Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Hump Day, Cleaning and Chip Day

The Ridge

On Wednesday, Sept. 25th I woke up from dreams a few times and felt exhausted each time so had no problem dropping right back off. I think my son, Patrick, jinxed me when he called me last night just as I was readying for bed. He said he has been awake a few times through the night lately………………….I said, I don’t usually wake up until 5 or 5:30. See? Jinx! 😊 But I’m happy he called; we had a nice chat.

As I left the Mat, the possibility
for rain seemed quite high.

 Got up at 6:20 just in time for that goodbye kiss and then crawled back into bed for half hour. I left for the Mat at 7:20 and walked in to an empty building. 😊 It wasn’t half bad either so I took care of business quickly, still documenting the hour even though I was 10 minutes shy. I left there and drove to Foodland for bread, for Bill’s sandwiches, and a couple more greeting cards for various occasions. Their price is $2.49 so that’s great.

Back home, I made up the list of winter birthdays, in order, so I know how many cards I need to pick up before we leave. I am old fashioned and like Mom, still like the practice. She got it from her mom and probably hers, before that. It didn’t carry on into the next generation though, seldom do the offspring send them. Times-a-changin’. Once the list was made up, I made a coffee and Gibbs and I went out for a bit.

From up on the berm, the field of millet
still doesn't look great. It doesn't seem to stand up
in wind or rain.
The sky is interesting though, I like the clouds.

I put the puzzle away yesterday and so today, pulled out the squishable vacuum bags in the Bunky. Seems like the mice and/or Chippy got in there last year so we’ll put out the poison plus, I’ll not leave anything unpacked for them to nibble on. My sweater took the hit last winter so I need to take more precautions. Slowly, I’ll clean things out in there and after this weekend, clothing exchange, I’ll have more room. 😊

This picture is after Gibbs' appointment.
Happy but thirsty.

I had some toast, meat, cheese and tomatoes for lunch and then Gibbs and I drove to town. He had an appointment with the vet to get micro-chipped, plus a refill on his antihistamine. Because he doesn’t like the doc who comes at him with a sharp needle, we all agreed to muzzle him today. 3 of us have a hard job holding him still and I want it to be as smooth as possible. We managed and got the heck out of there! The bill was not near as bad as I expected, no consultation fee today. Phew!

It's like he racing to that huge bowl of water!

Not a water pooch but still curious
enough to look.

After leaving the vet, we drove to the Day Use Conservation area. I wanted to see what he did at the water. I soon found out that it is just a huge water bowl for him so after he drank, I lifted him into the 4” deep water. He didn’t panic, but slowly walked himself out. ‘Thank you very much, Mom, but no thank you’. 😊 So, we walked further, through the trail along the river until he dried off.

Walking the trail while he dried off
It was pretty in the bush.

He was a good boy today, despite the bum probing and sharp object jabbing. At home, I gave him his first dose of the pills to ease his discomfort. Bill was home by 5:30 and had his snooze. I don’t think he slept well last night or else overdid it today. 😊 

Let's go home Mom.
Up those steps like there's no tomorrow.
I kept up. 😂

I started supper at 6 and it was a simple meal of pancakes and sausage. The maple syrup and butter make it taste like a supper for royalty! Ha ha. Mine were keto pancakes and I enjoyed them just as much.

We had strong winds today.
25 mph just after lunch. It dries things up
but then we had more rain after supper
and they calmed right down to nothing.

After cleanup, it had started raining so Bill made his lunch and planned his evening indoors tonight. I worked on my blog and watched tv. Last night’s movie isn’t worth mentioning, I wish I hadn’t wasted my time. Is Survivor on tonight? I’ll be checking on that! It was a good day even though mostly dull from morning until night. We did have a few splashes of sunshine keeping the day’s temperatures decent.

Pancakes and sausage for supper.
Good night!

Thank you for popping in.


  1. I'm the only person in my family who remembers EVERY birthday and anniversary with a card. I'm frequently told how much they appreciate it. I'm going to buy a few packs of stamps this week because they are taking a BIG price hike!

    1. I thought our stamps already went up but I can't say I noticed. Good for you! I don't buy expensive cards but still buy them. :)

  2. I'm the one telling Kathy when it's her kids Birthdays.
    Surprised the Vet is not using a Non-Contact Temperature System. Glad that's over.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. Getting Gibbs microchipped is a wise move, just the idea of losing one's pet is so sad.
    I hope Bill didn't mind staying indoors this evening,I enjoy the sound of rain outside while sitting cozily indoors,Have a blessed night -Mary

    1. Yes, I agree.
      I don't think so, we watched Survivor together and it beats getting wet walking up at 10!

  4. Oooohhh pancakes with maple syrup!!! Poor Gibbs ... I imagine that hurts a bit, being stuck with a big needle. I can see the need for rabies shots, but NOT chips. It's supposed to be all about not bringing rabies into the country. And then when you cross the border, they don't even ASK for paperwork!! I am SO looking forward to seeing you.

    1. Yup, it's all about the butter and syrup! :) The needle was big but it just went into the skin. He still didn't like it one bit. I bet we don't get asked, money grab.
      Us too!!

  5. I'm a huge fan of pancakes and sausage for dinner, more so than breakfast. Your dinner looks very yummy.
    I sure hope the antihistamines are helpful for Gibbs.
    Yep, Survivor was on last night - I started watching this morning, but got interrupted by packing and laundry and such.

    1. Yup, we saw Survivor. You're a busy lady! Already, Gibbs' itching has eased. ♥

  6. Daughter Kristen handed Jerry a birthday card but no card for me! Three of the grandkids send a text and one calls. Two of my sisters send a card for Christmas, Easter, Mother's Day and birthdays. When my generation is gone I guess the card industry will be gone.

    1. I think you're right about the card industry. Sad, some things are worth keeping, I think.
