Monday, September 23, 2024

Reflections and Changing Times, A Year Older

The Ridge

On Monday, Sept. 23rd I woke up realizing today was special. I’m still here and I’m turning a page from one decade to another. I don’t mind stating that it is my birthday today. I’don't think I'm vain and I’m not saying it so you’ll wish me birthday blessings. I’m just proud to be the age I am and I'm extremely grateful to be 70 and as healthy as I am. M has teased me over the last week with 'how are ya, you old crow!' I told him today that I'd rather be an old crow than a dead crow. He had to agree and I doubt I'll hear it again! šŸ˜Š ♥ 

Good morning!
I couldn't say it better myself.

Too many of my friends, and family didn’t make it to 60 so I’m celebrating life for them as well. I got up shortly after 6 to be sure to see Bill before he left and get that very important hug and kiss for the day. Not only for his day, but for mine. It sets the day up perfectly for me, each and every morning. Bill had my card sitting on my laptop so before he left for work, I made sure to open it.

This is the kind of day we'll be having.

I have 6 others on the table to open, seemingly greeting cards is a dying practice since all the social media stuff and text messaging began. I still enjoy the process of receiving ‘real’ cards and opening each one. I  must say that communicating online, as much as it would shock Daddy if he were still with us, does work, because it is the only way to hear from some friends and family on our special days. I've done it myself - often.

Gibbs didn't seem to mind the wet table.
He just wanted to be outside.

I had to clean this morning so left the Suite at 7:10, arriving at the Mat to find it empty. That meant another easy clean up day and it was a treat to find it not too bad. As I was just about to start mopping, Bridgette called. I must say, she never lets me down. That phone call from my daughter or my son, well, it surpasses everything else. We chatted for a good half hour.

Keeping an eye out for Mom
It's an important job.

It was a damp morning and cooler than it has been for a couple of weeks, so I wore jeans today. I don’t mind the rain; we’ve not had it for a while. At a few minutes before 10, I took M into town for his few errands and came home with another birthday card. 

I was going to have my shower this morning but our water gauge is saying we are at 0, so I’ll wait until tomorrow after Bill fills the tank tonight. Seems like we went through 100 gallons quickly this time but as I’ve said before, we don’t skimp with our water. We don’t need to. For lunch, I had some chicken chili and pulled out some ground beef for supper. I’ll come up with something that will make my sweetie happy.  

I made some dinner rolls for supper.
They aren't exactly round but they still
had to rise and soon came out delicious!

Gibbs went out when I got home from town and didn’t seem bothered by the wet surroundings. He checked for the bunny and then stretched out on the patio mat and the picnic table. I thought it would be too wet for him but it wasn’t coming from the sky any more than a mist, so he stayed out until I finally called him indoors after 20 minutes. I received a call from my buddy Rob from Manitoulin this afternoon - another bit of teasing about my age but it was great to hear from him too. 

We love these rolls!

I made us Bill’s favourite for supper, meat loaf, and then a batch of my ‘forbidden’ dinner rolls in the bread maker. Yum, they should be good since we haven’t had them for a while. šŸ˜Š Along with mashed potatoes and a vegetable, it was a nice hearty meal for a damp day. 

Again, not colourful, but again,
delicious and leftovers!

I cleaned up the pots and pans, still have water for those, while he went to the Acreage for a bladder of water. The dishwasher will run when he returns.

A bit of a whimper when Daddy left again.
This time for water.

He sure loves his Daddy.

This has been a nice day, despite the damp day. We never really got a heavy rainfall since overnight.

Then he fell asleep waiting. šŸ’—
Good night!

Thank you for the visit!


  1. Happy Birthday! Welcome to the 70's :)) Dinner rolls and dinner looks so good and Gibbs is a cutie sitting in your chair! I like getting cards also.

  2. Happy Birthday! I love sending cards and always hope it brings a smile to the receiver. Glad you got lots of them and it sounds like you had a great day. Another year and another adventure. Wishing you a good one. Becky

  3. Happy Birthday! I turned 71 in August and am happy to reach that number! Every day is a gift to enjoy! Peggy

  4. Happy Birthday Patsy,you look great for your age.Gibbs looks so sad looking out the window for Bill,I agree about that picture -we are blessed if we have what we need
