Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Beach, More Shopping and Another Sister

Kew Cottage

On Thursday, Sept. 12th I was up around 7:15, ready for the day. Once more, it was a lazy morning. Since we finished the crossword last night, we only had Scrabble to entertain our minds. ๐Ÿ˜Š Donna and I played our Wordle games and we discussed the events of the upcoming day.

Good morning!

This was a picture taken of us at the
Bayfield Berry Farm & Winery

There was a garage sale on Mews Lane until noon so we popped in there for a quick look. I did well with $8 spent and then we drove to The Square (downtown) to peruse some of the shops. Dรฉjร  vu and DynaStyle were consignments shops, the former being very high end. We’d have to sell our trailer to buy anything but it was still fun to poke around and chat with the pleasant shop owner.

Lunch at The Little Inn

When our tummies were grumbling, we went to The Little Inn, recommended by the staff in the shops and it was lovely. I ordered a skewer of garlic shrimp and a Caesar salad and it was delicious and just the right amount. No disappointment for my food choices on this trip at all. I think everyone has been very pleased as well. It was time to head back to the cottage.

Headed to the Heritage Main Beach

Soaking up the sun
It was such a calm day

Wasting no time, we changed into our swim suits and drove to the Main Beach near the park. Well, you park your vehicle at the park and walk down the 116 steps to the beach. It was worth the jaunt and we all had a swim and stretched out on our towels for an hour or so. I love a good beach, the sand, the water (to get wet in for a few minutes) and the sun.

Coneflowers? Black-eyed Susans?
Looking over the edge of the steps to the beach.

Around 5:30, we were ready to head out again, this time to Goderich. Bill suggested Beach Street Station, a restaurant down by the marina. It looked good so we planned to meet our youngest sister for supper. She is still a full-time working gal and drove from Owen Sound to join us. ๐Ÿ˜Š The restaurant was no disappointment, right on Lake Huron.

Our supper venue was
The Beach Street Station
with the best view.

We were seated within 10 minutes outside on their patio and tonight I enjoyed a Pina Colada, the beef dip and a small Caesar salad on the side. It was another delicious meal and half of the sandwich came home with me. It was great that Wendy could join us, it’s a long drive for her. We watched the sun set on the water, or should I say we watched the sun drop into the water? It is awesome to watch, pictures don’t do anything for it.

Nice the 6 of us could end up together tonight.

We drove home and I did something that I haven’t done in 8 years. Are you sitting down? I had a bath. ๐Ÿ˜Š It was wonderful! Living full-time in an rv does have some drawbacks. Downstairs, the girls were watching a movie and the Scrabble game was continuing. I worked on my blog, texted Bill and Gibbs to say goodnight and settled in for the evening.

Another great meal

Trust me when I say that the sunset
was 98% better than my pictures show.

This was a great day, reaching 25C/77F under sunny blue sky. I hope you’ve had a good one too.

The boss is taking a break
in the shade.
I'm anxious to see the little bum tomorrow. ๐Ÿ’—
Good night!

Thank you for stopping in.


  1. Looks like a great week was had by all.
    You realize, you will have someone holding on to your leg for some time.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. You are all such pretty ladies and best of all..... sisters!
    I always wanted a sister but do have a wonderful sis-in-law.
    Enjoy your special time๐Ÿฅณ
    Linda a.

  3. You've had a wonderful time with your sisters. Glad Wendy was able to join you as well.
    Safe travels home!

    1. Thank you Maebeme. It was great to have Wendy along for a meal.

  4. Haha, I can totally relate to how good the bath was! We do stay in hotels on occasion during our travels but rarely do they have a bath tub anymore.

    1. I wish the bathtub wasn't such a big one, I would have loved to fill it more but I sure enjoyed the soak!
