up shortly after 7, we sorted laundry and I took it in to the Mat. After not having cleaned for a week, I wasn’t too surprised to find a couple of my usual things not completed. That’s okay though, I know Allison is just filling in. There were still some machines out of order but Sandy said his repair guy will be in this week, so not my worry.

Good morning from the Ridge!

After such a fun play date with Caper
and Dot, he was out like a light by 8.

Today, we had 3 loads, it has been a week and a half since I did laundry last because of all of our busy-ness. I finished cleaning, doing those extra things that were missed, and removed our clothes. It was a gorgeous morning again and a perfect hanging clothes day. 😊

A full line of clothes and the
beautiful sunshine to dry them.

He sits up on the hill with me for a while
but soon returns to his shady spot on the step.
Every time. 💖

After leaving there, I drove to Foodland for Bill’s bread and milk, finding a couple of decent priced steak and packs of pork chops (all on sale) as well. He did well all week, looking after his own meals each night. I never have to worry about him going hungry, he’ll always find something in the fridge. Back home, Gibbs and I hung the clothes and that is the first time, in a long time, that I used up all the clothes pins! I have more inside but always leave an abundance on the line.

My last Hibiscus bloom waited for my
return from Bayfield. 
It's gorgeous!

More shade, while I walked around
my flower gardens, planning.

This tree is dropping leaves like flies.
It doesn't look too healthy in this state
but I think it's okay.

I didn’t have anything else that ‘had’ to be done but we opened up the Bunky and I walked around looking at the plants that need to be pruned/harvested before we leave. The bulbs will need to dug up but until the dahlias stop blooming, that will have to wait. I pulled some heads off the coneflower and will try making some echinacea tea. I also picked some mint leaves for drying and will see if I follow through with that plan. 😊 I’m sometimes big on plans but don’t carry them out.

My beef dip was pretty good for
a leftover. 

Bill went flying this morning and I didn’t expect him home anytime soon. It was a perfect day for that hobby too, a high of 27C/81F today. Surprisingly, there was no real humidity to deal with, which makes for a lovely temperature. For lunch, I finished my leftover Beef Dip sandwich from the Beach Street Station Restaurant. Bill made his own sandwich when he arrived home after 12:30.

Driving to the Acreage.

Sitting with Donna.
Too many leaves in the pond to swim but it
was hot enough.

We took a drive over to the Acreage so Bill could help Gerry with an electrical issue on his 3-wheeler and we helped them put their newly built dock into the pond. The rest of the day was pretty quiet after bringing the clothes in together off the line. I am working on a small project on line so plugged away at that indoors with the a/c on. Gibbs and I were comfortable.

Donna and Gerry had built the dock
so we just helped get it in the water.

They will secure and level it
on their own.

For supper, Bill grilled burgers, you know the kind. Bacon, cheese, lettuce, tomato, mayo, relish, onion, mustard, pickle and ketchup. Sloppy good! 😊 After cleanup, he went to the Hangar and after my blog, I’ll be watching some tv tonight. I couldn’t stay awake past 9:45 last night again! It has been a good day, slowly getting back into the swing.

My messy serving of Bill's Best Bacon Burger.
and a bit of coleslaw.
Good night!

Thank you for the visit today! I hope your weekend was great!


  1. Sounds like you had a productive day.
    Burger looks tasty.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. It must be cool for Gibbs to lay on the floor. He's such a cutie. Next year I want to plant dahlias!!

    1. It has to be cooler on the floor. He stretches out there every night.
      Dahlias were sure good to me this year!

  3. You had another full day. The dock will be nice for next summer.
    I'm surprised to see how quickly the trees are changing colour and losing leaves there. We're not seeing it here in the city as yet. Though, my brother says the valley is about at 15%. Your clock to heading south is ticking down!

    1. They will enjoy the dock next summer. The previous one rotted underneath.
      I can't get over the tree changes here either! Seems so soon.
      One month from today (the 16th) and it will go very fast.

  4. Gosh, you are already thinking of leaving and pulling out flowers. I hope to still enjoy a couple of months of nice weather here and to enjoy the outdoors. The patrons at the laundry must have noticed your absence :-)

    1. Have to be thinking that way, we leave here on the 16th of October and days are zipping by fast! We don't like to stay into November, Arizona is too far and weather is too 'iffy'. We don't have a house, remember? haha
