Friday, September 6, 2024

Getting Used to the Keyboard, Miserable Day

The Ridge

On Friday, Sept. 6th I woke up to the sound of Bill getting washed and then to Gibbs jumping off the bed for his first outing. When he came back up, I went down for my morning kiss and send off for Bill. He left before 7 and we crawled back into bed. 😊 Gibbs was quite snuggly, curling up in the crook of my arm near the window. He was tired and up until I was making the bed, he never moved.

Good morning!
This was last night's sky just before I closed the outside door
around 9.

So, this is the day before my daughter’s big day and it is turning miserable, just in time. Too bad! Nothing will ruin her day, no matter how cool Mother Nature and Old Man Win……….tries to make it. I only had one thing today to take me away from the Ridge and that was at 10 for M’s run into town. He is aware that after today I am off limits until a week from Monday. His tenant has offered to fill my shoes so that is nice.

Even though I'm semi-retired,
Friday's still do this for me!

We were in and out within an hour and as soon as I got back, I changed into warm stretch pants for the duration of the day. It was 16C/61F first thing under misty, rainy skies that proved to be hanging about most of the day. Yeuch! That was the warmest we got before it began dropping off. Bill messaged at 11 that he was on his way home from work. A nice short day while they wait for the post hole cement to dry.

My goodness, we had a sleepy boy this morning.

We had lunch together; he ate his premade sandwich and I had toasted sour dough with ham salad. It was quite good. I’m indulging in that bread a bit more lately since my weight seems to have come to terms with it and is staying down where I like it. 😊 After we ate, Bill and Gibbs went upstairs for a nice siesta, they were both tired. I sat at the kitchen table and painted my fingernails. Now that my ‘work’ is done, I shouldn’t be marking them up. I seem to have the worst luck!

Not much is cuter than a sleeping pooch
but those little puppy snores take the cake.

Bill left to go to the Acreage and fill the water bladder since we were down around 13 gallons in our tank. That is never carved in stone but a pretty good gauge to tell us when to take action. I started my blog while he was gone and I’m getting used to this new apparatus of mine. It is not the ideal solution (in a small space) but it was cheaper than replacing my keyboard and it was immediate. I would have to wait for a new one. I will make it work.

Yes, it is more involved now, with
the wireless keyboard and mouse
but it works and I'm a happy CAMPER.

My laptop keyboard is no different after turning it off and on a few times for those who suggested doing that. I don’t know if commenters ever go back to read my responses but I remembered a question about the poblano peppers. No, they are not hot at all (thank goodness!) but the seeds are. I learned the hard way by touching my lips after cleaning them up with my fingers. Don’t do it! Ha ha.

This is a lovely picture of our set up
but I can't take credit for it.
I stole/borrowed it from Kim

I’ve taken a peek at the forecast for the remainder of the weekend and although today and tomorrow are not pleasant (even in the locale of the wedding) but it shouldn’t be a wash out the whole time. Sunday, of course, it clears up with sunny skies. Next week looks good for my LadyFest, which runs Monday to Friday. We are happy about that as we plan to be out and about as much as possible. Even a beach visit, hopefully!

I got the iron and board out of the hall closet and ironed Bill’s shirt to wear on Saturday and then got the Dirt Devil out and did the floors. Dot may be spending time inside with Gibbs tomorrow so want things to be as clean as possible. 😊 I know she’ll want to sit with him, in or out, when she comes and he’ll like that too. Speak of the devil, or the angel (teehee), when I was upstairs finally starting to get my head wrapped around packing for the week, Gibbs started barking up a storm. "Company, Mom, company!"

Dot drove up the lane for a quick visit with Caper, her kind hearted pooch. I don’t know what breed he is, part German Shepherd maybe but he is calm and handsome. She wanted him and Gibbs to get used to each other so brought him specifically for that. She will bring him over tomorrow when she pops in on Gibbs. This is new for our baby and it is really good for him to be with other dogs. They got along really well.

Supper was good. I had some fries
and we bought loins instead of filets
at Costco. So much nicer!
The home grown tomatoes and Ken's pickles were
a delicious addition.

After she left, we started fish and chips for supper. That was very good, topped off with an ice cream cone. That left us both feeling a bit chilly so it was kind of a dumb move! (but it tasted great). The evening, was drizzly, and after dishes, Bill went to the Hangar for a bit and I finished my post and watched some tv. My head feels like it is spinning, but in a good way. Keeping the wedding stuff straight and separate from my week away. Ha! I can just imagine what the engaged couple are feeling! 😊

A memory photo from Covid summer.
4 years ago and look at all the turtles!!

This has been a cool day but it was still good. I hope your weather wasn’t too bad and if your weather comes our way, I’ll be good and ready!

And in 2021 on this day,
we had a much nicer evening.
Good night!

Thank you for the visit.                        


  1. Prayers for a beautiful sunny day, or at least keeping the rain at bay. I know your computer woes!!!

  2. Hoping the forecast changes to a beautiful day for the Bride and Groom.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. No such luck with the weather but the day was still beautiful!

  3. Have Bill build a short stand just enough to clear laptop keyboard to set the other keyboard on.
    I hopw you share some pictues of the wedding with us. Love and miss you...Sheila

    1. Great idea, Sheila! I'll work on that, it will much nicer to work on.
      Thank you! Pictures to follow.

  4. Who is going to the lady fest,and what is it,and will you come home every night or stay where the fest is ?Bill and Gibbs will miss you if you are gone without them.Also will you post on here daily ?Good night
    to you three, Mary

    1. Hi Mary. The Ladyfest is just a name we call a yearly gathering with my 5 sisters and I. We try to find someplace to go, just the girls, and even though we've slowed down, we still go thrift shopping, eat out and sometimes visit a beach for a swim. We often stay at a bnb for 3 or 4 nights.
      I will still be able to post daily. Good night! Thanks for asking!

  5. You have a busy week ahead! By the time I post this, I expect it will be near the time of the wedding. Congrats to your daughter and her new husband. I wish many years of happiness together.
    I do hope the rain holds off, and the skies clear quickly.

    1. Thank you Maebeme. Now the wedding is over, I can pack for my week! :)

  6. Have a wonderful time at Lady Fest.
    I know you girls always do. 😉I think it’s the nicest thing that sisters can do spending quality time with each other. 🩷
    Hope you have a wonderful time at your daughters wedding. Be anxious to see some pictures.
    Sending congratulations to the bride and groom. 💗

    1. Thank you very much! Yes, it is important to spend time with sisters and I'm so happy we've been able to do it for so long! ♥
