Monday, September 9, 2024

Quiet Morning – Soon to Change

The Ridge

On Monday, Sept. 9th I heard Bill downstairs getting ready for work. It was 6:15 when I woke up. I knew today was special for him, for me and for Gibbs (although the little guy didn’t know it!) Bill loaded his own lunch and treats and water for Gibbs into Black Beauty. He took his long ‘winter’ rope and poopie bags as well. 😊 Yes, he would have company all this week at work.

Good morning!
My boys are ready for work.💗

Listowel, the job site, is an hour from home so it would be too long of a day for Gibbs to stay home and there is a perfect spot, in the shade, for him in the yard. 

They left at 6:45 and, immediately, the house was feeling empty. I’m so used to having someone watch every step I make when I’m here so this was weird. I made my tea and went about my own finishing touches for my week.

A selfie and Gibbs supervises again.

My daughter has set up a site for family and friends to post pictures from the wedding so I perused through those. Some exceptional and others were okay. I’m still waiting for the ones that Henrik took so I can save a few in my own folder, along with the ones I took. I took the garbage and recycle bin down to the road, today IS pick up day! Ha ha Again, when I returned, no little greeter.

Looking forward to a warmer day

I set the address in my gps for where we’re meeting this morning for brunch. There will be 3 vehicles going from different directions and we’ll meet around 11:30. It is a cool (10C/50F) damp morning with heavy white clouds but the blue sky is pushing them out of the way as I type. Should be a great day! Bill sent me a picture of the two of them when they arrived.

We gave Gibbs a Gravol 45 minutes before they left and Bill said he seemed calmer. Oh, I hope that is the answer! It will make our travel days so much nicer. 😊 I left the Suite at 10:45, well, I was about 10 minutes later after carrying everything to the car. Once Donna had loaded her stuff, the hatch was full and half of the back seat. Let’s go!

Brunch in Clinton was delicious

We strolled along and into a couple of the shops
We will return
A walk down to the beach harbor

We arrived at Bartliff’s Bakery & Restaurant in Clinton, meeting up with Audrey with her vehicle and Gayle with Cathy. Brunch was great, eggs, bacon, home fries & sour dough toast. Perfect with coffee. I was quite hungry when we arrived and quite content when we left. We walked around the streets but no thrift stores were open on Monday. Oh well, we’ll be back!

The Village Bookshop was fun
but we didn't buy.

We drove to Bayfield and since we still had 3 hours, we walked to the harbor beach and I am going to have fun gathering stones when we return! They’re perfect for ladybugs, bumblebees and birds. 😊 From there, we did more walking until it was time to check in to our bnb. It is called Kew Cottage and quite large – even for the 5 of us!! We chose our beds and unpacked bags.

Just a peek into this large beautiful cottage home
I would need more than 1 1/2 hours to clean this one!

Audrey brought quite a few bags of clothes etc. for us from Montreal to go through so we had our own private clothing exchange without spending a dime. It was a lot of fun and we all found a few things. I also donated a bag so she could also see ‘new’ things. We went to town to find a place to eat around 6:45 and hit ‘closed’ signs one after the other. What the heck?

Fun to get clothes from Montreal

Finally settling on The Albion Hotel, we were given a seat right away, while couples had to wait 25 minutes for a table. Got lucky. I had liver and onions and it was delicious with a Dirty Shirley drink. Yum! 

Back home, we cranked the heat up to warm the house and changed into lounging clothes for the evening. This has been a great day, reaching 20C/69F with a cool night.

Our last choice for supper was a success.
Good food!
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. What fun ! So wish I had sisters.
    Your making memories every year !

  2. Your week with the sisters started out well. Enjoy!
    Gibbs is going to have an interesting week too. :)

  3. Wow ... what a place to hang out! The food looks delicious too! Don't worry about Mr. Gibbs, he'll be fine ... but I know you will be missing him!

    1. Yes, three little towns close together so lots to see.
      I do miss Gibbs', especially his watchfulness and cuddles.

  4. It's nice to have a day off work, but frustrating to those not knowing your schedule.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your family time.

    It's about time.

  5. I'm looking forward to your sister's trip.

  6. Have a great time Buddy . Nice to spend time with your sisters. 💗🌸💗🌸💗
