Sunday, September 1, 2024

Temperature Drop, Laundry Day

The Ridge

On Sunday, Sept. 1st we welcomed a new month with quite a change in our temperature. We were forewarned of some rain during the morning hours and a cloudy afternoon with a drop in temperatures. Oh well, we’ll play it by ear. So, because of the rain possibility and windy conditions, Bill decided not to go to the field. There would be no flying today.

Good morning!

Beauty of a sky this morning!

I was up at 7 and on my way to the Mat by 7:30 with the basket of laundry. I was alone until I just finished up with 2 loads washed and the floors done. I’d decided to bring the clothes home when the radar seemed to have changed and showed nothing (nothing!) in the line of precipitation all day. Hmmm. 

I wondered iff it was a good idea to
take my clothes home to dry? Nah!
It didnt last but my decision was made.

I had the clothes in the back of Ptooties when I looked at the black clouds to the north. I checked the radar and it wasn’t even being acknowledged. Bill said ‘just dry them there’, so I did. 😊

Of course, I didn't forget.
Another Moonflower

A father and son arrived as I was waiting for the dryers and once folded, I drove home. You know darn well that Murphy’s Law came into play here. It rained for about 5 or 10 minutes and stopped and the clouds broke up. Of course. Oh well, again, they are done now. Bill was inside with Gibbs when I returned and then he went online to purchase our winter’s travel insurance.

Lunch of pb and cucumbers
on sour dough with Brie cheese

Some things never change.
(Thank goodness ♥)

Bill has been diagnosed with a heart murmur recently, which many people have, but it is going to make a difference on our insurance. He found a pretty good price with a company even though it meant going with a different provider. These are the things that make it a challenge for snowbirds, our health conditions are key. You know, the older we get, the more they can charge us. We need it, that’s the bottom line and as long as we can still afford it, we’re going. 😊

I had a quilt on the line and remembered
to get a picture of our company's set up.
Looks like Bill's flag is on their roof. 😍

Someone mentioned in comments about how little time we have left here in Canada before pulling out and yes, our days are indeed numbered. I believe 45 is today’s number. 

The Sedum is brighter every day

Bill had a visitor at the Hangar today.
He's the size of my fist.

The winds today were rather wild and because we didn’t have full sun, that played havoc on the temperature. Reaching only a high of 20C/68F, it didn’t feel that warm really at all. We did try and sit out, chasing the sun but still in long sleeves, and had a Happy Hour together with our friends.

Gibbs likes sitting beside Ken
because #1 - he's in the shade and
#2 - he's such a good tummy rubber (NOT!)

For supper, I fried the burgers and bacon in my electric frypan (for which I have never named!!) and cooked a cob of corn each. It tasted very good and didn’t make the mess I thought it might. The Weber Q is sensitive to windy days and doesn’t hold the temperature too well at those times. We cleaned up the dishes and Bill went to the Hangar. I began texting Rob and Pat to invite them out for a visit tomorrow afternoon when who should drive up the lane? 😊

Supper was tasty, even cooked inside.

Bella and Gibbs had a ball, inside where we decided to sit because of the chilly air. Kim joined us and we had a nice but quick catchup chat while the dogs played chase around the island and upstairs. What a hoot! They left around 8 with a promise to come back tomorrow afternoon for a longer visit when Ken can join us too. He was in the middle of something this evening. This has been a cool but good day.

Bella and Gibbs had fun running around the Suite.
5 minutes after they left, Gibbs was asleep on the floor. 
Good night!

Thank you for popping in. Your comments are always welcome.



  1. Gee,only 45days before your trip south, it's no wonder Bill is getting your insurance taken care of.
    That's a cute photo of Bella and Gibbs.Your lunch choice is very creative, have a blessed
    night -Mary

  2. Making us jealous that you'll be leaving that soon.
    Looks like everyone including Gibbs enjoyed visiting today.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your company.

    It's about time.

  3. Even cold weather cannot dampen having friends to hang out with.

  4. Get ready for some heat, it's likely heading your way when it leaves here on Wednesday. We're expecting 31C for today and tomorrow. Just three days of it, as yesterday was up there too.
    The countdown clock keeps ticking! I'm sure you're excited about another winter out of the cold and snow.
    Enjoy your day with your friends!

    1. I'm ready, after these two days! It is the wind that makes our 15C worse!
      Thank you!

  5. I saw the motorhome and knew who was visiting.
